View Source Slipstream.Socket (Slipstream v1.0.1)
A data structure representing a potential websocket client connection
This structure closely resembles Phoenix.Socket.t/0
, but is not
compatible with its functions. All documented functions from this module
are imported by use Slipstream
Link to this section Summary
Adds key-value pairs to socket assigns
Gets the process ID of the connection
Checks if a socket is connected to a remote websocket host
Checks the status of a join request
Checks if a channel is currently joined
Updates an existing key in the socket assigns
Link to this section Types
@type t() :: %Slipstream.Socket{ assigns: map(), channel_config: Slipstream.Configuration.t() | nil, channel_pid: nil | pid(), joins: %{ required(String.t()) => %Slipstream.Socket.Join{ params: term(), rejoin_counter: term(), status: term(), topic: term() } }, metadata: %{ required(atom()) => String.t() | %{required(String.t()) => String.t()} }, reconnect_counter: non_neg_integer(), response_headers: term(), socket_pid: pid() }
A socket data structure representing a potential websocket client connection
Link to this section Functions
Adds key-value pairs to socket assigns
Behaves the same as Phoenix.Socket.assign/3
iex> assign(socket, :key, :value)
iex> assign(socket, key: :value)
Gets the process ID of the connection
The slipstream implementor module is not the same process as the GenServer
which interfaces with the remote server for websocket communication. This
other process, the Slipstream.Connection process, interfaces with the
low-level WebSocket connection and communicates with the implementor module
by puassing messages (mostly with Kernel.send/2
It can be useful to have access to this pid for testing or debugging
purposes, such as sending a fake disconnect message or for getting state
with :sys.get_state/1
iex> Slipstream.Socket.channel_pid(socket)
Checks if a socket is connected to a remote websocket host
iex> socket = connect(socket, uri: "ws://")
iex> socket = await_connect!(socket)
iex> connected?(socket)
Checks the status of a join request
When a join is requested with Slipstream.join/3
, the join request is
considered to be in the :requested
state. Once the topic is successfully
joined, it is considered :joined
until closed. If there is a failure to
join the topic, if the topic crashes, or if the topic is left after being
joined, the status of the join is considered :closed
. Finally, if a topic
has not been requested in a join so far for a socket, the status is nil
Notably, the status of a join will not automatically change to :joined
the remote server replies with successful join. Either the join must be
awaited with Slipstream.await_join/2
or the status may be checked later
in the Slipstream.handle_join/3
iex> socket = join(socket, "room:lobby")
iex> join_status(socket, "room:lobby")
iex> {:ok, socket, _join_response} = await_join(socket, "room:lobby")
iex> join_status(socket, "room:lobby")
Checks if a channel is currently joined
iex> joined?(socket, "room:lobby")
Updates an existing key in the socket assigns
Raises a KeyError
if the key is not present in socket.assigns
should be an 1-arity function which takes the existing value at assign
and updates it to a new value. The new value will take the old value's
place in socket.assigns[key]
This function is a useful alternative to assign/3
when the key is already
present in assigns and is a list, map, or similarly malleable data structure.
@impl Slipstream
def handle_cast({:join, topic}, socket) do
socket =
|> update(:topics, &[topic | &1])
|> join(topic)
{:noreply, socket}
@impl Slipstream
def handle_call({:join, topic}, from, socket) do
socket =
|> update(:join_requests, &Map.put(&1, topic, from))
|> join(topic)
# note: not replying here so we can provide a synchronous call to a
# topic being joined
{:noreply, socket}
@impl Slipstream
def handle_join(topic, response, socket) do
case Map.fetch(socket.assigns.join_requests, topic) do
{:ok, from} -> GenServer.reply(from, {:ok, response})
:error -> :ok
{:ok, socket}