View Source Slipstream.SocketTest (Slipstream v1.0.1)

Helper functions and macros for testing Slipstream clients

This module is something of a correlary to Phoenix.ChannelTest. The functions and macros in Phoenix.ChannelTest emulate client operations: functions like Phoenix.ChannelTest.join/2, Phoenix.ChannelTest.push/3, etc.. Functions and macros in this module emulate behavior of the server: a Phoenix.Channel.


Timing assumptions

Clients are typically written to assume that the server

  • is up at time of client start-up
  • is always up

While this is typically (at least mostly) accurate, it is not necessarily true in general and will not be true when testing Slipstream clients. In particular, Slipstream clients may fail in test-mode under the following conditions:

While a client that uses Slipstream.await_connect/2 can band-aid over these problems with a high enough timeout, clients should be satisfied with receiving successful connection events asynchronously. Clients written in the asynchronous callback style will not be affected.

Some implementation-level details are glossed over by this testing framework, including that of heartbeat timeouts. If a client sits idle after joining for more than 60 seconds, they will not be terminated due to heartbeat timeout.


Setting up a test

Another assumption clients typically make of servers is that clients assume there is just one server. A client is not written expecting to hear that it has been connected multiple times for one request to Slipstream.connect/2. As such, tests using this module as a case template should be run synchronously.

defmodule MyApp.MyClientTest do
  use Slipstream.SocketTest


By default, this will start a server session for each test that simulates the current test process as the websocket server connected to the client.

test "the client sends a push to the server on join", c do

This server does not run a websocket server. Instead the server is a conceptual server: you may imagine that in each test, you are have control of the remote server and can control the behavior of the server imperatively.

The assert_* and refute_* family of macros from this module allow you to make assertions about- and match on values from- requests from the client to the server. The remaining functions allow you to emulate actions on behalf of a hypothetical server.



The assert_* and refute_* macros from this module default to ExUnit timeouts. See the ExUnit documentation for more details.



Slipstream exports the assert_* and receive_* macros as valid locals_without_parens in its formatter config. To be able to use these macros without the formatter injecting parentheses, import :slipstream in your service's formatter config for :import_deps:

  inputs: ["mix.exs", "{config,lib,test}/**/*.{ex,exs}"],
  import_deps: [:slipstream],
  .. # more configuration

Link to this section Summary


Any Slipstream client


Emulates a server telling the client it has connected

Asserts that a client will attempt to disconnect from the server

Emulates a server closing a connection to the client

Emulates a server pushing a message to the client

Refutes that a client will attempt to disconnect from the server

Emulates a server replying to a push from the client

Link to this section Types

Link to this type


View Source (since 0.2.0)
@type client() :: pid() |

Any Slipstream client

Since Slipstream clients are either GenServer or plain processes, either a pid or a GenServer name will work as the client argument for any function specifying client in this module.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function


View Source (since 0.2.0)
@spec accept_connect(client()) :: :ok

Emulates a server telling the client it has connected

This sets the current process as the current server connected to the client. It also adds an ExUnit.callbacks.on_exit/2 function that disconnects the client on exit with reason :closed_by_test. To handle this disconnect, clients should match on this pattern in Slipstream.handle_disconnect/2 and either shutdown (in the case that the test controls the spawning of the client, or reconnect, as with Slipstream.reconnect/1. The default implementation of Slipstream.handle_disconnect/2 reconnects in this case.

See Timing Assumptions.



test "the server connects", c do
  :ok = accept_connect(MyApp.MyClient)
Link to this macro

assert_disconnect(timeout \\ Application.fetch_env!(:ex_unit, :assert_receive_timeout))

View Source (since 0.2.0) (macro)
@spec assert_disconnect(timeout()) :: term()

Asserts that a client will attempt to disconnect from the server



# client will disconnect after 15s of inactivity
assert_disconnect 15_000
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assert_join(topic_expr, params_expr, reply, timeout \\ Application.fetch_env!(:ex_unit, :assert_receive_timeout))

View Source (since 0.2.0) (macro)
@spec assert_join(
  topic_expr :: Macro.t(),
  params_expr :: Macro.t(),
  reply ::
    | :error
    | {:ok, Slipstream.json_serializable()}
    | {:error, Slipstream.json_serializable()},
) :: term()

Asserts that a client will request to join a topic

topic_expr and params_expr are interpreted as match expressions, so they may be literal values, pinned (^) bindings, or partial values such as "msg:" <> _ or %{} (which matches any map).

reply is meant to simulate the return value of the Phoenix.Channel.join/3 callback.



assert_join "rooms:lobby", %{}, :ok
Link to this macro

assert_leave(topic_expr, timeout \\ Application.fetch_env!(:ex_unit, :assert_receive_timeout))

View Source (since 0.2.0) (macro)
@spec assert_leave(topic_expr :: Macro.t(), timeout()) :: term()

Asserts that a client will request to leave a topic

topic_expr is a pattern, so literal values like "room:lobby" are valid as well as match patterns such as "room:" <> _. Existing bindings must be pinned with the ^ pin operator.



topic = "rooms:lobby"
assert_join ^topic, %{}, :ok
push(MyClient, topic, "leave", %{})
assert_leave ^topic
Link to this macro

assert_push(topic_expr, event_expr, params_expr, ref_expr \\ quote do _ end, timeout \\ Application.fetch_env!(:ex_unit, :assert_receive_timeout))

View Source (since 0.2.0) (macro)
@spec assert_push(
  topic_expr :: Macro.t(),
  event_expr :: Macro.t(),
  params_expr :: Macro.t(),
  ref_expr :: Macro.t(),
) :: term()

Asserts that the client will request to push a messsage to the server

Note that topic_expr, event_expr, params_expr, and ref_expr are all pattern expressions. Prior bindings may be used with the ^ pin operator, values may be underscored to ignore, and partial values may be matched (e.g. %{} will match any map).

ref_expr can be provided to bind a reference for later use in reply/3.



assert_push "rooms:lobby", "msg:new", params, ref
reply(MyClient, ref, {:ok, %{status: "ok", received: params}})
Link to this macro

connect_and_assert_join(client, topic_expr, params_expr, reply, timeout \\ Application.fetch_env!(:ex_unit, :assert_receive_timeout))

View Source (since 0.2.0) (macro)
@spec connect_and_assert_join(
  client :: pid() |,
  topic_expr :: Macro.t(),
  params_expr :: Macro.t(),
  reply :: Slipstream.reply(),
) :: term()

A convenience macro wrapping connection and a join response

This macro is written for clients that join immediately after a connection has been established, which is a common case.

Clients written like so:

@impl Slipstream
def handle_connect(socket) do
  {:ok, join(socket, "rooms:lobby", %{user_id: socket.assigns.user_id})}

May be tested with connect_and_assert_join/5 as opposed to a separate connect/2 and then an assert_join/5.



socket = connect_and_assert_join MySocketClient, "rooms:lobby", %{}, :ok
push(socket, "rooms:lobby", "initial-hello", %{"hello" => "world"})
Link to this function

disconnect(client, reason)

View Source (since 0.2.0)
@spec disconnect(client :: client(), reason :: term()) :: :ok

Emulates a server closing a connection to the client



disconnect(MyClient, :heartbeat_timeout)
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push(client, topic, event, params)

View Source (since 0.2.0)
@spec push(
  client :: client(),
  topic :: String.t(),
  event :: String.t(),
  params :: Slipstream.json_serializable()
) :: :ok

Emulates a server pushing a message to the client

This emulates cases of Phoenix.Channel.push/3 by a Phoenix server.

Note that this function will not encode or decode the value of params, so conversion from maps of atom-keys to string-keys will not occur as it would when passing messages over-the-wire.



test "the server increments our counter with ping messages", c do
  assert Counter.count() == 0

  connect_and_assert_join MyClient, "counter-topic", %{}, :ok

  push(MyClient, "counter-topic", "ping", %{delta: 1})

  assert Counter.count() == 1
Link to this macro

refute_disconnect(timeout \\ Application.fetch_env!(:ex_unit, :refute_receive_timeout))

View Source (since 0.2.0) (macro)
@spec refute_disconnect(timeout()) :: term()

Refutes that a client will attempt to disconnect from the server

The opposite of assert_disconnect/1.



refute_disconnect 10_000
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refute_join(topic_expr, params_expr, timeout \\ Application.fetch_env!(:ex_unit, :refute_receive_timeout))

View Source (since 0.2.0) (macro)
@spec refute_join(
  topic_expr :: Macro.t(),
  params_expr :: Macro.t(),
) :: term()

Refutes that a client will request to join a topic

The opposite of assert_join/5.



refute_join "rooms:" <> _, %{user_id: 5}
Link to this macro

refute_leave(topic_expr, timeout \\ Application.fetch_env!(:ex_unit, :refute_receive_timeout))

View Source (since 0.2.0) (macro)
@spec refute_leave(topic_expr :: Macro.t(), timeout()) :: term()

Refutes that a client will request to leave a topic

The opposite of assert_leave/3.



assert_join "rooms:lobby", %{}, :ok
push(MyClient, topic, "no-don't-go", %{})
refute_leave ^topic, 10_000
Link to this macro

refute_push(topic_expr, event_expr, params_expr, timeout \\ Application.fetch_env!(:ex_unit, :refute_receive_timeout))

View Source (since 0.2.0) (macro)
@spec refute_push(
  topic_expr :: Macro.t(),
  event_expr :: Macro.t(),
  params_expr :: Macro.t(),
) :: term()

Refutes that a client will push a message to the server

The opposite of assert_push/4



refute_push "rooms:lobby", "msg:" <> _, %{user_id: 5}
Link to this function

reply(client, ref, reply)

View Source (since 0.2.0)
@spec reply(
  client :: client(),
  ref :: Slipstream.push_reference(),
  reply :: Slipstream.reply()
) :: :ok

Emulates a server replying to a push from the client

ref is a reference which can be matched upon in assert_push/6. reply follows the Slipstream.reply/0 type: it may be an :ok or :error atom or an {:ok, any()} or {:error, any()} tuple. This value will not be encoded or decoded by Slipstream, instead just directly passed to the client.



topic = "rooms:lobby"
connect_and_assert_join MySocketClient, ^topic, %{}, :ok
assert_push ^topic, "ping", %{}, ref
reply(MySocketClient, ref, {:ok, %{"ping" => "pong"}})