View Source RDF.PrefixMap (RDF.ex v2.0.0)

A mapping of prefix atoms to IRI namespaces.

The empty prefix is represented as the :"" atom.

This module implements the Enumerable protocol.



Adds a prefix mapping to prefix_map.

Adds a prefix mapping to the given RDF.PrefixMap and raises an exception in error cases.

Deletes the prefix mapping for prefix from prefix_map.

Drops the given prefixes from prefix_map.

Returns if the given prefix_map is empty.

Returns whether the given prefix exists in the given RDF.PrefixMap.

Returns a new prefix map limited to the given prefixes.

Merges two RDF.PrefixMaps, resolving conflicts through the given conflict_resolver function.

Merges two RDF.PrefixMaps and raises an exception in error cases.

Returns the namespace for the given prefix in prefix_map.

Returns all namespaces from the given RDF.PrefixMap.

Creates an empty RDF.PrefixMap.

Creates a new RDF.PrefixMap with initial mappings.

Returns the prefix for the given namespace in prefix_map.

Converts an IRI into a prefixed name.

Converts a prefixed name into an IRI.

Returns all prefixes from the given RDF.PrefixMap.

Adds a prefix mapping to prefix_map overwriting an existing mapping.

Converts the given prefix_map to a Turtle or SPARQL header string.

Converts prefix map to a list.

Converts prefix map to a list sorted by prefix.

Converts the given prefix_map to a SPARQL header string.

Converts the given prefix_map to a Turtle header string.


@type coercible_namespace() :: RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace.t() | String.t() | RDF.IRI.t()
@type coercible_prefix() :: atom() | String.t()
@type conflict_resolver() ::
  (coercible_prefix(), coercible_namespace(), coercible_namespace() ->
  | :ignore
  | :overwrite
@type namespace() :: RDF.IRI.t()
@type prefix() :: atom()
@type prefix_map() :: %{required(prefix()) => namespace()}
@type t() :: %RDF.PrefixMap{map: prefix_map()}


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add(prefix_map, prefix, namespace)

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@spec add(t(), coercible_prefix(), coercible_namespace()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, String.t()}

Adds a prefix mapping to prefix_map.

Unless a mapping of prefix to a different namespace already exists, an :ok tuple is returned, otherwise an :error tuple.

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add!(prefix_map, prefix, namespace)

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@spec add!(t(), coercible_prefix(), coercible_namespace()) :: t()

Adds a prefix mapping to the given RDF.PrefixMap and raises an exception in error cases.

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delete(prefix_map, prefix)

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@spec delete(t(), coercible_prefix()) :: t()

Deletes the prefix mapping for prefix from prefix_map.

If no mapping for prefix exists, prefix_map is returned unchanged.

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drop(prefix_map, prefixes)

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@spec drop(t(), [coercible_prefix()]) :: t()

Drops the given prefixes from prefix_map.

If prefixes contains prefixes that are not in prefix_map, they're simply ignored.

@spec empty?(t()) :: boolean()

Returns if the given prefix_map is empty.

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has_prefix?(prefix_map, prefix)

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@spec has_prefix?(t(), coercible_prefix()) :: boolean()

Returns whether the given prefix exists in the given RDF.PrefixMap.

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limit(prefix_map, prefixes)

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@spec limit(t(), [prefix()]) :: t()

Returns a new prefix map limited to the given prefixes.


iex> "", ex2: "")
...> |> RDF.PrefixMap.limit([:ex1]) "")
iex> "")
...> |> RDF.PrefixMap.limit([:foo])
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merge(prefix_map1, prefix_map2)

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@spec merge(t(), t() | map() | keyword()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, [atom() | String.t()]}

Merges two RDF.PrefixMaps.

The second prefix map can also be given as any structure which can converted to a RDF.PrefixMap via new/1.

If the prefix maps can be merged without conflicts, that is there are no prefixes mapped to different namespaces an :ok tuple is returned. Otherwise, an :error tuple with the list of prefixes with conflicting namespaces is returned.

See also merge/3 which allows you to resolve conflicts with a function.

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merge(prefix_map1, prefix_map2, conflict_resolver)

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@spec merge(t(), t() | map() | keyword(), conflict_resolver() | nil) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, [atom() | String.t()]}

Merges two RDF.PrefixMaps, resolving conflicts through the given conflict_resolver function.

The second prefix map can also be given as any structure which can converted to a RDF.PrefixMap via new/1.

The given function will be invoked when there are conflicting mappings of prefixes to different namespaces; its arguments are prefix, namespace1 (the namespace for the prefix in the first prefix map), and namespace2 (the namespace for the prefix in the second prefix map). The value returned by the conflict_resolver function is used as the namespace for the prefix in the resulting prefix map. Non-RDF.IRI values will be tried to be converted to RDF.IRIs via implicitly.

The most common conflict resolution strategies on can be chosen directly with the following atoms:

  • :ignore: keep the original namespace from prefix_map1
  • :overwrite: use the other namespace from prefix_map2

If a conflict can't be resolved, the provided function can return nil. This will result in an overall return of an :error tuple with the list of prefixes for which the conflict couldn't be resolved.

If everything could be merged, an :ok tuple is returned.

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merge!(prefix_map1, prefix_map2, conflict_resolver \\ nil)

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@spec merge!(t(), t() | map() | keyword(), conflict_resolver() | nil) :: t()

Merges two RDF.PrefixMaps and raises an exception in error cases.

See merge/2 and merge/3 for more information on merging prefix maps.

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namespace(prefix_map, prefix)

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@spec namespace(t(), coercible_prefix()) :: namespace() | nil

Returns the namespace for the given prefix in prefix_map.

Returns nil, when the given prefix is not present in prefix_map.

@spec namespaces(t()) :: [coercible_namespace()]

Returns all namespaces from the given RDF.PrefixMap.

@spec new() :: t()

Creates an empty RDF.PrefixMap.

@spec new(t() | map() | keyword()) :: t()

Creates a new RDF.PrefixMap with initial mappings.

The initial prefix mappings can be passed as keyword lists or maps. The keys for the prefixes can be given as atoms or strings and will be normalized to atoms. The namespaces can be given as RDF.IRIs or strings and will be normalized to RDF.IRIs.

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prefix(prefix_map, namespace)

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@spec prefix(t(), coercible_namespace()) :: coercible_prefix() | nil

Returns the prefix for the given namespace in prefix_map.

Returns nil, when the given namespace is not present in prefix_map.

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prefixed_name(prefix_map, iri)

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@spec prefixed_name(t(), RDF.IRI.t() | String.t()) :: String.t() | nil

Converts an IRI into a prefixed name.

Returns nil when no prefix for the namespace of iri is defined in prefix_map.


iex> "")
...> |> RDF.PrefixMap.prefixed_name(~I<>)
iex> "")
...> |> RDF.PrefixMap.prefixed_name("")
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prefixed_name_to_iri(prefix_map, prefixed_name)

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@spec prefixed_name_to_iri(t(), String.t()) :: RDF.IRI.t() | nil

Converts a prefixed name into an IRI.

Returns nil when the prefix in prefixed_name is not defined in prefix_map.


iex> "")
...> |> RDF.PrefixMap.prefixed_name_to_iri("ex:Foo")
@spec prefixes(t()) :: [coercible_prefix()]

Returns all prefixes from the given RDF.PrefixMap.

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put(prefix_map, prefix, namespace)

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@spec put(t(), coercible_prefix(), coercible_namespace()) :: t()

Adds a prefix mapping to prefix_map overwriting an existing mapping.

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to_header(prefix_map, style, opts \\ [])

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@spec to_header(t(), :sparql | :turtle, keyword()) :: String.t() | iolist()

Converts the given prefix_map to a Turtle or SPARQL header string.

The style argument can be either :sparql or :turtle.


  • :indent: allows to specify an integer by how many spaces the header should be indented (default: 0)
  • :iodata: return the header as an IO list


...>   foo: "",
...>   bar: ""
...> ) |> RDF.PrefixMap.to_header(:sparql)
PREFIX bar: <>
PREFIX foo: <>

...>   foo: "",
...>   bar: ""
...> ) |> RDF.PrefixMap.to_header(:turtle)
@prefix bar: <> .
@prefix foo: <> .

iex> |> RDF.PrefixMap.to_header(:sparql)
@spec to_list(t()) :: [{prefix(), namespace()}]

Converts prefix map to a list.

Each prefix-namespace pair in the prefix map is converted to a two-element tuple {prefix, namespace_iri} in the resulting list.


iex> "") |> RDF.PrefixMap.to_list()
[ex: ~I<>]
@spec to_sorted_list(t() | map() | keyword()) :: [{prefix(), namespace()}]

Converts prefix map to a list sorted by prefix.

Each prefix-namespace pair in the prefix map is converted to a two-element tuple {prefix, namespace_iri} in the resulting list.


...>   foo: "",
...>   bar: "")
...> |> RDF.PrefixMap.to_sorted_list()
[bar: ~I<>, foo: ~I<>]

...>   a: "",
...>   "": "")
...> |> RDF.PrefixMap.to_sorted_list()
["": ~I<>, a: ~I<>]
@spec to_sparql(t()) :: String.t()

Converts the given prefix_map to a SPARQL header string.


...>   foo: "",
...>   bar: ""
...> ) |> RDF.PrefixMap.to_sparql()
PREFIX bar: <>
PREFIX foo: <>
@spec to_turtle(t()) :: String.t()

Converts the given prefix_map to a Turtle header string.


...>   foo: "",
...>   bar: ""
...> ) |> RDF.PrefixMap.to_turtle()
@prefix bar: <> .
@prefix foo: <> .