View Source RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace (RDF.ex v2.0.0)

An RDF vocabulary as a RDF.Namespace.

RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace modules represent an RDF vocabulary as a RDF.Namespace. They can be defined with the defvocab/2 macro of this module.

RDF.ex comes with predefined modules for some fundamental vocabularies in the RDF.NS module.

For an introduction into RDF.Vocabulary.Namespaces see this guide.




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create(module, base_uri, vocab, location, opts)

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@spec create(
  binary() | RDF.Graph.t() | RDF.Dataset.t() | keyword(),
) :: {:ok, {:module, module(), binary(), term()}} | {:error, any()}

Creates a RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace module with the given name.

Except for the :base_uri and the value of one of the :terms, :file or :data options of defvocab/2, which are given as second and third argument respectively, all options of defvocab/2 can be given as opts. One notable difference is the overloaded use of the :terms option as a restriction of the terms loaded from a :file or :data. The term restriction in this case has to be provided with the :term_restriction keyword option.

The line where the module is defined and its file must be passed as location.

It returns a tuple of shape {:module, module, binary, term} where module is the module name, binary is the module bytecode.

Similar to Module.create/3, the binary will only be written to disk as a .beam file if RDF.Namespace.Vocabulary.create/3 is invoked in a file that is currently being compiled.

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create!(module, base_uri, vocab, env, opts)

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@spec create!(
  binary() | RDF.Graph.t() | RDF.Dataset.t() | keyword(),
) :: {:module, module(), binary(), term()}
Link to this macro

defvocab(module, spec)

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Defines a RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace module for a RDF vocabulary.


  • :base_iri (required): the base IRI of the vocabulary namespace
  • :file: a path to a file in the priv/vocabs directory from which terms starting with the specified base_iri should be loaded
  • :data: a RDF.Graph or RDF.Dataset from which terms starting with the specified base_iri should be loaded
  • :terms: the list of terms of the vocabulary namespace, which can also contain aliases directly as keywords
  • :alias: a keyword list of aliases for terms with the aliases as keys and aliased terms as values
  • :ignore: a list of terms to be ignored
  • :strict: when set to false terms not specified are nevertheless resolved by simple concatenation of the specified base IRI with the term (default: true)
  • :invalid_characters: allows to specify what should happen when a term contains invalid characters
    • :fail: raises an error (default)
    • :ignore: ignores terms with invalid characters
    • :warn: raises a warning and ignores terms with invalid characters
  • :case_violations: allows to specify what should happen with case violations of the term, the following values are allowed
    • :warn: raises a warning (default)
    • :fail: raises an error
    • :ignore: ignores terms with case violations
    • :auto_fix: fixes a case violation by automatically defining an alias with the proper casing of the first letter
    • an anonymous function or {module, fun_name} tuple to an external function, which receives a :resource or :property atom and a case violated term and returns a properly cased alias in an ok tuple
  • :allow_lowercase_resource_terms: allows to specify that lower-cased non-property terms are not considered a case violation by setting this option to true (default: false)

Besides :base_iri one of the :terms, :file or :data options must be provided. The :file and :data options are not allowed to be provided together. When the :terms option is given in conjunction with one of the :file and :data options, it has a different semantics as given alone: it restricts the terms loaded from the vocabulary data to the specified terms.


defmodule YourApp.NS do
  use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace

  defvocab EX1,
    base_iri: "",
    terms: [:Foo, :bar]

  defvocab EX2,
    base_iri: "",
    file: "your_vocabulary.ttl",
    case_violations: :fail,
    terms: fn
      _, "_" <> _     -> :ignore
      _, "erroneous"  -> {:error, "erroneous term"}
      :resource, term -> {:ok, Recase.to_pascal(term)}
      :property, term -> {:ok, Recase.to_snake(term)}


This macro is intended to be used at compile-time, i.e. in the body of a defmodule definition. If you want to create RDF.Vocabulary.Namespaces dynamically at runtime, please use create/5.