This module is a drop-in replacement for lustre/element
. Just
use the new functions, and everything will automagically be styled.
1:1 representation of a lustre/element.Element
pub opaque type Element(msg)
pub fn element(
tag tag: String,
class class: Class,
attributes attributes: List(Attribute(a)),
children children: List(Element(a)),
) -> Element(a)
pub fn element_(
tag tag: String,
attributes attributes: List(Attribute(a)),
children children: List(Element(a)),
) -> Element(a)
pub fn keyed(
element: fn(List(Element(a))) -> Element(a),
children: List(#(String, Element(a))),
) -> Element(a)
pub fn namespaced(
namespace namespace: String,
tag tag: String,
class class: Class,
attributes attributes: List(Attribute(a)),
children children: List(Element(a)),
) -> Element(a)
pub fn namespaced_(
namespace namespace: String,
tag tag: String,
attributes attributes: List(Attribute(a)),
children children: List(Element(a)),
) -> Element(a)
pub fn styled(
element: Element(a),
) -> sketch/lustre/element.Element(a)
Style a node from plain Lustre to Sketch. Use it when you need to convert
a foreign element in a sketch_lustre
pub fn unstyled(
stylesheet: StyleSheet,
element: Element(a),
) -> #(StyleSheet, lustre/internals/vdom.Element(a))
Unstyle a node from Sketch to plain Lustre. Use it when you need to convert
a Sketch element in Lustre. You’ll have to maintain the StyleSheet on your
own, though.
Because of the nature of unstyled
, that function returns a tuple, with the
updated stylesheet, and the Lustre element.