PropCheck.FSM behaviour (PropCheck v1.4.1) View Source

The finite state machine approach for stateful systems, which is closer to Erlang's gen_fsm model.

This module defines the proper_fsm behaviour, useful for testing systems that can be modeled as finite state machines. That is, a finite collection of named states and transitions between them. PropCheck.FSM is closely related to PropCheck.StateM and is, in fact, implemented in terms of that. Test cases generated using PropCheck.FSM will be on precisely the same form as test cases generated using PropCheck.StateM. The difference lies in the way the callback modules are specified. The relation between PropCheck.StateM and PropCheck.FSM is similar to the one between gen_server and gen_fsm in OTP libraries.

Due to name conflicts with functions automatically imported from PropCheck.StateM, a fully qualified call is needed in order to use the <a href="#functions">API functions </a> of PropCheck.FSM.

The states of the finite state machine

Following the convention used in gen_fsm behaviour, the state is separated into types state_name/0 and some state_data/0. state_name is used to denote a state of the finite state machine and state_data is any relevant information that has to be stored in the model state. States are fully represented as tuples {state_name, state_data}.

state_name is usually an atom (i.e. the name of the state), but can also be a tuple. In the latter case, the first element of the tuple must be an atom specifying the name of the state, whereas the rest of the elements can be arbitrary terms specifying state attributes. For example, when implementing the fsm of an elevator which can reach n different floors, the state_name for each floor could be {:floor, k}, 1 <= k <= n.

state_data can be an arbitrary term, but is usually a record.

Transitions between states

A transition transition/0 is represented as a tuple {target_state, {:call, m, f, a}}. This means that performing the specified symbolic call at the current state of the fsm will lead to target_state. The atom :history can be used as target_state to denote that a transition does not change the current state of the fsm.

The callback functions

The following functions must be exported from the callback module implementing the finite state machine:

In addition to these functions, we also need functions for each state:

  • state_name(s::state_data) ::[transition] <br>There should be one instance of this function for each reachable state state_name of the finite state machine. In case state_name is a tuple the function takes a different form, described just below. The function returns a list of possible transitions (transition/0 ) from the current state.

    At command generation time, the instance of this function with the same name as the current state's name is called to return the list of possible transitions. Then, PropEr will randomly choose a transition and, according to that, generate the next symbolic call to be included in the command sequence. However, before the call is actually included, a precondition that might impose constraints on state_data is checked. Note also that PropEr detects transitions that would raise an exception of class <error> at generation time (not earlier) and does not choose them. This feature can be used to include conditional transitions that depend on the state_data/0.

  • state_name(attr1::any, ..., attrN::any, s::type state_data) :: [transition] <br>There should be one instance of this function for each reachable state {state_name, attr1, ..., attrN} of the finite state machine. The function has similar behaviour to state_name/1, described above.

The property used

This is an example of a property that can be used to test a finite state machine specification. It expects a cleanup function that takes care of removing all artifacts created during tests to enable a clean start for each test case execution.

property "fsm" do
   forall cmds <- commands(__MODULE__) do
     {_history, _state, result} = run_commands(__MODULE__, cmds)
     result == :ok

Link to this section Summary


A special PropEr type which generates random command sequences, according to a finite state machine specification.

Similar to commands/1, but generated command sequences always start at a given state.

Evaluates a given symbolic command sequence cmds according to the finite state machine specified in mod.

Similar to run_commands/2, but also accepts an environment used for symbolic variable evaluation, exactly as described in PropCheck.StateM.run_commands/3.

Extracts the names of the states from a given command execution history.


Specifies what the state data should initially contain. Its result should be deterministic.

Specifies the initial state of the finite state machine. As with PropCheck.StateM.initial_state/0, its result should be deterministic.

Similar to PropCheck.StateM.next_state/3. Specifies how the transition from from to target triggered by call affects the state_data. res refers to the result of call and can be either symbolic or dynamic.

Similar to PropCheck.StateM.postcondition/3. Specifies the postcondition that should hold about the result res of the evaluation of call.

This is an optional callback. When it is not defined (or not exported), transitions are chosen with equal probability. When it is defined, it assigns an integer weight to transitions from from to target triggered by symbolic call call. In this case, each transition is chosen with probability proportional to the weight assigned.

Link to this section Types


cmd_result() :: any()


command() :: {:set, symbolic_var(), symbolic_call()} | {:init, fsm_state()}


command_list() :: [command()]


fsm_result() :: result()


fsm_state() :: {state_name(), state_data()}


history() :: [{fsm_state(), cmd_result()}]


mod_name() :: atom()


result() :: :proper_statem.statem_result()


state_data() :: any()


state_name() :: atom() | tuple()


symbolic_call() :: PropCheck.StateM.symbolic_call()


symbolic_var() :: PropCheck.StateM.symbolic_var()


transition() :: {state_name(), symbolic_call()}

Link to this section Functions

See PropCheck.StateM.command_names/1.


commands(mod_name()) :: PropCheck.type()

A special PropEr type which generates random command sequences, according to a finite state machine specification.

The function takes as input the name of a callback module, which contains the fsm specification. The initial state is computed by {mod.initial_state/0, mod:initial_state_data/0}.

Link to this function

commands(mod, initial_state)

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commands(mod_name(), fsm_state()) :: PropCheck.type()

Similar to commands/1, but generated command sequences always start at a given state.

In this case, the first command is always {:init, initial_state = {name, data}} and is used to correctly initialize the state every time the command sequence is run (i.e. during normal execution, while shrinking and when checking a counterexample).

Link to this function

more_commands(n, cmd_type)

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See PropCheck.StateM.more_commands/2.


run_commands(mod_name(), command_list()) ::
  {history(), fsm_state(), fsm_result()}

Evaluates a given symbolic command sequence cmds according to the finite state machine specified in mod.

The result is a triple of the form {history, fsm_state, result}, similar to PropCheck.StateM.run_commands/2.

Link to this function

run_commands(mod, cmds, env)

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run_commands(mod_name(), command_list(), :proper_symb.var_values()) ::
  {history(), fsm_state(), fsm_result()}

Similar to run_commands/2, but also accepts an environment used for symbolic variable evaluation, exactly as described in PropCheck.StateM.run_commands/3.


state_names(history()) :: [state_name()]

Extracts the names of the states from a given command execution history.

It is useful in combination with functions such as PropCheck.aggregate/2 in order to collect statistics about state transitions during command execution.

Link to this section Callbacks


initial_data() :: state_data()

Specifies what the state data should initially contain. Its result should be deterministic.


initial_state() :: state_name()

Specifies the initial state of the finite state machine. As with PropCheck.StateM.initial_state/0, its result should be deterministic.

Link to this callback

next_state_data(from, target, state_data, result, call)

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  from :: state_name(),
  target :: state_name(),
  state_data :: state_data(),
  result :: result(),
  call :: symbolic_call()
) :: state_data()

Similar to PropCheck.StateM.next_state/3. Specifies how the transition from from to target triggered by call affects the state_data. res refers to the result of call and can be either symbolic or dynamic.

Link to this callback

postcondition(from, target, state_data, call, result)

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  from :: state_name(),
  target :: state_name(),
  state_data :: state_data(),
  call :: symbolic_call(),
  result :: result()
) :: boolean()

Similar to PropCheck.StateM.postcondition/3. Specifies the postcondition that should hold about the result res of the evaluation of call.

Link to this callback

precondition(from, target, state_data, call)

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  from :: state_name(),
  target :: state_name(),
  state_data :: state_data(),
  call :: symbolic_call()
) :: boolean()

Similar to PropCheck.StateM.precondition/2.

Specifies the precondition that should hold about state_data so that call can be included in the command sequence. In case precondition doesn't hold, a new transition is chosen using the appropriate state_name/1 generator.

It is possible for more than one transitions to be triggered by the same symbolic call and lead to different target states. In this case, at most one of the target states may have a true precondition. Otherwise, PropEr will not be able to detect which transition was chosen and an exception will be raised.

Link to this callback

weight(from, target, call)

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weight(from :: state_name(), target :: state_name(), call :: symbolic_call()) ::

This is an optional callback. When it is not defined (or not exported), transitions are chosen with equal probability. When it is defined, it assigns an integer weight to transitions from from to target triggered by symbolic call call. In this case, each transition is chosen with probability proportional to the weight assigned.