Reactor.Builder.Step (reactor v0.15.0)

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Handle building and adding steps to Reactors for the builder.

You should not use this module directly, but instead use Reactor.Builder.new_step/4 and Reactor.Builder.add_step/5.



Build and add a new step to a Reactor.

Dynamically build a new step for later use.


add_step(reactor, name, impl, arguments, options)

@spec add_step(
) :: {:ok, Reactor.t()} | {:error, any()}

Build and add a new step to a Reactor.


  • reactor - An existing Reactor struct to add the step to.
  • name - The proposed name of the new step.
  • impl - A module implementing the Reactor.Step behaviour (or a tuple containing the module and options).
  • arguments - A list of Reactor.Argument structs or shorthand keyword lists.


  • :async? - Allow the step to be run asynchronously? The default value is true.

  • :max_retries - The maximum number of times the step can ask to be retried The default value is 100.

  • :transform - A function which can modify all incoming arguments

  • :context (map/0) - Context which will be merged with the reactor context when calling this step The default value is %{}.

  • :description - An optional description for the step

  • :guards (list of value that implements the Reactor.Guard.Build protocol) - Optional guards to add to the step The default value is [].

  • :ref - What sort of step reference to generate Valid values are :step_name, :make_ref The default value is :make_ref.

new_step(name, impl, arguments, options)

Dynamically build a new step for later use.

You're most likely to use this when dynamically returning new steps from an existing step.


  • name - The name of the new step.
  • impl - A module implementing the Reactor.Step behaviour (or a tuple containing the module and options).
  • arguments - A list of Reactor.Argument structs or shorthand keyword lists.


  • :async? - Allow the step to be run asynchronously? The default value is true.

  • :max_retries - The maximum number of times the step can ask to be retried The default value is 100.

  • :transform - A function which can modify all incoming arguments

  • :context (map/0) - Context which will be merged with the reactor context when calling this step The default value is %{}.

  • :description - An optional description for the step

  • :guards (list of value that implements the Reactor.Guard.Build protocol) - Optional guards to add to the step The default value is [].

  • :ref - What sort of step reference to generate Valid values are :step_name, :make_ref The default value is :make_ref.