RDF.BlankNode (RDF.ex v0.9.1) View Source

A RDF blank node (aka bnode) is a local node of a graph without an IRI.

see https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-primer/#section-blank-node and https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-blank-nodes

Link to this section Summary


Tests for value equality of blank nodes.

Creates a RDF.BlankNode.

Creates a RDF.BlankNode with a user-defined value for its identity.

Returns the internal string representation of a blank node.

Link to this section Types


t() :: %RDF.BlankNode{value: String.t()}

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

equal_value?(left, right)

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equal_value?(t(), t()) :: boolean() | nil

Tests for value equality of blank nodes.

Returns nil when the given arguments are not comparable as blank nodes.


new() :: t()

Creates a RDF.BlankNode.


new(reference() | String.t() | atom() | integer()) :: t()

Creates a RDF.BlankNode with a user-defined value for its identity.


iex> RDF.bnode(:foo)
%RDF.BlankNode{value: "foo"}

Returns the internal string representation of a blank node.