Reactor.Executor.StepRunner (reactor v0.15.0)
View SourceRun an individual step, including compensation if possible.
Collect the arguments and and run a step, with compensation if required.
Run a step inside a task.
Undo a step if possible.
@spec run( Reactor.t(), Reactor.Executor.State.t(), Reactor.Step.t(), Reactor.Executor.ConcurrencyTracker.pool_key() ) :: Reactor.Step.run_result() | {:skip, Reactor.Step.run_result()}
Collect the arguments and and run a step, with compensation if required.
@spec run_async( Reactor.t(), Reactor.Executor.State.t(), Reactor.Step.t(), Reactor.Executor.ConcurrencyTracker.pool_key(), map() ) :: Reactor.Step.run_result() | {:skip, Reactor.Step.run_result()}
Run a step inside a task.
This is a simple wrapper around run/4
except that it emits more events.
@spec undo( Reactor.t(), Reactor.Executor.State.t(), Reactor.Step.t(), any(), Reactor.Executor.ConcurrencyTracker.pool_key() ) :: :ok | {:error, any()}
Undo a step if possible.