RDF.Dataset (RDF.ex v0.9.1) View Source

A set of RDF.Graphs.

It may have multiple named graphs and at most one unnamed ("default") graph.

RDF.Dataset implements:

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Adds triples and quads to a RDF.Dataset.

Changes the dataset name of dataset.

The default graph of a RDF.Dataset.

Deletes statements from a RDF.Dataset.

Deletes the default graph.

Deletes the given graph.

Checks if a graph of a RDF.Dataset contains statements about the given resource.

Checks if two RDF.Datasets are equal.

Fetches the RDF.Graph with the given name.

Fetches the RDF.Graph with the given name.

Gets and updates the graph with the given name, in a single pass.

The graph with given name.

The set of all graphs.

Checks if the given input statements exist within dataset.

Returns a nested map of a RDF.Dataset where each element from its quads is mapped with the given function.

Returns the dataset name IRI of dataset.

Creates an empty unnamed RDF.Dataset.

Creates an RDF.Dataset initialized with data.

The set of all resources used in the objects within a RDF.Dataset.

Pops an arbitrary statement from a RDF.Dataset.

Pops the graph with the given name.

The set of all properties used in the predicates within all graphs of a RDF.Dataset.

Returns the aggregated prefixes of all graphs of dataset as a RDF.PrefixMap.

Adds statements to a RDF.Dataset overwriting existing statements with the subjects given in the input data.

Adds statements to a RDF.Dataset and overwrites all existing statements with the same subject-predicate combinations given in the input data.

The set of all resources used within a RDF.Dataset.

The number of statements within a RDF.Dataset.

All statements within all graphs of a RDF.Dataset.

The set of all subjects used in the statement within all graphs of a RDF.Dataset.

Returns a nested map of the native Elixir values of a RDF.Dataset.

Returns the names of all graphs of a RDF.Dataset containing statements about the given subject.

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graph_name() :: RDF.IRI.t() | nil


input() :: RDF.Graph.input() | t()


t() :: %RDF.Dataset{
  graphs: %{required(graph_name()) => RDF.Graph.t()},
  name: graph_name()


update_graph_fun() :: (RDF.Graph.t() -> {RDF.Graph.t(), input()} | :pop)

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add(dataset, input, opts \\ [])

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add(t(), input(), keyword()) :: t()

Adds triples and quads to a RDF.Dataset.

The triples can be provided in any form accepted by add/2.

The graph option allows to set a different destination graph to which the statements should be added, ignoring the graph context of given quads or the name of given graphs in input.

Note: When the statements to be added are given as another RDF.Dataset and a destination graph is set with the graph option, the descriptions of the subjects in the different graphs are aggregated.

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change_name(dataset, new_name)

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change_name(t(), RDF.Statement.coercible_graph_name()) :: t()

Changes the dataset name of dataset.


default_graph(t()) :: RDF.Graph.t()

The default graph of a RDF.Dataset.

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delete(dataset, input, opts \\ [])

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delete(t(), input(), keyword()) :: t()

Deletes statements from a RDF.Dataset.

The graph option allows to set a different destination graph from which the statements should be deleted, ignoring the graph context of given quads or the name of given graphs.

Note: When the statements to be deleted are given as another RDF.Dataset, the dataset name must not match dataset name of the dataset from which the statements are deleted. If you want to delete only datasets with matching names, you can use RDF.Data.delete/2.

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delete_default_graph(t()) :: t()

Deletes the default graph.

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delete_graph(graph, graph_names)

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  RDF.Statement.graph_name() | [RDF.Statement.graph_name()] | nil
) :: t()

Deletes the given graph.

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describes?(dataset, subject, graph_context \\ nil)

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Checks if a graph of a RDF.Dataset contains statements about the given resource.


  iex> RDF.Dataset.new([{EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1}]) |> RDF.Dataset.describes?(EX.S1)
  iex> RDF.Dataset.new([{EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1}]) |> RDF.Dataset.describes?(EX.S2)
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equal?(dataset1, dataset2)

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equal?(t() | any(), t() | any()) :: boolean()

Checks if two RDF.Datasets are equal.

Two RDF.Datasets are considered to be equal if they contain the same triples and have the same name.

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fetch(dataset, graph_name)

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fetch(t(), RDF.Statement.graph_name() | nil) :: {:ok, RDF.Graph.t()} | :error

Fetches the RDF.Graph with the given name.

When a graph with the given name can not be found can not be found :error is returned.


iex> dataset = RDF.Dataset.new([{EX.S1, EX.P1, EX.O1, EX.Graph}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2}])
...> RDF.Dataset.fetch(dataset, EX.Graph)
{:ok, RDF.Graph.new({EX.S1, EX.P1, EX.O1}, name: EX.Graph)}
iex> RDF.Dataset.fetch(dataset, nil)
{:ok, RDF.Graph.new({EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2})}
iex> RDF.Dataset.fetch(dataset, EX.Foo)
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get(dataset, graph_name, default \\ nil)

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get(t(), RDF.Statement.graph_name() | nil, RDF.Graph.t() | nil) ::
  RDF.Graph.t() | nil

Fetches the RDF.Graph with the given name.

When a graph with the given name can not be found can not be found the optionally given default value or nil is returned


iex> dataset = RDF.Dataset.new([{EX.S1, EX.P1, EX.O1, EX.Graph}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2}])
...> RDF.Dataset.get(dataset, EX.Graph)
RDF.Graph.new({EX.S1, EX.P1, EX.O1}, name: EX.Graph)
iex> RDF.Dataset.get(dataset, nil)
RDF.Graph.new({EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2})
iex> RDF.Dataset.get(dataset, EX.Foo)
iex> RDF.Dataset.get(dataset, EX.Foo, :bar)
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get_and_update(dataset, graph_name, fun)

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get_and_update(t(), RDF.Statement.graph_name() | nil, update_graph_fun()) ::
  {RDF.Graph.t(), input()}

Gets and updates the graph with the given name, in a single pass.

Invokes the passed function on the RDF.Graph with the given name; this function should return either {graph_to_return, new_graph} or :pop.

If the passed function returns {graph_to_return, new_graph}, the return value of get_and_update is {graph_to_return, new_dataset} where new_dataset is the input Dataset updated with new_graph for the given name.

If the passed function returns :pop the graph with the given name is removed and a {removed_graph, new_dataset} tuple gets returned.


iex> dataset = RDF.Dataset.new({EX.S, EX.P, EX.O, EX.Graph})
...> RDF.Dataset.get_and_update(dataset, EX.Graph, fn current_graph ->
...>     {current_graph, {EX.S, EX.P, EX.NEW}}
...>   end)
{RDF.Graph.new({EX.S, EX.P, EX.O}, name: EX.Graph), RDF.Dataset.new({EX.S, EX.P, EX.NEW, EX.Graph})}
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graph(dataset, graph_name)

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graph(t(), RDF.Statement.graph_name() | nil) :: RDF.Graph.t()

The graph with given name.


graphs(t()) :: [RDF.Graph.t()]

The set of all graphs.

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include?(dataset, input, opts \\ [])

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include?(t(), input(), keyword()) :: boolean()

Checks if the given input statements exist within dataset.

The graph option allows to set a different destination graph in which the statements should be checked, ignoring the graph context of given quads or the name of given graphs.


  iex> dataset = RDF.Dataset.new([
  ...>   {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1, EX.Graph},
  ...>   {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2},
  ...>   {EX.S1, EX.p2, EX.O3}])
  ...> RDF.Dataset.include?(dataset, {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1, EX.Graph})


Returns a nested map of a RDF.Dataset where each element from its quads is mapped with the given function.

The function fun will receive a tuple {statement_position, rdf_term} where statement_position is one of the atoms :subject, :predicate, :object or :graph_name while rdf_term is the RDF term to be mapped. When the given function returns nil this will be interpreted as an error and will become the overhaul result of the map/2 call.


iex> [
...>   {~I<http://example.com/S>, ~I<http://example.com/p>, ~L"Foo", ~I<http://example.com/Graph>},
...>   {~I<http://example.com/S>, ~I<http://example.com/p>, RDF.XSD.integer(42), }
...> ]
...> |> RDF.Dataset.new()
...> |> RDF.Dataset.map(fn
...>      {:graph_name, graph_name} ->
...>        graph_name
...>      {:predicate, predicate} ->
...>        predicate
...>        |> to_string()
...>        |> String.split("/")
...>        |> List.last()
...>        |> String.to_atom()
...>    {_, term} ->
...>      RDF.Term.value(term)
...>    end)
  ~I<http://example.com/Graph> => %{
    "http://example.com/S" => %{p: ["Foo"]}
  nil => %{
    "http://example.com/S" => %{p: [42]}


Returns the dataset name IRI of dataset.


new() :: t()

Creates an empty unnamed RDF.Dataset.


new(input() | keyword()) :: t()

Creates an RDF.Dataset.

If a keyword list is given an empty dataset is created. Otherwise an unnamed dataset initialized with the given data is created.

See new/2 for available arguments and the different ways to provide data.


RDF.Dataset.new(name: EX.GraphName)

RDF.Dataset.new(init: {EX.S, EX.p, EX.O})

RDF.Dataset.new({EX.S, EX.p, EX.O})


new(input(), keyword()) :: t()

Creates an RDF.Dataset initialized with data.

The initial RDF triples can be provided in any form accepted by add/3.

Available options:

  • name: the name of the dataset to be created
  • init: some data with which the dataset should be initialized; the data can be provided in any form accepted by add/3 and above that also with a function returning the initialization data in any of these forms

The set of all resources used in the objects within a RDF.Dataset.

Note: This function does collect only IRIs and BlankNodes, not Literals.


iex> RDF.Dataset.new([
...>   {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1, EX.Graph},
...>   {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2, EX.Graph},
...>   {EX.S3, EX.p1, EX.O2},
...>   {EX.S4, EX.p2, RDF.bnode(:bnode)},
...>   {EX.S5, EX.p3, "foo"}
...> ]) |> RDF.Dataset.objects
MapSet.new([RDF.iri(EX.O1), RDF.iri(EX.O2), RDF.bnode(:bnode)])


pop(t()) :: {RDF.Statement.t() | nil, t()}

Pops an arbitrary statement from a RDF.Dataset.

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pop(dataset, graph_name)

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Pops the graph with the given name.

When a graph with given name can not be found the optionally given default value or nil is returned.


iex> dataset = RDF.Dataset.new([
...>   {EX.S1, EX.P1, EX.O1, EX.Graph},
...>   {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2}])
...> RDF.Dataset.pop(dataset, EX.Graph)
{RDF.Graph.new({EX.S1, EX.P1, EX.O1}, name: EX.Graph), RDF.Dataset.new({EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2})}
iex> RDF.Dataset.pop(dataset, EX.Foo)
{nil, dataset}

The set of all properties used in the predicates within all graphs of a RDF.Dataset.


iex> RDF.Dataset.new([
...>   {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1, EX.Graph},
...>   {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2},
...>   {EX.S1, EX.p2, EX.O3}]) |>
...>   RDF.Dataset.predicates
MapSet.new([EX.p1, EX.p2])


prefixes(t()) :: RDF.PrefixMap.t() | nil

Returns the aggregated prefixes of all graphs of dataset as a RDF.PrefixMap.

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put(dataset, input, opts \\ [])

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put(t(), input(), keyword()) :: t()

Adds statements to a RDF.Dataset overwriting existing statements with the subjects given in the input data.

The graph option allows to set a different destination graph to which the statements should be added, ignoring the graph context of given quads or the name of given graphs in input.

Note: When the statements to be added are given as another RDF.Dataset and a destination graph is set with the graph option, the descriptions of the subjects in the different graphs are aggregated.


iex> dataset = RDF.Dataset.new({EX.S, EX.P1, EX.O1})
...> RDF.Dataset.put(dataset, {EX.S, EX.P2, EX.O2})
RDF.Dataset.new({EX.S, EX.P2, EX.O2})
iex> RDF.Dataset.put(dataset, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2})
RDF.Dataset.new([{EX.S, EX.P1, EX.O1}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2}])
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put_properties(dataset, input, opts \\ [])

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put_properties(t(), input(), keyword()) :: t()

Adds statements to a RDF.Dataset and overwrites all existing statements with the same subject-predicate combinations given in the input data.

The graph option allows to set a different destination graph to which the statements should be added, ignoring the graph context of given quads or the name of given graphs in input.

Note: When the statements to be added are given as another RDF.Dataset and a destination graph is set with the graph option, the descriptions of the subjects in the different graphs are aggregated.


iex> dataset = RDF.Dataset.new({EX.S, EX.P1, EX.O1})
...> RDF.Dataset.put_properties(dataset, {EX.S, EX.P1, EX.O2})
RDF.Dataset.new({EX.S, EX.P1, EX.O2})
iex> RDF.Dataset.put_properties(dataset, {EX.S, EX.P2, EX.O2})
RDF.Dataset.new([{EX.S, EX.P1, EX.O1}, {EX.S, EX.P2, EX.O2}])
iex> RDF.Dataset.new([{EX.S1, EX.P1, EX.O1}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O2}])
...> |> RDF.Dataset.put_properties([{EX.S1, EX.P2, EX.O3}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O3}])
RDF.Dataset.new([{EX.S1, EX.P1, EX.O1}, {EX.S1, EX.P2, EX.O3}, {EX.S2, EX.P2, EX.O3}])

The set of all resources used within a RDF.Dataset.


iex> RDF.Dataset.new([ ...> {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1, EX.Graph}, ...> {EX.S2, EX.p1, EX.O2, EX.Graph}, ...> {EX.S2, EX.p2, RDF.bnode(:bnode)}, ...> {EX.S3, EX.p1, "foo"} ...> ]) |> RDF.Dataset.resources MapSet.new([RDF.iri(EX.S1), RDF.iri(EX.S2), RDF.iri(EX.S3),

RDF.iri(EX.O1), RDF.iri(EX.O2), RDF.bnode(:bnode), EX.p1, EX.p2])
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statement_count(t()) :: non_neg_integer()

The number of statements within a RDF.Dataset.


iex> RDF.Dataset.new([
...>   {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1, EX.Graph},
...>   {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2},
...>   {EX.S1, EX.p2, EX.O3}]) |>
...>   RDF.Dataset.statement_count


statements(t()) :: [RDF.Statement.t()]

All statements within all graphs of a RDF.Dataset.


  iex> RDF.Dataset.new([
  ...>   {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1, EX.Graph},
  ...>   {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2},
  ...>   {EX.S1, EX.p2, EX.O3}]) |>
  ...>   RDF.Dataset.statements
  [{RDF.iri(EX.S1), RDF.iri(EX.p1), RDF.iri(EX.O1), RDF.iri(EX.Graph)},
   {RDF.iri(EX.S1), RDF.iri(EX.p2), RDF.iri(EX.O3)},
   {RDF.iri(EX.S2), RDF.iri(EX.p2), RDF.iri(EX.O2)}]

The set of all subjects used in the statement within all graphs of a RDF.Dataset.


iex> RDF.Dataset.new([
...>   {EX.S1, EX.p1, EX.O1, EX.Graph},
...>   {EX.S2, EX.p2, EX.O2},
...>   {EX.S1, EX.p2, EX.O3}]) |>
...>   RDF.Dataset.subjects
MapSet.new([RDF.iri(EX.S1), RDF.iri(EX.S2)])
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values(dataset, opts \\ [])

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values(t(), keyword()) :: map()

Returns a nested map of the native Elixir values of a RDF.Dataset.

When a :context option is given with a RDF.PropertyMap, predicates will be mapped to the terms defined in the RDF.PropertyMap, if present.


iex> [
...>   {~I<http://example.com/S>, ~I<http://example.com/p>, ~L"Foo", ~I<http://example.com/Graph>},
...>   {~I<http://example.com/S>, ~I<http://example.com/p>, RDF.XSD.integer(42), }
...> ]
...> |> RDF.Dataset.new()
...> |> RDF.Dataset.values()
  "http://example.com/Graph" => %{
    "http://example.com/S" => %{"http://example.com/p" => ["Foo"]}
  nil => %{
    "http://example.com/S" => %{"http://example.com/p" => [42]}
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who_describes(dataset, subject)

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who_describes(t(), RDF.Statement.coercible_subject()) :: [RDF.Graph.t()]

Returns the names of all graphs of a RDF.Dataset containing statements about the given subject.


  iex> dataset = RDF.Dataset.new([
  ...>   {EX.S1, EX.p, EX.O},
  ...>   {EX.S2, EX.p, EX.O},
  ...>   {EX.S1, EX.p, EX.O, EX.Graph1},
  ...>   {EX.S2, EX.p, EX.O, EX.Graph2}])
  ...> RDF.Dataset.who_describes(dataset, EX.S1)
  [nil, RDF.iri(EX.Graph1)]