scrape v3.1.0 Scrape.Tools.Tree

Utility module for interacting with nested Map structures, here called "tree".

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Attempts to get a nested value from the tree using a string selector syntax.

Applies find/2 to all given selectors and combines the result.

Attempts all queries until one returns a non-nil result or nil.

Transform a given xml string into a tree.

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find(tree, selector)
find(map(), String.t()) :: any()

Attempts to get a nested value from the tree using a string selector syntax.

Returns nil if nothing matches the selector or all matching results.


iex> Tree.find(%{"a" => %{"b" => "c"}}, "a")
%{"b" => "c"}

iex> Tree.find(%{"a" => %{"b" => "c"}}, "a.b")

iex> Tree.find(%{"a" => %{"b" => "c"}}, "unknown")

iex> Tree.find(%{"a" => [%{"b" => "c"}]}, "a.b")

iex> Tree.find(%{"a" => [%{"b" => [%{"c" => "d"}]}]}, "a.b.c")

iex> Tree.find(%{"a" => [%{"b" => "c"}, %{"b" => "c"}]}, "a.b")
["c", "c"]

iex> Tree.find(%{"a" => [%{"b" => [%{"c" => "d"}]}]}, "a.*.c")

iex> Tree.find(%{"hello" => "world"}, "~ell")
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find_all(tree, selectors)
find_all(map(), [String.t()]) :: [any()]

Applies find/2 to all given selectors and combines the result.


iex> Tree.find_all(%{"a" => "b", "c" => "d"}, ["a", "c"])
["b", "d"]

iex> Tree.find_all(%{"a" => "b", "c" => "d"}, ["a", "z"])

iex> Tree.find_all(%{"a" => "b", "c" => "d"}, ["x", "y"])
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first(tree, list)
first(map(), [String.t()]) :: nil | any()

Attempts all queries until one returns a non-nil result or nil.


iex> Tree.first(%{"hello" => "world"}, ["unknown"])

iex> Tree.first(%{"hello" => "world"}, ["unknown", "hello"])
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from_xml_string(String.t()) :: map()

Transform a given xml string into a tree.

The string must be utf-8 encoded. It will be sanitized via Floki and the xml declaration header will be stripped.


iex> Tree.from_xml_string("<feed><item>abc</item></feed>")
%{"feed" => %{"item" => "abc"}}