View Source RDF.Namespace behaviour (RDF.ex v2.0.0)

A behaviour and generator for modules of terms resolving to RDF.IRIs.

Note: A RDF.Namespace is NOT a IRI namespace! The terms of a RDF.Namespace don't have to necessarily refer to IRIs from the same IRI namespace. "Namespace" here is just meant in the sense that an Elixir module is a namespace. Most of the

Most of the time you'll want to use a RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace, a special type of RDF.Namespace where all terms indeed resolve to IRIs of a shared base URI namespace.

For an introduction into RDF.Namespaces and RDF.Vocabulary.Namespaces see this guide.



A macro to let a module act as a specified RDF.Namespace or RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace.

Creates a RDF.Namespace module with the given name and term mapping dynamically.

Creates a RDF.Namespace module with the given name and term mapping dynamically.

Resolves a qualified term to a RDF.IRI.

Resolves a qualified term to a RDF.IRI or raises an error when that's not possible.



@callback __iris__() :: [RDF.IRI.t()]

All RDF.IRIs of a RDF.Namespace.

@callback __resolve_term__(atom()) :: {:ok, RDF.IRI.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}

Resolves a term to a RDF.IRI.

@callback __terms__() :: [atom()]

All terms of a RDF.Namespace.


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A macro to let a module act as a specified RDF.Namespace or RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace.


defmodule Example.NS do
  use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace

  defvocab Example,
    base_iri: "",
    terms: [:Foo, :bar]

defmodule Example do
  import RDF.Namespace

  act_as_namespace Example.NS.Example

  # your application functions

Example.Foo |>
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create(module, term_mapping, location, opts \\ [])

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Creates a RDF.Namespace module with the given name and term mapping dynamically.

The line where the module is defined and its file must be passed as options.

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create!(module, term_mapping, location, opts \\ [])

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Creates a RDF.Namespace module with the given name and term mapping dynamically.

The line where the module is defined and its file must be passed as options.

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defnamespace(module, term_mapping, opts \\ [])

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A macro to define a RDF.Namespace.


defmodule YourApp.NS do
  import RDF.Namespace

  defnamespace EX, [
                 foo: ~I<>,
                 Bar: "",


This macro is intended to be used at compile-time, i.e. in the body of a defmodule definition. If you want to create RDF.Namespaces dynamically at runtime, please use create/4.

@spec resolve_term(RDF.IRI.t() | module()) ::
  {:ok, RDF.IRI.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}

Resolves a qualified term to a RDF.IRI.

It determines a RDF.Namespace from the qualifier of the given term and delegates to remaining part of the term to __resolve_term__/1 of this determined namespace.

@spec resolve_term!(RDF.IRI.t() | module()) :: RDF.IRI.t()

Resolves a qualified term to a RDF.IRI or raises an error when that's not possible.

See resolve_term/1 for more.