protobuf_ex v0.6.1 Google.Protobuf.FileOptions
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t() :: %Google.Protobuf.FileOptions{ cc_enable_arenas: boolean(), cc_generic_services: boolean(), csharp_namespace: String.t(), deprecated: boolean(), go_package: String.t(), java_generate_equals_and_hash: boolean(), java_generic_services: boolean(), java_multiple_files: boolean(), java_outer_classname: String.t(), java_package: String.t(), java_string_check_utf8: boolean(), objc_class_prefix: String.t(), optimize_for: integer(), py_generic_services: boolean(), swift_prefix: String.t(), uninterpreted_option: [Google.Protobuf.UninterpretedOption.t()] }
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from_params(params \\ %{})
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new(attrs \\ %{})