


  • Text input: Set disabled color on read-only field with inset style.
  • Checkbox group and Radio group: Show required marker in legend.
  • Action menu and Select menu: Added attribute offset_x to define the absolute offset for the menu on the horizontal axis.
  • Header: added attributes variant="base" to create a light colored header, and is_compact for a smaller vertical height.
  • Updated upstream Primer Design System libraries. This update includes a number of changes to modified CSS Custom Properties.
    • Updated upstream dependency @primer/css to 21.5.0.
    • Added @primer/view-components version 0.34.0. This is the Rails version of Primer Design, which is the most developed so far.
    • Updated Octicon icons to version v19.12.0.
  • Added support for right-to-left languages.
  • Added support for @scope, allowing PrimerLive to be used alongside other CSS libraries. See usage instructions in Installation.
  • Added documentation Styling. This contains notes about styling with custom CSS and pre-made classes, reusing styled components and support for right-to-left languages.


Standalone form_control as wrapper is soft-deprecated.

The use of form_control as wrapper component around a form input component was causing compatibility issues with displaying validation messages. Since input components should be able to display a validation message even when not wrapped inside a form_control, it became difficult to distinguish between a validation messages originating from the form_control and one originating from the nested input.

With the introduction of checkbox_group and radio_group in version 0.5, there has been less need for a standalone form control wrapper.

Overall, moving form_control to the background and using it only as an internal component resolves a range of problems.

See "Updating to 0.9" below.


  • form_group was soft-deprecated in 0.5.0 and has been removed, along with component attributes form_group and is_form_group.

Bug fixes

Updating to 0.9


There have 2 ways to create a form control: as a wrapper, and as an input attribute. If you've been using form_control as wrapper around inputs, change:

<.form :let={f} for={@changeset}>
  <.form_control form={f} field={:first_name} for="first-name">
    <.text_input form={f} field={:first_name} id="first-name" />


<.form :let={f} for={@changeset}>
  <.text_input form={f} field={:first_name} id="first-name" is_form_control />

CSS Custom Properties (Variables)

If you are using CSS Custom Properties from the Primer Design System, these may need to be updated. Verify the current available options in primer-live.css.


Refactoring of dialogs, drawers, and menus

This refactoring builds on the Phoenix.LiveView.JS API - taking example from CoreComponent's modal component. These changes reduce reliance on additional JavaScript, improve alignment with standard practice, and include accessibility improvements.


See component documentation for further details:


  • Dialogs, drawers and menus can now be shown conditionally, for example on a live_action route:
  :if={@live_action == :create}
  • Added PrimerLive.StatefulConditionComponent.
  • Dialog state is now preserved on form updates.
  • Added attribute focus_after_closing_selector, mirroring the (renamed) focus_after_opening_selector.
  • Added attribute on_cancel.
  • Added attribute transition_duration.
  • Added attribute show_state to persist dialogs, drawers and menus across different LiveViews.
  • Added backdrop_tint with values "dark" (default) and "light". The latter (combined with backdrop_strength="strong") (see below) creates a backdrop that is similar to the CoreComponent's modal.
  • Added focus trap.

Changes and removals

See for update instructions: "Updating to 0.8" below.

  • Prompt functions show and hide are replaced with open_dialog, close_dialog and cancel_dialog.
  • Replaced attribute prompt_options for status callbacks with status_callback_selector that sends status events to the component, so that state changes can be used in Elixir code.
  • Removed attribute phx_click_touch in favor of using status_callback_selector, because closing can be initiated in several ways, not only through backdrop clicks, and we can't assume that the event handler always hosts the dialog/drawer as well.
  • Renamed attribute focus_first to focus_after_opening_selector. Focus on the first interactive element is now default; with focus_after_opening_selector a specific element can be appointed.
  • Removed attrs form and field from all prompt components.
  • Added separate z-index settings for menus, so that the menu panel (and optional backdrop) are closer to the page, allowing them to be covered by other elements such as top bars. Using a z-index of 100 for a top bar ensures that it sits in between menus and dialogs/drawers.
  • Replaced backdrop attributes is_dark_backdrop, is_medium_backdrop and is_light_backdrop with backdrop_strength and values "strong", "medium" and "light".
  • Menus and dialogs can now be closed with Escape by default.

Other changes

Box with streams

The box component now supports streams:

<.box stream={@streams.clients} id="clients">
  <:row :let={{_dom_id, data}}>
    <%= %>

This includes a breaking change: let is now reserved for stream data, so the callback data no longer contains classes.

Event attributes for slots

Slots now accept these "all-purpose" event attributes:

  • phx-click
  • phx-target
  • phx-value-item


  • box: slot row
  • breadcrumb: slot item
  • dialog: slot row
  • dropdown: slot item
  • filter_list: slot item
  • header: slot item
  • menu: slot item
  • select_menu: slot item
  • side_nav: slot item
  • subnav_links: slot item
  • tabnav: slot item
  • truncate: slot item
  • underline_nav: slot item

Example with tabnav:

  :for={%{label: label, id: tab_id} <- @tabs}
  is_selected={id == @selected_tab}

def handle_event(
  "set_tab", %{"item" => tab_id}, socket) do

Fieldset wrapper for checkbox_group and radio_group

The form group created by checkbox_group and radio_group is now automatically wrapped in a fieldset. The label attribute generates a legend element.

Updated Octicons

This update to version 19.11.0 includes around 50 additions. See for a visual list.


  • Added ARIA tags aria-haspopup and aria-owns.
  • DOM ids are reformatted to a DOM-safe ID string.

Updating to 0.8

  • Replace and Prompt.hide:

    • For example:

    • Becomes:

  • Replace backdrop darkness attributes:

    • is_dark_backdrop becomes backdrop_strength="strong"
    • is_medium_backdrop becomes backdrop_strength="medium"
    • is_light_backdrop becomes backdrop_strength="light"
  • Attribute is_escapable can be removed because this is now the default. If the component should not be removed using Escape, use is_escapable={false}.

Less used attributes

  • Form state: the previous method to preserve state, using "a fictitious and unique field name" can be removed.

    • Remove form and field from menu and dialog component attributes.
  • Because focus_first (without a selector) is now the default, nothing needs to be changed when using this attribute.

    • If in existing code a selector value is used, rename the attribute to focus_after_opening_selector.
  • Replace prompt_options and phx_click_touch with status_callback_selector. There's no simple way to replace prompt_options, because passing JavaScript functions is no longer supported. A solution could be very similar to the previous phx_click_touch method. See Status callbacks for an example.

  • If you use checkbox_group or radio_group inside a fieldset, remove the fieldset as it is now redundant.

  • If you are using box with a :let callback:

    • Previous:

      <:row :let={classes}>
        <.link href="/" class={}>Home</.link>
    • Becomes:

        <.link href="/" class="Box-row-link">Home</.link>



  • Fixes support for Ash 3. Thanks @ademenev!
  • Internal improvements



  • Added dialog attr is_show_on_mount.
  • Downgraded dependency @primer/css to 21.0.7 due to regressions.


Updated dependencies:

  • phoenix_ecto to 4.5
  • phoenix_html to 4.1
    • Added phoenix_html_helpers
  • phoenix_live_view to 0.20
  • @primer/css to 21.2.2

Removed support for Ash Framework due to incompatible dependencies.


Reverted dependency @primer/css to 21.0.9 because of an excessively increased file size in later versions.



  • Class attrs now support class notation from Surface. Thanks @tunchamroeun!
  • Component pagination: added class entry for "current_page" which now can receive a custom class.


Bug fixes

  • Pagination: fixes the calculation when a gap between page numbers should be shown.

Other changes

  • Pagination: added role and improved ARIA labels.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixes reading the required state of input fields.


Added support for forms created with Ash Framework. See test/frameworks/ash/form_test.exs for an example.


Fixed a bug where the required marker would always be displayed, regardless of the field's required state.


Downgraded phoenix_live_view version to 0.19; both 0.19 and 0.20 should be compatible.


Added JS and CSS exports for Prompt functionality only. This is useful when you want to use menu/dialog/drawer behavior without Primer Design CSS. See the installation documentation for details.



  • Component avatar_pair: renamed parent_child_avatar to avatar_pair.
  • Components action_menu and select_menu: renamed is_right_aligned to is_aligned_end (added RTL support).
  • Component spinner: renamed gap_color to highlight_color.

New component

  • toggle_switch: Toggle switch is used to immediately toggle a setting on or off.

Updated components

  • avatar: Added attr is_round.
  • avatar_pair: Improved styling: support display inside flex container, add inner border to child avatar.
  • button
    • Improved dimensions according to Primer Style specs, including placing a trailing icon.
    • Added attr is_aligned_start. Aligns contents to the start (at the left in left-to-right languages), while the dropdown caret (if any) is placed at the far end.
  • spinner: Updated to latest Primer Style design.


Form elements have been revamped and aligned with the most recent form element documentation at Primer Style.


For all listed deprecations below: existing syntax will keep working, but log warnings will inform about the deprecation.

  • form_group is replaced by form_control (and is_form_group is replaced by is_form_control). When updating your code:
    • You may need to add styling to correct the missing whitespace at top and bottom, because class "form-group" (which is also added when using attrs form_group and is_form_group) contains a top and bottom margin.
    • Without a form group, text inputs (as well as selects) will be given a default width by the browser and will probably be displayed smaller than they currently are.
  • The horizontal "tab-row" layout of radio_group is not mentioned in the Primer Design specification, while "Radio group" is (with vertical layout).
    • The current radio_group has been renamed to radio_tabs.
    • The new component radio_group uses a vertical layout.
  • checkbox and radio_button slot hint has been renamed to caption.
  • button_group slot button is replaced by button components as children.
  • For consistency, attr is_full has been renamed to is_full_width (in alert and header slot: item).


  • Added component checkbox_group.
  • Added convenience component checkbox_in_group for checkboxes inside a checkbox_group.
  • Added component radio_group (with vertical layout).
  • Added attr caption to show hint message below the form fields.
    • Implemented for select, text_input and textarea.
    • Implemented for checkbox_group and radio_group to show a hint below the group label.
  • Added a required marker to form_control, checkbox_group and radio_group. The form control label will show a required marker if the field is required.
    • Added is_required? to FieldState, so it can also be queried in validation_message and caption callbacks.
  • Added disabled state to form_control:
    • With components select, text_input and textarea: the attribute disabled is automatically passed to form_control.
    • When using component form_control on its own: set explicitly with attr is_disabled.


  • Form element width variation attrs is_short and is_shorter. These are no longer supported by Primer System.
  • form_control class body: this extra div is removed to simplify the styling of validation states.



  • The open state of menus and dialogs can now be maintained when used inside forms.
  • Improved validation message logic.
  • Updated components:
    • theme_menu_options: added attr update_theme_event: the event name to be called for updating the theme.
    • radio_group: added to slot radio_button the attr label to set a custom label.
  • Updated @primer/css to 21.0.7.

Breaking changes

  • Removed functions related to using session for theme state - see PrimerLive.Theme for alternatives. Removed:
    • ThemeSessionController
    • ThemeEvent
    • Theme hook
  • IDs of checkboxes and radio buttons have been updated to only include valid characters.


  • For all menu components, including 'dialog' and 'drawer': passing prompt options to the toggle slot is replaced by passing prompt_options to the main component.
  • In the drawer component, replace the subcomponent drawer_content with the slot body.
    • This allows the focus wrap ID to be derived from the drawer's 'id' attribute, similar to how it is done for 'dialog'.
    • When using the previous syntax, a warning message will be shown in the shell.

Other changes

  • The HTML structure and some of the CSS classes of action_menu, dropdown_menu and select_menu have changed. Instead of <details> and <summary> elements, the open state is now controlled with <input type="checkbox"> and <label>.
  • HTML attributes are sorted alphabetically.


Replaced underscores in HTML element attributes with dashes because Phoenix LiveView 0.19 no longer does automatic substitution.

Updated components:

  • select: attr prompt is ignored when is_multiple is also used. This prevents Phoenix.HTML.Form.multiple_select from raising an error.


Breaking change: action_list_item now always renders a checkbox group, also when is_multiple_select is set on the list items. This change makes handling form data in events more consistent: the data will always consist of a list of checkbox values.


Fixes a bug introduced in 0.2.6 where single select action_list_items did not get unique ids.


  • Fixes a bug where FormHelpers.field_state did not handle forms without a changeset.
  • Updated components:
    • text_input: added attrs name and value
    • checkbox: add attrs checked, checked_value, hidden_input
  • Update @primer/css to 21.0.0.


Updated components:

  • action_menu and select_menu:
    • Added prompt slot attr options to pass Prompt options. This enables (for example) to postpone submitting a form in the menu by calling submit event in the Prompt functions willHide or didHide.


  • Fixes a bug where variables in error messages where not interpolated.
  • Update to phoenix_html 3.3.x


  • Clarified layout attributes to change the rendered order of slots.
  • Improve field name and id generation.
  • Use checkboxes and radio buttons in action lists.

Updated component:

  • checkbox:
    • Added attr is_multiple: When creating a list of checkboxes. Appends [] to the input name so that a list of values is passed to the form events.
    • Added attr is_omit_label: Omits any label.


Updated component:

  • text_input:
    • Moved attr is_trailing_action_divider to slot trailing_action as is_divider
    • Added attr is_visible_with_value to slot trailing_action to only show the trailing action when the input has a value. Use this cor example to show a clear button only when the input has a value to clear.


Rework of form controls

The rework includes styles from Primer ViewComponents. The form styles from this flavor of Primer is more mature than the generally used Primer CSS.

Updated components:

  • text_input:
    • Added attr is_monospace
    • Added slots leading_visual and trailing_action
    • Added attr is_trailing_action_divider
    • Inputs inside a form group no longer have a background color by default; use is_contrast to set it explicitly
    • Removed validation message for hidden inputs
  • textarea:
    • Added attr is_monospace
    • Use is_contrast to explicitly set a contrasting background color
  • checkbox and radio_button
    • Have a clearer (more colorful) appearance
    • Changed the HTML structure
  • radio_group
    • For consistency, added input styling from Primer ViewComponents radio button (keeping the initial size)
  • select:
    • Added wrapper HTML element
    • Added attr is_monospace
    • Added attr is_large
    • Added attr is_short
    • Added attr is_shorter
    • Added attr is_full_width
    • Improved styling for multiple select
  • subnav with search field:
    • Added attr is_wrap to wrap child elements
    • Improved CSS for small screens

Added component:

  • input_validation_message - can be used as standalone message component for inputs where the position of the validation feedback is not so obvious, for example lists of checkboxes or radio buttons


  • Added styling for input elements inside a disabled fieldset

Integration of npm dependencies

JavaScript and CSS dependencies (from npm library primer-live) are now incorporated in the Elixir package. The installation instructions are slightly simplified (see the documentation) and are recommended for a fresh setup. The previous installation method works just fine for existing projects.


Added anchor link attributes to button to create a link that looks like a button.


Removed Octicon builder template files from distribution.


  • Updated octicons dependency to 17.10.1
  • Code quality refactoring
  • Documentation updates



  • theme_menu_options to create a theme menu
  • Theme.html_attributes to set theme attributes on elements
  • Theme functions for persistent theme data in the session


Fixes an issue where validation messages did not show.



  • theme



  • Prevent attribute open on select menu



  • styled_html



  • Removed requirement for Elixir version



  • Added is_small for tabnav items



  • oticon icons



  • drawer


Bug fix:

  • Improve action_menu on mobile



  • action_menu


Bug fix:

  • action_link_item: pass class to link slot.


First release.