retort v2.7.0 API Reference


Supervise RabbitMQ connection, so it can be reconnected

Wrap AMQP.* modules so only functions needed for Retort.Channel are exposed, so it can be swapped during tests of error handling

Uses the AMQP package to setup a channel and queue


Helps for creating factories over RPC and converting their format back

Establishes a channel

Functionality shared between all specific, non-generic Retort.Client.*

A generic client for interacting with a resource over JSON API over JSON RPC over RabbitMQ

Metadata about a request that is in-flight for Retort.Client.Generic

Manipulates the remote state machines over RPC

A transition from one Retort.Client.StateMachine.state to another

Streams the resources from all the pages available on an Retort.Client.index/3

Caches the AMQP.Connection while it remains alive, so that multiple TCP connections aren’t made to the AMQP broker, following best practices

Helpers for tests that manipulate the Retort.Connection

Ensures that the JSONAPI meta is correct for the environment

Extensions to AMQP.Queue

Helpers for tests about AMQP.Queue

Default callbacks for Calcinator.Resources behaviour when backed by Retort.Client.Generic

Timeouts for a module that use Retort.Resources can be configured for all Retort.Client.Generic calls

Extensions to Ecto.Changeset to allow Retort.Response.Error.t to be turned (back) into Ecto.Changeset.t errors

Generates tokens and redeems those tokens for access to Ecto sandbox, such as Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox

Exposes an Ecto.Schema.t as a JSONAPI resource over JSON RPC on a RabbitMQ queue

Tracks data about implementation of Retort.Server.Generic behaviour

Logs general request information for Retort.Server.Generic, similar to what Plug.Logger does for Plug

A request, its meta data and its response for RabbitMQ. Lke a Plug.Conn, but for RPC

Exposes an Ecto.Schema.t as a JSONAPI resource over JSON RPC on a RabbitMQ queue

Supervises multiple workers with the same configuration for Retort.Server.Generic