protobuf_ex v0.6.1 Protobuf.Decoder

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function class_field(prop, wire)
class_field(Protobuf.FieldProps.t(), integer()) :: atom() | {:error, String.t()}
Link to this function decode(data, module, run_extensions \\ nil)
decode(binary(), atom(), boolean()) :: any()
Link to this function decode_packed(field_type, wire_type, bin)
decode_packed(atom(), integer(), binary()) :: list()
Link to this function decode_packed(field_type, wire_type, bin, acc)
decode_packed(atom(), integer(), binary(), list()) :: list()
Link to this function decode_type(int, bin)
decode_type(integer(), binary()) :: {binary(), binary()}
Link to this function decode_type(atom, int, bin)
decode_type(atom(), integer(), binary()) :: {binary(), binary()}
Link to this function decode_varint(bin)
decode_varint(binary()) :: {number(), binary()}
Link to this function decode_varint(bin, max_bits)
Link to this function decode_zigzag(n)
decode_zigzag(integer()) :: integer()
Link to this function find_field(props, tag)
find_field(Protobuf.MessageProps.t(), integer()) ::
  {atom(), Protobuf.FieldProps.t()} | {atom()} | nil