View Source Smee.Transform (Smee v0.5.0)

Tools for manipulating metadata XML.

This module is intended to make common and relatively simple actions on potentially large XML files more efficiently than processing a metadata or entities using xmerl, and may rely on external tools such as xsltproc.

These functions are useful for pre-processing metadata XML before it's broken up into entity struct, and to speed-up the internal workings of other modules.



Strips various extraneous parts from the metadata and returns a new struct in an :ok/:error tuple

Strips various extraneous parts from the metadata and returns a new struct in an :ok/:error tuple

Applies an XSLT stylesheet to a metadata struct, returning a transformed metadata struct in an :ok/error tuple

Returns a metadata struct with the validUntil date updated, in an :ok/:error struct

Returns a metadata struct with the validUntil date updated, or raises if an error occurs


@spec decruft_idp(metadata :: Smee.Metadata.t()) ::
  {:ok, Smee.Metadata.t()} | {:error, binary()}

Strips various extraneous parts from the metadata and returns a new struct in an :ok/:error tuple

@spec decruft_sp(metadata :: Smee.Metadata.t()) ::
  {:ok, Smee.Metadata.t()} | {:error, binary()}

Strips various extraneous parts from the metadata and returns a new struct in an :ok/:error tuple

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transform(metadata, stylesheet, params \\ [])

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@spec transform(
  metadata :: Smee.Metadata.t(),
  stylesheet :: binary(),
  params :: keyword()
) ::
  {:ok, Smee.Metadata.t()} | {:error, binary()}

Applies an XSLT stylesheet to a metadata struct, returning a transformed metadata struct in an :ok/error tuple

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valid_until(metadata, date)

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@spec valid_until(metadata :: Smee.Metadata.t(), date :: DateTime.t()) ::
  {:ok, Smee.Metadata.t()} | {:error, binary()}

Returns a metadata struct with the validUntil date updated, in an :ok/:error struct

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valid_until!(metadata, date)

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@spec valid_until!(metadata :: Smee.Metadata.t(), date :: DateTime.t()) ::

Returns a metadata struct with the validUntil date updated, or raises if an error occurs