smart_city_data v3.0.2 SmartCity.Data.Timing View Source

Timing struct for adding timing metrics to SmartCity.Data messages

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Gets the current time. This function should always be used for generating times to be used in timings to ensure consistency across all services.

Wraps the results of a function call with measured timing information

Creates a new SmartCity.Data.Timing from opts.

Creates a new SmartCity.Data.Timing struct, passing in all fields.

Validate that all required keys are present and valid (not nil).

Validate that all required keys are present and valid (not nil).

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t() :: %SmartCity.Data.Timing{
  app: String.t(),
  end_time: DateTime.t(),
  label: String.t(),
  start_time: DateTime.t()

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current_time() :: String.t()

Gets the current time. This function should always be used for generating times to be used in timings to ensure consistency across all services.

Returns current UTC Time in ISO8601 format

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measure(app, label, function)

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measure(String.t(), String.t(), (() -> {:ok, term()} | {:error, term()})) ::
  {:ok, term(), SmartCity.Data.Timing.t()} | {:error, String.t()}

Wraps the results of a function call with measured timing information

Returns {:ok, result, timing} on success, or {:error, reason} on failure

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    :app => term(),
    :label => term(),
    optional(:start_time) => term(),
    optional(:end_time) => term()
  | list()
) :: SmartCity.Data.Timing.t()

Creates a new SmartCity.Data.Timing from opts.

Returns a SmartCity.Data.Timing struct or raises ArgumentError


  • opts: Keyword list or map containing struct attributes

    Required keys: `app`, `label`
    See [`Kernel.struct!/2`](!/2).
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new(app, label, start_time, end_time)

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new(term(), term(), term(), term()) :: SmartCity.Data.Timing.t()

Creates a new SmartCity.Data.Timing struct, passing in all fields.

Returns a SmartCity.Data.Timing struct or raises ArgumentError.


  • app: application for which timing metrics are being measured
  • label: description of timing measurement
  • start_time: time when measurement has begun
  • end_time: time when measurement has finished


iex>"foo", "bar", "not_validated", "not_validated")
  app: "foo",
  label: "bar",
  start_time: "not_validated",
  end_time: "not_validated"

Validate that all required keys are present and valid (not nil).

Set by @validate_keys module attribute. Currently checks: app, label

Returns {:ok, timing} on success or {:error, reason} on failure


Validate that all required keys are present and valid (not nil).

Returns timing on success, or raises ArgumentError on failure See validate/1