retort v2.7.0 Retort.Resources behaviour View Source

Default callbacks for Calcinator.Resources behaviour when backed by Retort.Client.Generic

Link to this section Summary


Options passed to client_start_link that should be combined with resource-specific options controlled by the module implementing this behaviour


use Retort.Resources implements Calcinator.Resources callbacks to use Retort.Client.Generic

Constructs Ecto.Changeset.t using module changeset/2 (which is the implementatin of the Calcinator.Resources.changeset/2 callback) with module ecto_schema_module/0 __struct__/0 as the initial data

Destroys changeset data using Retort.Client.Generic.destroy/4

Lists resources matching the query_options using Retort.Client.Generic.index/3

module specific sandbox token key

Applies updates in changeset by converting them back to params for Retort.Client.Generic.update/5


Converts the associations passed from Calcinator to the full set of includes passed to Retort.Client.Generic

Call Retort.Client.Generic.start_link and return its result

Used to generate changesets and translate error messages

Add additional associations to the list passed down from Calcinator

Timeout for function call on Retort.Client.Generic

Link to this section Types

Link to this section Functions

Link to this macro __using__(list) View Source (macro)

use Retort.Resources implements Calcinator.Resources callbacks to use Retort.Client.Generic.

defmodule MyRPC.Authors do
  alias MyRPC.{Author, Client}
  alias MyLocal.Repo

  use Retort.Resources

  # Functions

  ## Calcinator.Resources callbacks

  def sandboxed?, do: Repo.config()[:pool] == Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox

  ## Retort.Resources callbacks

  def association_to_include(:posts), do: "posts"

  def client_start_link(options), do: Client.Author.start_link(options)

  def ecto_schema_module, do: Author


The caller must implement the following callbacks.

Retort.Resources callbacks

  • Retort.Resources.association_to_include/1
  • Retort.Resources.client_start_link/1
  • Retort.Resources.ecto_schema_module/0

Calcinator.Resources callback

use Retort.Resources doesn’t implement all the required Calcinator.Resources.

Overridable Functions

The following functions defined by use Retort.Resources are marked as overridable. You can use super/0, but you may also want to call the original implementation directly.

full_associations/1Inlined as def full_associations(list) when is_list(list), do: list


Timeouts for a module that use Retort.Resources can be configured using Retort.Resources.Timeout

Link to this function allow_sandbox_access(module, token) View Source
allow_sandbox_access(module(), Calcinator.Resources.sandbox_access_token()) :: :ok
Link to this function changeset(module, params) View Source
changeset(module(), Calcinator.Resources.params()) ::
  {:ok, Ecto.Changeset.t()} |
  {:error, :ownership}

Constructs Ecto.Changeset.t using module changeset/2 (which is the implementatin of the Calcinator.Resources.changeset/2 callback) with module ecto_schema_module/0 __struct__/0 as the initial data.


Link to this function delete(module, changeset, query_options) View Source
delete(module(), Ecto.Changeset.t(), Calcinator.Resources.query_options()) ::
  :ok |
  {:error, :bad_gateway} |
  {:error, :not_found} |
  {:error, :sandbox_access_disallowed} |
  {:error, :timeout} |
  {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}

Destroys changeset data using Retort.Client.Generic.destroy/4.


  • module - The module that called use Retort.Resources. MUST implement Retort.Resources.client_start_link/0 and Retort.Resources.timeout/1.
  • data - struct whose id should be destroyed.
  • query_options - to supply :meta for client.


  • :ok - the struct in the changeset was deleted

  • {:error, :bad_gateway} - A 500 Internal Server error from the remote server. Check its log.

  • {:error, :not_found} - The id of the struct in the changeset was not found on the remote server. It is either (1) already deleted or (2) never existed.

  • {:error, :sandbox_access_disallowed} - The query_options :meta, "beam" does not have the correct information to access the testing sandbox. Ensure you don’t have stale requests in your RabbitMQ queues that have "beam" from previous test runs.

  • {:error, :timeout} - the Retort.Client.Generic.destroy/3 call timed out. The struct in the changeset may have still been deleted if the request completes on the remote server after the timeout.

    To increase the timeout, increase module.timeout(:destroy), which (if module does not override timeout/1 from use Retort.Resources can be changed in config

    config :retort, module,
      timeout: [
        destroy: destroy_timeout # milliseconds

    … or it can be changed at runtime

    Retort.Resources.Timeout.put(module, :destroy, destroy_timeout)
  • {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t} - validation errors that prevented changeset from being deleted. For deletes, this is usually foreign key constraints, such as from Ecto.Changeset.no_assoc_constraint/2.

Link to this function get(module, id, query_options) View Source
get(module(),, Calcinator.Resources.query_options()) ::
  {:ok, Ecto.Schema.t()} |
  {:error, :bad_gateway} |
  {:error, :not_found} |
  {:error, :sandbox_access_disallowed} |
  {:error, :timeout}

Gets struct with id using


  • module - The module that called use Retort.Resources. MUST implement Retort.Resources.client_start_link/0 and Retort.Resources.timeout/1.
  • id the id of the struct to get
  • query_options - associations and filters


  • :ok - the struct in the changeset was deleted
  • {:error, :bad_gateway} - A 500 Internal Server error from the remote server. Check its log.
  • {:error, :not_found} - The id was not found on the remote server.
  • {:error, :sandbox_access_disallowed} - The query_options :meta, "beam" does not have the correct information to access the testing sandbox. Ensure you don’t have stale requests in your RabbitMQ queues that have "beam" from previous test runs.
  • {:error, :timeout} - the Retort.Client.Generic.get/4 call timed out. The id may still be retrieved from the remote server’s backing store if it completes on the remote server after the timeout, but it will not be returned to the caller because the RabbitMQ reply queue will not exist.

    To increase the timeout, increase module.timeout(:get), which (if module does not override timeout/1 from use Retort.Resources can be changed in config

    config :retort, module,
      timeout: [
        get: get_timeout # milliseconds

    … or it can be changed at runtime

    Retort.Resources.Timeout.put(module, :get, get_timeout)
Link to this function insert(module, changeset, query_options) View Source
insert(module(), Ecto.Changeset.t() | Calcinator.Resources.params(), Calcinator.Resources.query_options()) ::
  {:ok, Ecto.Schema.t()} |
  {:error, :bad_gateway} |
  {:error, :sandbox_access_disallowed} |
  {:error, :timeout} |
  {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}

Inserts params using Retort.Client.Generic.create/4



  • {:ok, struct} - the params was inserted yielding struct

  • {:error, :bad_gateway} - A 500 Internal Server error from the remote server. Check its log.

  • {:error, :sandbox_access_disallowed} - The query_options :meta, "beam" does not have the correct information to access the testing sandbox. Ensure you don’t have stale requests in your RabbitMQ queues that have "beam" from previous test runs.

  • {:error, :timeout} - the Retort.Client.Generic.create/4 call timed out. The params may have still been inserted if the request completes on the remote server after the timeout.

    To increase the timeout, increase module.timeout(:create), which (if module does not override timeout/1 from use Retort.Resources can be changed in config

    config :retort, module,
      timeout: [
        create: create_timeout # milliseconds

    … or it can be changed at runtime

    Retort.Resources.Timeout.put(module, :create, create_timeout)
  • {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t} - validation errors that prevented params from being inserted.

Lists resources matching the query_options using Retort.Client.Generic.index/3.


  • module - The module that called use Retort.Resources. MUST implement Retort.Resources.client_start_link/0 and Retort.Resources.timeout/1.
  • query_options - association to preload, filters, pagination, and sorting.


  • {:ok, [Ecto.Schema.t], Alembic.Pagination.t | nil} - the structs matching the query_options and (optionally) the
  • {:error, :bad_gateway} - A 500 Internal Server error from the remote server. Check its log.
  • {:error, :not_found} - The id was not found on the remote server.
  • {:error, :sandbox_access_disallowed} - The query_options :meta, "beam" does not have the correct information to access the testing sandbox. Ensure you don’t have stale requests in your RabbitMQ queues that have "beam" from previous test runs.
  • {:error, :timeout} - the Retort.Client.Generic.index/3 call timed out. The id may still be retrieved from the remote server’s backing store if it completes on the remote server after the timeout, but it will not be returned to the caller because the RabbitMQ reply queue will not exist.

    To increase the timeout, increase module.timeout(:index), which (if module does not override timeout/1 from use Retort.Resources can be changed in config

    config :retort, module,
      timeout: [
        index: index_timeout # milliseconds

    … or it can be changed at runtime

    Retort.Resources.Timeout.put(module, :index, index_timeout)
Link to this function sandbox_token_key(module) View Source
sandbox_token_key(module()) :: atom()

module specific sandbox token key

Link to this function update(module, changeset, query_options) View Source
update(module(), Ecto.Changeset.t(), Calcinator.Resources.query_options()) ::
  {:ok, Ecto.Schema.t()} |
  {:error, :bad_gateway} |
  {:error, :sandbox_access_disallowed} |
  {:error, :timeout} |
  {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}

Applies updates in changeset by converting them back to params for Retort.Client.Generic.update/5.


  • module - The module that called use Retort.Resources. MUST implement Retort.Resources.client_start_link/0 and Retort.Resources.timeout/1.
  • changeset - An update changeset
  • query_options - associations to preload in the returned updated struct.


  • {:ok, struct} - the changeset was updated yielding struct

  • {:error, :bad_gateway} - A 500 Internal Server error from the remote server. Check its log.

  • {:error, :sandbox_access_disallowed} - The query_options :meta, "beam" does not have the correct information to access the testing sandbox. Ensure you don’t have stale requests in your RabbitMQ queues that have "beam" from previous test runs.

  • {:error, :timeout} - the Retort.Client.Generic.update/5 call timed out. The struct in the changeset may have still been updated if the request completes on the remote server after the timeout.

    To increase the timeout, increase module.timeout(:update), which (if module does not override timeout/1 from use Retort.Resources can be changed in config

    config :retort, module,
      timeout: [
        update: update_timeout # milliseconds

    … or it can be changed at runtime

    Retort.Resources.Timeout.put(module, :update, update_timeout)
  • {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t} - validation errors that prevented changeset from being updated.

Link to this function update(module, data, params, query_options) View Source
update(module(), Ecto.Schema.t(), Calcinator.Resources.params(), Calcinator.Resources.query_options()) ::
  {:ok, Ecto.Schema.t()} |
  {:error, :bad_gateway} |
  {:error, :sandbox_access_disallowed} |
  {:error, :timeout} |
  {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}

Updates data with params using Retort.Client.Generic.update/5.



  • {:ok, struct} - the data was updated with params yielding struct

  • {:error, :bad_gateway} - A 500 Internal Server error from the remote server. Check its log.

  • {:error, :sandbox_access_disallowed} - The query_options :meta, "beam" does not have the correct information to access the testing sandbox. Ensure you don’t have stale requests in your RabbitMQ queues that have "beam" from previous test runs.

  • {:error, :timeout} - the Retort.Client.Generic.update/5 call timed out. The data may have still been updated with params if the request completes on the remote server after the timeout.

    To increase the timeout, increase module.timeout(:update), which (if module does not override timeout/1 from use Retort.Resources can be changed in config

    config :retort, module,
      timeout: [
        update: update_timeout # milliseconds

    … or it can be changed at runtime

    Retort.Resources.Timeout.put(module, :update, update_timeout)
  • {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t} - validation errors that prevented params from updating data updated.

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback association_to_include(association) View Source
association_to_include(association :: atom() | Keyword.t()) :: String.t()

Converts the associations passed from Calcinator to the full set of includes passed to Retort.Client.Generic.

  • Translate between the local association name and the remote include name
  • Check that the association is allowed
Link to this callback client_start_link(client_start_link_options) View Source
client_start_link(client_start_link_options()) :: GenServer.on_start()

Call Retort.Client.Generic.start_link and return its result.

Link to this callback ecto_schema_module() View Source
ecto_schema_module() :: module()

Used to generate changesets and translate error messages.

Link to this callback full_associations(list) View Source
full_associations(list()) :: list()

Add additional associations to the list passed down from Calcinator.

  • Add default includes
  • Add includes that are needed for authorization that the caller doesn’t know are necessary.
Link to this callback timeout(function) View Source
timeout(function :: atom()) :: timeout()

Timeout for function call on Retort.Client.Generic.