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General description

SMPPEX is a framework for building SMPP servers and clients (which are often referred to as MC and ESME entities respectevely).

The major features exposed by the library are:

  • SMPPEX.ESME module and behaviour for implementing ESME entities;
  • SMPPEX.MC module and behaviour for implementing MC entities;
  • SMPPEX.ESME.Sync module representing simple ready to use SMPP client.

Also one of the core features of the library is simplicity: both code simplicity and simplicity of use.

  • The library does not have much TCP handling or session management functionality, it is based on great ranch library.
  • SMPP session is symmetric(used both in ESME and MC) and is implemented as ranch_protocol behaviour.
  • The library includes an easy and ready to use SMPP client (SMPP.ESME.Sync) which has capabilities of synchronous SMS sending and do not require implementing ESME behavior. There is also an SMPP testing tool smppsend based on this client.


SMPPEX.ESME.Sync is the most straightforward way to interact with an SMSC. Example:

{:ok, esme} = SMPPEX.ESME.Sync.start_link(host, port)

bind = SMPPEX.Pdu.Factory.bind_transmitter("system_id", "password")
{:ok, _bind_resp} = SMPPEX.ESME.Sync.request(esme, bind)

# We are bound, let's send a message

submit_sm = SMPPEX.Pdu.Factory.submit_sm({"from", 1, 1}, {"to", 1, 1}, "hello!")
{:ok, submit_sm_resp} = SMPPEX.ESME.Sync.request(esme, submit_sm)

# Message is sent, let's get the obtained id:

message_id = SMPPEX.Pdu.field(submit_sm_resp, :message_id)

# Now let's wait for a delivery report:

delivery_report? = fn(pdu) ->
SMPPEX.Pdu.command_name(pdu) == :deliver_sm and
  SMPPEX.Pdu.field(pdu, :receipted_message_id) == message_id

delivery_reports = case SMPPEX.ESME.Sync.wait_for_pdus(esme, 60000) do
:stop ->"Ooops, ESME stopped")
:timeout ->"No DLR in 60 seconds")
received_items ->
  # Let's filter out DLRs for the previously submitted message
  for {:pdu, pdu}  <- received_items, delivery_report?.(pdu), do: pdu


SMPPEX.ESME can be used when more complicated client logic is needed, for example custom immediate reactions to all incoming PDUs, rps/window control, etc.

SMPPEX.Session provides "empty" defaults for all required callbacks, so minimal ESME could be very simple:

defmodule DummyESME do
  use SMPPEX.Session

  def start_link(host, port) do
    SMPPEX.ESME.start_link(host, port, {__MODULE__, []})

It is still completely functional:

{:ok, esme} = DummyESME.start_link(host, port)
SMPPEX.Session.send_pdu(esme, SMPPEX.Pdu.Factory.bind_transmitter("system_id", "password"))

Here's a more complicated example of ESME, which does the following:

  • Receives port number and three arguments:

    • waiting_pid — a pid of the process which will be informed when ESME stops;
    • count — count of PDUs to send;
    • window — window size, the maximum number of sent PDU's without resps.
  • Connects to the specified port on localhost and issues a bind command.

  • Starts to send predefined PDUs after bind at maximum possible rate but regarding window size.

  • Stops after all PDUs are sent and notifies the waiting process.

defmodule SMPPBenchmarks.ESME do

  use SMPPEX.Session
  require Logger

  @from {"from", 1, 1}
  @to {"to", 1, 1}
  @message "hello"

  @system_id "system_id"
  @password "password"

  def start_link(port, waiting_pid, count, window) do
    SMPPEX.ESME.start_link("", port, {__MODULE__, [waiting_pid, count, window]})

  def init(_, _, [waiting_pid, count, window]) do
    Kernel.send(self(), :bind)
    {:ok, %{waiting_pid: waiting_pid, count_to_send: count, count_waiting_resp: 0, window: window}}

  def handle_resp(pdu, _original_pdu, st) do
    case SMPPEX.Pdu.command_name(pdu) do
    :submit_sm_resp ->
      new_st = %{ st | count_waiting_resp: st.count_waiting_resp - 1 }
    :bind_transmitter_resp ->
    _ ->
      {:ok, st}

  def handle_resp_timeout(pdu, st) do
    Logger.error("PDU timeout: #{inspect pdu}, terminating")
    {:stop, :resp_timeout, st}


  def terminate(reason, _, st) do"ESME stopped with reason #{inspect reason}")
    Kernel.send(st.waiting_pid, {self(), :done})

  def handle_info(:bind, st) do
    {:noreply, [SMPPEX.Pdu.Factory.bind_transmitter(@system_id, @password)], st}

  defp send_pdus(st) do
    cond do
      st.count_to_send > 0 ->
        count_to_send = min(st.window - st.count_waiting_resp, st.count_to_send)
        new_st = %{ st | count_waiting_resp: st.window, count_to_send: st.count_to_send - count_to_send }
        {:ok, make_pdus(count_to_send), new_st}
      st.count_waiting_resp > 0 ->
        {:ok, st}
      true ->"All PDUs sent, all resps received, terminating")
        {:stop, :normal, st}

  defp make_pdus(0), do: []
  defp make_pdus(n) do
    for _ <- 1..n, do: SMPPEX.Pdu.Factory.submit_sm(@from, @to, @message)


Not all callbacks are used yet in this example, for the full list see SMPPEX.Session documentation.


SMPPEX.MC is used for receiving and handling SMPP connections.

Here is an example of a very simple MC, which does the following:

  • Starts and listens to connections on the specified port.
  • Responds with OK status to all incoming binds.
  • Responds with incremental message ids to all incoming submit_sm packets (regardless of the bind state).

defmodule MC do

  use SMPPEX.Session

  alias SMPPEX.Pdu
  alias SMPPEX.Pdu.Factory, as: PduFactory

  def child_spec(port) do
        session: {__MODULE__, []},
        transport_opts: [port: port]

  def init(_socket, _transport, []) do
    {:ok, 0}

  def handle_pdu(pdu, last_id) do
    case Pdu.command_name(pdu) do
      :submit_sm ->
        {:ok, [PduFactory.submit_sm_resp(0, to_string(last_id)) |> Pdu.as_reply_to(pdu)], last_id + 1}
      :bind_transmitter ->
        {:ok, [PduFactory.bind_transmitter_resp(0) |> Pdu.as_reply_to(pdu)], last_id}
      _ ->
        {:ok, last_id}


This server can be started by providing {MC, port} as a child of some supervisor.