View Source RDF.TriG (RDF.ex v2.0.0)

RDF.TriG provides support for the TriG serialization format.

See RDF.TriG.Decoder and RDF.TriG.Encoder for the available options on the read and write functions.

For more on TriG see



Deserializes a graph or dataset from a file.

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a file.

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a stream.

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a stream.

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a string.

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a string.

Serializes an RDF data structure to a file.

Serializes an RDF data structure to a file.

Serializes an RDF data structure to a string.

Serializes an RDF data structure to a string.


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read_file(file, opts \\ [])

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@spec read_file(
) :: {:ok, RDF.Graph.t() | RDF.Dataset.t()} | {:error, any()}

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a file.

It returns an {:ok, data} tuple, with data being the deserialized graph or dataset, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.


General serialization-independent options:

  • :stream: Allows to enable reading the data from a file directly via a stream (default: false on this function, true on the bang version)
  • :gzip: Allows to read directly from a gzipped file (default: false)
  • :file_mode: A list with the Elixir modes to be used for reading (default: [:read, :utf8])

See the module documentation of the decoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the decoder.

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read_file!(file, opts \\ [])

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@spec read_file!(
) :: RDF.Graph.t() | RDF.Dataset.t()

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a file.

As opposed to read_file/2, it raises an exception if an error occurs and defaults to stream: true.

See read_file/3 for the available format-independent options.

See the module documentation of the decoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the decoder.

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read_stream(stream, opts \\ [])

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@spec read_stream(
) :: {:ok, RDF.Graph.t() | RDF.Dataset.t()} | {:error, any()}

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a stream.

It returns an {:ok, data} tuple, with data being the deserialized graph or dataset, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.

See the module documentation of the decoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the decoder.

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read_stream!(stream, opts \\ [])

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@spec read_stream!(
) :: RDF.Graph.t() | RDF.Dataset.t()

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a stream.

As opposed to read_stream/2, it raises an exception if an error occurs.

See the module documentation of the decoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the decoder.

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read_string(content, opts \\ [])

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@spec read_string(
) :: {:ok, RDF.Graph.t() | RDF.Dataset.t()} | {:error, any()}

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a string.

It returns an {:ok, data} tuple, with data being the deserialized graph or dataset, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.

See the module documentation of the decoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the decoder.

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read_string!(content, opts \\ [])

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@spec read_string!(
) :: RDF.Graph.t() | RDF.Dataset.t()

Deserializes a graph or dataset from a string.

As opposed to read_string/2, it raises an exception if an error occurs.

See the module documentation of the decoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the decoder.

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write_file(data, path, opts \\ [])

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@spec write_file(RDF.Data.t(), Path.t(), keyword()) :: :ok | {:error, any()}

Serializes an RDF data structure to a file.

It returns :ok if successful or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.


General serialization-independent options:

  • :stream: Allows to enable writing the serialized data to the file directly via a stream. Possible values: :string or :iodata for writing to the file with a stream of strings respective IO lists, true if you want to use streams, but don't care for the exact method or false for not writing with a stream (default: false on this function, :iodata on the bang version)
  • :gzip: Allows to write directly to a gzipped file (default: false)
  • :force: If not set to true, an error is raised when the given file already exists (default: false)
  • :file_mode: A list with the Elixir modes to be used for writing (default: [:write, :exclusive])

See the module documentation of the encoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the encoder.

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write_file!(data, path, opts \\ [])

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@spec write_file!(RDF.Data.t(), Path.t(), keyword()) :: :ok

Serializes an RDF data structure to a file.

As opposed to write_file/3, it raises an exception if an error occurs.

See write_file/3 for the available format-independent options.

See the module documentation of the encoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the encoder.

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write_string(data, opts \\ [])

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@spec write_string(
) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, any()}

Serializes an RDF data structure to a string.

It returns an {:ok, string} tuple, with string being the serialized graph or dataset, or {:error, reason} if an error occurs.

See the module documentation of the encoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the encoder.

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write_string!(data, opts \\ [])

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@spec write_string!(
) :: String.t()

Serializes an RDF data structure to a string.

As opposed to write_string/2, it raises an exception if an error occurs.

See the module documentation of the encoder for the available format-specific options, all of which can be used in this function and will be passed them through to the encoder.