View Source Req (req v0.5.2)

The high-level API.

Req is composed of:

  • Req - the high-level API (you're here!)

  • Req.Request - the low-level API and the request struct

  • Req.Steps - the collection of built-in steps

  • Req.Test - the testing conveniences

The high-level API is what most users of Req will use most of the time.


Making a GET request with Req.get!/1:

iex> Req.get!("").body["description"]
"Req is a batteries-included HTTP client for Elixir."

Same, but by explicitly building request struct first:

iex> req = "")
iex> Req.get!(req, url: "/repos/wojtekmach/req").body["description"]
"Req is a batteries-included HTTP client for Elixir."

Return the request that was sent using!/2:

iex> {req, resp} =!("", auth: {:basic, "foo:bar"})
iex> req.headers["authorization"]
["Basic Zm9vOmJhcg=="]
iex> resp.status

Making a POST request with!/2:

iex>!("", form: [comments: "hello!"]).body["form"]
%{"comments" => "hello!"}

Stream request body:

iex> stream = Stream.duplicate("foo", 3)
iex>!("", body: stream).body["data"]

Stream response body using a callback:

iex> resp =
...>   Req.get!("", into: fn {:data, data}, {req, resp} ->
...>     IO.puts(data)
...>     {:cont, {req, resp}}
...>   end)
# output: {"url": "", ...}
# output: {"url": "", ...}
iex> resp.status
iex> resp.body

Stream response body into a Collectable:

iex> resp = Req.get!("", into:
# output: {"url": "", ...}
# output: {"url": "", ...}
iex> resp.status
iex> resp.body

Stream response body to the current process and parse incoming messages using Req.parse_message/2.

iex> resp = Req.get!("", into: :self)
iex> Req.parse_message(resp, receive do message -> message end)
{:ok, [data: "{\"url\": \"\", ..., \"id\": 0}\n"]}
iex> Req.parse_message(resp, receive do message -> message end)
{:ok, [data: "{\"url\": \"\", ..., \"id\": 1}\n"]}
iex> Req.parse_message(resp, receive do message -> message end)
{:ok, [:done]}

Same as above, using enumerable API:

iex> resp = Req.get!("", into: :self)
iex> resp.body
iex> Enum.each(resp.body, &IO.puts/1)
# {"url": "", ..., "id": 0}
# {"url": "", ..., "id": 1}

See :into option in documentation for more information on response body streaming.

Header Names

The HTTP specification requires that header names should be case-insensitive. Req allows two ways to access the headers; using functions and by accessing the data directly:

iex> Req.Response.get_header(response, "content-type")

iex> response.headers["content-type"]

While we can ensure case-insensitive handling in the former case, we can't in the latter. For this reason, Req made the following design choices:



Returns default options.

Sets default options for

Updates a request struct.

Returns a new request struct with built-in steps.

Functions (Making Requests)

Makes a DELETE request and returns a response or an error.

Makes a DELETE request and returns a response or raises an error.

Makes a GET request and returns a response or an error.

Makes a GET request and returns a response or raises an error.

Makes a HEAD request and returns a response or an error.

Makes a HEAD request and returns a response or raises an error.

Makes a PATCH request and returns a response or an error.

Makes a PATCH request and returns a response or raises an error.

Makes a POST request and returns a response or an error.

Makes a POST request and returns a response or raises an error.

Makes a PUT request and returns a response or an error.

Makes a PUT request and returns a response or raises an error.

Makes an HTTP request and returns a response or an error.

Makes an HTTP request and returns a response or raises an error.

Makes an HTTP request and returns the request and response or error.

Makes an HTTP request and returns the request and response or raises on errors.

Functions (Async Response)

Cancels an asynchronous response.

Parses asynchronous response message.



@spec default_options() :: keyword()

Returns default options.

See default_options/1 for more information.

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@spec default_options(keyword()) :: :ok

Sets default options for

Avoid setting default options in libraries as they are global.


iex> Req.default_options(base_url: "")
iex> Req.get!("/statuses/201").status
iex> |> Req.get!(url: "/statuses/201").status
@spec merge(Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Request.t()

Updates a request struct.

See new/1 for a list of available options. Also see Req.Request module documentation for more information on the underlying request struct.


iex> req = "")
iex> req = Req.merge(req, auth: {:basic, "alice:secret"})
iex> req.options[:base_url]
iex> req.options[:auth]
{:basic, "alice:secret"}

Passing :headers will automatically encode and merge them:

iex> req = %{point_x: 1})
iex> req = Req.merge(req, headers: %{point_y: 2})
iex> req.headers
%{"point-x" => ["1"], "point-y" => ["2"]}

The same header names are overwritten however:

iex> req = %{authorization: "bearer foo"})
iex> req = Req.merge(req, headers: %{authorization: "bearer bar"})
iex> req.headers
%{"authorization" => ["bearer bar"]}

Similarly to headers, :params are merged too:

req = "", params: [a: 1, b: 1])
req = Req.merge(req, params: [a: 2])
#=> %{"a" => "2", "b" => "1"}
@spec new(options :: keyword()) :: Req.Request.t()

Returns a new request struct with built-in steps.

See request/2, run/2, as well as get/2, post/2, and similar functions for making requests.

Also see Req.Request module documentation for more information on the underlying request struct.


Basic request options:

  • :method - the request method, defaults to :get.

  • :url - the request URL.

  • :headers - the request headers as a {key, value} enumerable (e.g. map, keyword list).

    The header names should be downcased.

    The headers are automatically encoded using these rules:

    • atom header names are turned into strings, replacing _ with -. For example, :user_agent becomes "user-agent".

    • string header names are downcased.

    • %DateTime{} header values are encoded as "HTTP date".

    If you set :headers options both in and request/2, the header lists are merged.

    See also "Header Names" section in the module documentation.

  • :body - the request body.

    Can be one of:

    • iodata - send request body eagerly

    • enumerable - stream enumerable as request body

Additional URL options:

  • :base_url - if set, the request URL is prepended with this base URL (via put_base_url step.)

  • :params - if set, appends parameters to the request query string (via put_params step.)

  • :path_params - if set, uses a templated request path (via put_path_params step.)

  • :path_params_style (available since v0.5.1) - how path params are expressed (via put_path_params step). Can be one of:

    • :colon - (default) for Plug-style parameters, such as :code in

    • :curly - for OpenAPI-style parameters, such as {code} in{code}.

Authentication options:

  • :auth - sets request authentication (via auth step.)

    Can be one of:

    • {:basic, userinfo} - uses Basic HTTP authentication.

    • {:bearer, token} - uses Bearer HTTP authentication.

    • :netrc - load credentials from the default .netrc file.

    • {:netrc, path} - load credentials from path.

    • string - sets to this value.

Request body options:

  • :form - if set, encodes the request body as form data (encode_body step.)

  • :json - if set, encodes the request body as JSON (encode_body step.)

  • :compress_body - if set to true, compresses the request body using gzip (via compress_body step.) Defaults to false.

AWS Signature Version 4 options (put_aws_sigv4 step):

  • :aws_sigv4 - if set, the AWS options to sign request:

    • :access_key_id - the AWS access key id.

    • :secret_access_key - the AWS secret access key.

    • :service - the AWS service.

    • :region - if set, AWS region. Defaults to "us-east-1".

    • :datetime - the request datetime, defaults to DateTime.utc_now(:second).

Response body options:

  • :compressed - if set to true, asks the server to return compressed response. (via compressed step.) Defaults to true.

  • :raw - if set to true, disables automatic body decompression (decompress_body step) and decoding (decode_body step.) Defaults to false.

  • :decode_body - if set to false, disables automatic response body decoding. Defaults to true.

  • :decode_json - options to pass to Jason.decode!/2, defaults to [].

  • :into - where to send the response body. It can be one of:

    • nil - (default) read the whole response body and store it in the response.body field.

    • fun - stream response body using a function. The first argument is a {:data, data} tuple containing the chunk of the response body. The second argument is a {request, response} tuple. To continue streaming chunks, return {:cont, {req, resp}}. To cancel, return {:halt, {req, resp}}. For example:

      into: fn {:data, data}, {req, resp} ->
        {:cont, {req, resp}}
    • collectable - stream response body into a Collectable.t/0.

    • :self - stream response body into the current process mailbox.

      Received messages should be parsed with Req.parse_message/2.

      response.body is set to opaque data structure Req.Response.Async which implements Enumerable that receives and automatically parses messages. See module documentation for example usage.

      If the request is sent using HTTP/1, an extra process is spawned to consume messages from the underlying socket. On both HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 the messages are sent to the current process as soon as they arrive, as a firehose. If you wish to maximize request rate or have more control over how messages are streamed, use into: fun or into: collectable instead.

Response redirect options (redirect step):

  • :redirect - if set to false, disables automatic response redirects. Defaults to true.

  • :redirect_trusted - by default, authorization credentials are only sent on redirects with the same host, scheme and port. If :redirect_trusted is set to true, credentials will be sent to any host.

  • :max_redirects - the maximum number of redirects, defaults to 10.

Retry options (retry step):

  • :retry - can be one of the following:

    • :safe_transient (default) - retry safe (GET/HEAD) requests on one of:

      • HTTP 408/429/500/502/503/504 responses

      • Req.TransportError with reason: :timeout | :econnrefused | :closed

      • Req.HTTPError with protocol: :http2, reason: :unprocessed

    • :transient - same as :safe_transient except retries all HTTP methods (POST, DELETE, etc.)

    • fun - a 2-arity function that accepts a Req.Request and either a Req.Response or an exception struct and returns one of the following:

      • true - retry with the default delay controller by default delay option described below.

      • {:delay, milliseconds} - retry with the given delay.

      • false/nil - don't retry.

    • false - don't retry.

  • :retry_delay - if not set, which is the default, the retry delay is determined by the value of retry-delay header on HTTP 429/503 responses. If the header is not set, the default delay follows a simple exponential backoff: 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, ...

    :retry_delay can be set to a function that receives the retry count (starting at 0) and returns the delay, the number of milliseconds to sleep before making another attempt.

  • :retry_log_level - the log level to emit retry logs at. Can also be set to false to disable logging these messages. Defaults to :warning.

  • :max_retries - maximum number of retry attempts, defaults to 3 (for a total of 4 requests to the server, including the initial one.)

Caching options (cache step):

  • :cache - if true, performs HTTP caching. Defaults to false.

  • :cache_dir - the directory to store the cache, defaults to <user_cache_dir>/req (see: :filename.basedir/3)

Request adapters:

  • :adapter - adapter to use to make the actual HTTP request. See :adapter field description in the Req.Request module documentation for more information.

    The default is run_finch.

  • :plug - if set, calls the given plug instead of making an HTTP request over the network (via run_plug step).

    The plug can be one of:

    • A function plug: a fun(conn) or fun(conn, options) function that takes a Plug.Conn and returns a Plug.Conn.

    • A module plug: a module name or a {module, options} tuple.

Finch options (run_finch step)

  • :finch - the Finch pool to use. Defaults to pool automatically started by Req.

  • :connect_options - dynamically starts (or re-uses already started) Finch pool with the given connection options:

    • :timeout - socket connect timeout in milliseconds, defaults to 30_000.

    • :protocols - the HTTP protocols to use, defaults to [:http1].

    • :hostname - Mint explicit hostname.

    • :transport_opts - Mint transport options.

    • :proxy_headers - Mint proxy headers.

    • :proxy - Mint HTTP/1 proxy settings, a {schema, address, port, options} tuple.

    • :client_settings - Mint HTTP/2 client settings.

  • :inet6 - if set to true, uses IPv6. Defaults to false.

  • :pool_timeout - pool checkout timeout in milliseconds, defaults to 5000.

  • :receive_timeout - socket receive timeout in milliseconds, defaults to 15_000.

  • :unix_socket - if set, connect through the given UNIX domain socket.

  • :finch_private - a map or keyword list of private metadata to add to the Finch request. May be useful for adding custom data when handling telemetry with Finch.Telemetry.

  • :finch_request - a function that executes the Finch request, defaults to using Finch.request/3.


iex> req = "")
iex> req.method
iex> URI.to_string(req.url)

Fake adapter:

iex> fake = fn request ->
...>   {request, 200, body: "it works!")}
...> end
iex> req = fake)
iex> Req.get!(req).body
"it works!"

Functions (Making Requests)

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delete(request, options \\ [])

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@spec delete(url() | keyword() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::
  {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}

Makes a DELETE request and returns a response or an error.

request can be one of:

See new/1 for a list of available options.


With URL:

iex> {:ok, resp} = Req.delete("")
iex> resp.body["method"]

With options:

iex> {:ok, resp} = Req.delete(url: "")
iex> resp.body["method"]

With request struct:

iex> req = "")
iex> {:ok, resp} = Req.delete(req)
iex> resp.body["method"]
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delete!(request, options \\ [])

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@spec delete!(url() | keyword() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::

Makes a DELETE request and returns a response or raises an error.

request can be one of:

See new/1 for a list of available options.


With URL:

iex> Req.delete!("").body["method"]

With options:

iex> Req.delete!(url: "").body["method"]

With request struct:

iex> req = "")
iex> Req.delete!(req).body["method"]
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get(request, options \\ [])

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@spec get(url() | keyword() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::
  {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}

Makes a GET request and returns a response or an error.

request can be one of:

See new/1 for a list of available options.


With URL:

iex> {:ok, resp} = Req.get("")
iex> resp.body["description"]
"Req is a batteries-included HTTP client for Elixir."

With options:

iex> {:ok, resp} = Req.get(url: "")
iex> resp.status

With request struct:

iex> req = "")
iex> {:ok, resp} = Req.get(req, url: "/repos/elixir-lang/elixir")
iex> resp.status
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get!(request, options \\ [])

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@spec get!(url() | keyword() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::

Makes a GET request and returns a response or raises an error.

request can be one of:

See new/1 for a list of available options.


With URL:

iex> Req.get!("").body["description"]
"Req is a batteries-included HTTP client for Elixir."

With options:

iex> Req.get!(url: "").status

With request struct:

iex> req = "")
iex> Req.get!(req, url: "/repos/elixir-lang/elixir").status
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head(request, options \\ [])

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@spec head(url() | keyword() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::
  {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}

Makes a HEAD request and returns a response or an error.

request can be one of:

See new/1 for a list of available options.


With URL:

iex> {:ok, resp} = Req.head("")
iex> resp.status

With options:

iex> {:ok, resp} = Req.head(url: "")
iex> resp.status

With request struct:

iex> req = "")
iex> {:ok, resp} = Req.head(req, url: "/status/201")
iex> resp.status
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head!(request, options \\ [])

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@spec head!(url() | keyword() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::

Makes a HEAD request and returns a response or raises an error.

request can be one of:

See new/1 for a list of available options.


With URL:

iex> Req.head!("").status

With options:

iex> Req.head!(url: "").status

With request struct:

iex> req = "")
iex> Req.head!(req, url: "/status/201").status
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patch(request, options \\ [])

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@spec patch(url() | keyword() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::
  {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}

Makes a PATCH request and returns a response or an error.

request can be one of:

See new/1 for a list of available options.


With URL:

iex> {:ok, resp} = Req.patch("", body: "hello!")
iex> resp.body["data"]

With options:

iex> {:ok, resp} = Req.patch(url: "", body: "hello!")
iex> resp.body["data"]

With request struct:

iex> req = "")
iex> {:ok, resp} = Req.patch(req, body: "hello!")
iex> resp.body["data"]
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patch!(request, options \\ [])

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@spec patch!(url() | keyword() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::

Makes a PATCH request and returns a response or raises an error.

request can be one of:

See new/1 for a list of available options.


With URL:

iex> Req.patch!("", body: "hello!").body["data"]

With options:

iex> Req.patch!(url: "", body: "hello!").body["data"]

With request struct:

iex> req = "")
iex> Req.patch!(req, body: "hello!").body["data"]
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post(request, options \\ [])

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@spec post(url() | keyword() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::
  {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}

Makes a POST request and returns a response or an error.

request can be one of:

See new/1 for a list of available options.


With URL:

iex> {:ok, resp} ="", body: "hello!")
iex> resp.body["data"]

iex> {:ok, resp} ="", form: [x: 1])
iex> resp.body["form"]
%{"x" => "1"}

iex> {:ok, resp} ="", json: %{x: 2})
iex> resp.body["json"]
%{"x" => 2}

With options:

iex> {:ok, resp} = "", body: "hello!")
iex> resp.body["data"]

With request struct:

iex> req = "")
iex> {:ok, resp} =, body: "hello!")
iex> resp.body["data"]
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post!(request, options \\ [])

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@spec post!(url() | keyword() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::

Makes a POST request and returns a response or raises an error.

request can be one of:

See new/1 for a list of available options.


With URL:

iex>!("", body: "hello!").body["data"]

iex>!("", form: [x: 1]).body["form"]
%{"x" => "1"}

iex>!("", json: %{x: 2}).body["json"]
%{"x" => 2}

With options:

iex>!(url: "", body: "hello!").body["data"]

With request struct:

iex> req = "")
iex>!(req, body: "hello!").body["data"]
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put(request, options \\ [])

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@spec put(url() | keyword() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::
  {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}

Makes a PUT request and returns a response or an error.

request can be one of:

See new/1 for a list of available options.


With URL:

iex> {:ok, resp} = Req.put("", body: "hello!")
iex> resp.body["data"]

With options:

iex> {:ok, resp} = Req.put(url: "", body: "hello!")
iex> resp.body["data"]

With request struct:

iex> req = "")
iex> {:ok, resp} = Req.put(req, body: "hello!")
iex> resp.body["data"]
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put!(request, options \\ [])

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@spec put!(url() | keyword() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::

Makes a PUT request and returns a response or raises an error.

request can be one of:

See new/1 for a list of available options.


With URL:

iex> Req.put!("", body: "hello!").body["data"]

With options:

iex> Req.put!(url: "", body: "hello!").body["data"]

With request struct:

iex> req = "")
iex> Req.put!(req, body: "hello!").body["data"]
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request(request, options \\ [])

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@spec request(request :: Req.Request.t() | keyword(), options :: keyword()) ::
  {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}

Makes an HTTP request and returns a response or an error.

request can be one of:

See new/1 for a list of available options.

Also see run/2 for a similar function that returns the request and the response or error.


With options keywords list:

iex> {:ok, response} = Req.request(url: "")
iex> response.status
iex> response.body["description"]
"Req is a batteries-included HTTP client for Elixir."

With request struct:

iex> req = "")
iex> {:ok, response} = Req.request(req)
iex> response.status
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request!(request, options \\ [])

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@spec request!(request :: Req.Request.t() | keyword(), options :: keyword()) ::

Makes an HTTP request and returns a response or raises an error.

See new/1 for a list of available options.

Also see run!/2 for a similar function that returns the request and the response or error.


With options keywords list:

iex> Req.request!(url: "").status

With request struct:

iex> req = "")
iex> Req.request!(req).status
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run(request, options \\ [])

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@spec run(request :: url() | keyword() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::
  {Req.Request.t(), Req.Response.t() | Exception.t()}

Makes an HTTP request and returns the request and response or error.

request can be one of:

See new/1 for a list of available options.

Also see request/2 for a similar function that returns the response or error (without the request).


With options keywords list:

iex> {req, resp} = "")
iex> resp.status

With request struct and options:

iex> req = "")
iex> {req, resp} =, url: "/repos/elixir-lang/elixir")
iex> resp.status

Returns an error:

iex> {_req, exception} ="http://localhost:9999", retry: false)
iex> exception
%Req.TransportError{reason: :econnrefused}
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run!(request, options \\ [])

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@spec run!(request :: url() | keyword() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::
  {Req.Request.t(), Req.Response.t()}

Makes an HTTP request and returns the request and response or raises on errors.

request can be one of:

See new/1 for a list of available options.

Also see request!/2 for a similar function that returns the response (without the request).


With options keywords list:

iex> {req, resp} =!(url: "")
iex> resp.status

With request struct and options:

iex> req = "")
iex> {req, resp} =!(req, url: "/repos/elixir-lang/elixir")
iex> resp.status

Raises an error:

iex>!("http://localhost:9999", retry: false)
** (Req.TransportError) connection refused

Functions (Async Response)

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Cancels an asynchronous response.

An asynchronous response is a result of request with into: :self. See also Req.Response.Async.


iex> resp = Req.get!("", into: :self)
iex> Req.cancel_async_response(resp)
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parse_message(request, message)

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Parses asynchronous response message.

An asynchronous response is a result of request with into: :self. See also Req.Response.Async.


iex> resp = Req.get!("", into: :self)
iex> Req.parse_message(resp, receive do message -> message end)
{:ok, [data: "{"url": "", ..., "id": 0}\n"]}
iex> Req.parse_message(resp, receive do message -> message end)
{:ok, [data: "{"url": "", ..., "id": 1}\n"]}
iex> Req.parse_message(resp, receive do message -> message end)
{:ok, [:done]}