View Source ReqSandbox (req_sandbox v0.2.0)
Req plugin for Phoenix.Ecto.SQL.Sandbox.
ReqSandbox simplifies making concurrent, transactional requests to a Phoenix server. Just before making a request, the sandbox metadata is applied via the specified request header. If there is no metadata available, then ReqSandbox creates a new sandbox session and saves the metadata for future requests. This is mostly useful in client test environments to ensure logical isolation between concurrent tests.
The Ecto SQL Sandbox Usage Guide contains a full demonstration of the sandbox features.
{:req, "~> 0.4.0"},
{:req_sandbox, "~> 0.2.0"}
req = "http://localhost:4000" |> ReqSandbox.attach()!(req, url: "/api/posts", json: %{"post" => %{"msg" => "Hello, world!"}}).body
#=> %{"data" => %{"id" => 2, "msg" => "Hello, world!"}}
#=> "BeamMetadata (g2gCZAACdjF0AAAAA2QABW93bmVyWGQAInZ2ZXMzM2o1LWxpdmVib29...)"
MIT License. Copyright (c) 2022 Michael A. Crumm Jr.
Attaches to a Req request.
Deletes the sandbox token from the process dictionary if it exists.
Deletes the sandbox from the server and the process dictionary, if it exists.
Returns the current sandbox token or nil
if no sandbox exists.
Attaches to a Req request.
- The path to the sandbox. The default value is"/sandbox"
- The header to put on the request. The default value is:user_agent
- If provided, the sandbox header value. Otherwise, an existing token from the process will be used. If no token is found, one will be requested from the path at:sandbox_url
. The default value isnil
@spec delete!() :: String.t() | nil
Deletes the sandbox token from the process dictionary if it exists.
@spec delete!(Req.Request.t()) :: String.t() | nil
Deletes the sandbox from the server and the process dictionary, if it exists.
@spec token() :: nil | String.t()
Returns the current sandbox token or nil
if no sandbox exists.
#=> "BeamMetadata (g2gCZAACdjF0AAAAA2QABW93bmVyWGQAInZ2ZXMzM2o1LWxpdmVib29...)"