View Source Protox (Protox v1.7.3)

Use this module to generate the Elixir structs corresponding to a set of protobuf definitions and to encode/decode instances of these structures.

Elixit structs generation examples

From a set of files:

defmodule Dummy do
  use Protox,
    files: [

From a string:

defmodule Dummy do
  use Protox,
    schema: """
    syntax = "proto3";
    package fiz;

    message Baz {

    message Foo {
      map<int32, Baz> b = 2;

The generated modules respect the package declaration. For instance, in the above example, both the Fiz.Baz and Fiz.Foo modules will be generated.


For the rest of this module documentation, we suppose the following protobuf messages are defined:

defmodule Dummy do
  use Protox,
    schema: """
      syntax = "proto3";
      package fiz;

      message Baz {

      enum Enum {
        FOO = 0;
        BAR = 1;

      message Foo {
        Enum a = 1;
        map<int32, Baz> b = 2;
    namespace: Namespace

  use Protox,
    schema: """
    syntax = "proto3";

    message Msg {
      map<int32, string> msg_k = 8;

  use Protox,
    schema: """
    syntax = "proto3";

    message Sub {
      int32 a = 1;

See each function documentation to see how they are used to encode and decode protobuf messages.



Decode a binary into a protobuf message.

Throwing version of decode/2.

Encode a protobuf message into IO data.

Throwing version of encode/1.


This function returns a tuple {:error, reason} if

Export a proto3 message to JSON as IO data.


Link to this function

decode(binary, msg_module)

View Source (since 1.6.0)
@spec decode(binary(), atom()) :: {:ok, struct()} | {:error, any()}

Decode a binary into a protobuf message.


iex> binary = <<66, 7, 8, 1, 18, 3, 102, 111, 111, 66, 7, 8, 2, 18, 3, 98, 97, 114>>
iex> {:ok, msg} = Protox.decode(binary, Msg)
iex> msg
%Msg{msg_k: %{1 => "foo", 2 => "bar"}}

iex> binary = <<66, 7, 8, 1, 18, 3, 102, 111, 66, 7, 8, 2, 18, 3, 98, 97, 114>>
iex> {:error, reason} = Protox.decode(binary, Msg)
iex> reason
%Protox.IllegalTagError{message: "Field with illegal tag 0"}
Link to this function

decode!(binary, msg_module)

View Source (since 1.6.0)
@spec decode!(binary(), atom()) :: struct() | no_return()

Throwing version of decode/2.

Link to this function


View Source (since 1.6.0)
@spec encode(struct()) :: {:ok, iodata()} | {:error, any()}

Encode a protobuf message into IO data.


iex> msg = %Namespace.Fiz.Foo{a: 3, b: %{1 => %Namespace.Fiz.Baz{}}}
iex> {:ok, iodata} = Protox.encode(msg)
iex> :binary.list_to_bin(iodata)
<<8, 3, 18, 4, 8, 1, 18, 0>>

iex> msg = %Namespace.Fiz.Foo{a: "should not be a string"}
iex> {:error, reason} = Protox.encode(msg)
iex> reason
%Protox.EncodingError{field: :a, message: "Could not encode field :a (invalid field value)"}
Link to this function


View Source (since 1.6.0)
@spec encode!(struct()) :: iodata() | no_return()

Throwing version of encode/1.

Link to this function

json_decode(input, message_module, opts \\ [])

View Source (since 1.6.0)
@spec json_decode(iodata(), atom(), keyword()) :: {:ok, struct()} | {:error, any()}


This function returns a tuple {:error, reason} if:

JSON library configuration

The default library to decode JSON is Jason. However, you can chose to use Poison:

iex> Protox.json_decode("{\"a\":\"BAR\"}", Namespace.Fiz.Foo, json_decoder: Poison)
{:ok, %Namespace.Fiz.Foo{__uf__: [], a: :BAR, b: %{}}}

You can also use another library as long as it exports an decode! function. You can easily create a module to wrap a library that would not have this interface (like jiffy):

defmodule Jiffy do
  def decode!(input) do
    :jiffy.decode(input, [:return_maps, :use_nil])
Link to this function

json_decode!(input, message_module, opts \\ [])

View Source (since 1.6.0)
@spec json_decode!(iodata(), atom(), keyword()) :: iodata() | no_return()

Throwing version of json_decode/2.

Link to this function

json_encode(msg, opts \\ [])

View Source (since 1.6.0)
@spec json_encode(struct(), keyword()) :: {:ok, iodata()} | {:error, any()}

Export a proto3 message to JSON as IO data.


This function returns a tuple {:error, reason} if:


iex> msg = %Namespace.Fiz.Foo{a: :BAR}
iex> {:ok, iodata} = Protox.json_encode(msg)
iex> iodata
["{", ["\"a\"", ":", "\"BAR\""], "}"]

iex> msg = %Sub{a: 42}
iex> {:ok, iodata} = Protox.json_encode(msg)
iex> iodata
["{", ["\"a\"", ":", "42"], "}"]

iex> msg = %Msg{msg_k: %{1 => "foo", 2 => "bar"}}
iex> {:ok, iodata} = msg |> Protox.json_encode()
iex> :binary.list_to_bin(iodata)

JSON library configuration

The default library to encode values (i.e. mostly to escape strings) to JSON is Jason. However, you can chose to use Poison:

iex> msg = %Namespace.Fiz.Foo{a: :BAR}
iex> Protox.json_encode(msg, json_encoder: Poison)
{:ok, ["{", ["\"a\"", ":", "\"BAR\""], "}"]}

You can also use another library as long as it exports an encode! function, which is expected to return objects as maps and nil to represent null. You can easily create a module to wrap a library that would not have this interface (like jiffy):

defmodule Jiffy do
  defdelegate encode!(msg), to: :jiffy, as: :encode

Encoding specifications

See for the specifications of the encoding.

Link to this function

json_encode!(msg, opts \\ [])

View Source (since 1.6.0)
@spec json_encode!(struct(), keyword()) :: iodata() | no_return()

Throwing version of json_encode/1.