Rajska.QueryAuthorization (Rajska v1.3.2) View Source

Absinthe middleware to ensure query permissions.


Create your Authorization module and add it and QueryAuthorization to your Absinthe.Schema. Then set the permitted role to access a query or mutation:

mutation do
  field :create_user, :user do
    arg :params, non_null(:user_params)

    middleware Rajska.QueryAuthorization, permit: :all
    resolve &AccountsResolver.create_user/2

  field :update_user, :user do
    arg :id, non_null(:integer)
    arg :params, non_null(:user_params)

    middleware Rajska.QueryAuthorization, [permit: :user, scope: User] # same as [permit: :user, scope: User, args: :id]
    resolve &AccountsResolver.update_user/2

  field :delete_user, :user do
    arg :id, non_null(:integer)

    middleware Rajska.QueryAuthorization, permit: :admin
    resolve &AccountsResolver.delete_user/2

Query authorization will call Rajska.Authorization.role_authorized?/2 to check if the user role is authorized to perform the query.

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call(resolution, config)

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Callback implementation for Absinthe.Middleware.call/2.