Rajska.ObjectAuthorization (Rajska v1.3.2) View Source

Absinthe middleware to ensure object permissions.

Authorizes all Absinthe's objects requested in a query by checking the permission defined in each object meta authorize.


Create your Authorization module and add it and QueryAuthorization to your Absinthe.Schema. Then set the permitted role to access an object:

object :wallet_balance do
  meta :authorize, :admin

  field :total, :integer

object :company do
  meta :authorize, :user

  field :name, :string

  field :wallet_balance, :wallet_balance

object :user do
  meta :authorize, :all

  field :email, :string

  field :company, :company

With the permissions above, a query like the following would only be allowed by an admin user:

  userQuery {
    company {
      walletBalance { total }

Object Authorization middleware runs after Query Authorization middleware (if added) and before the query is resolved by recursively checking the requested objects permissions in the Rajska.Authorization.role_authorized?/2 function (which is also used by Query Authorization). It can be overridden by your own implementation.

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call(resolution, config)

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Callback implementation for Absinthe.Middleware.call/2.