scrape v3.1.0 Scrape.Tools.URL

Simple utility functions to extract information from URLs.

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Transforms a given url into it's basic form, only including protocol scheme and host, without any other things like path, query or hash.

Checks if a given string actually represents an URL.

Rebase an URL to another root URL, useful for turning relative URLs into absolute ones.

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Transforms a given url into it's basic form, only including protocol scheme and host, without any other things like path, query or hash.


iex> URL.base("")

iex> URL.base("//")
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is_http?(String.t()) :: boolean()

Checks if a given string actually represents an URL.


iex> URL.is_http?("")

iex> URL.is_http?("example")
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merge(url, root_url)
merge(nil | String.t(), String.t()) :: nil | String.t()

Rebase an URL to another root URL, useful for turning relative URLs into absolute ones.


iex> URL.merge("/path", "")