View Source Spear.Event (Spear v1.4.1)

A simplified event struct

This event struct is easier to work with than the protobuf definitions for AppendReq and ReadResp records




A struct representing an EventStoreDB event


Converts a read-response message to a Spear.Event

Returns the ID of the event, following the event's link if provided

Creates an event struct

Returns the revision of the event, following the event's link if provided

Converts an event into a checkpoint

Produces a random UUID v4 in human-readable format

Produces a consistent UUID v4 in human-readable format given any input data structure


@type t() :: %Spear.Event{
  body: term(),
  id: String.t(),
  link: t() | nil,
  metadata: map(),
  type: String.t()

A struct representing an EventStoreDB event

Spear.Event.t/0s may be created to write to the EventStoreDB with new/3. Spear.Event.t/0s will be lazily mapped into gRPC-compatible structs before being written to the EventStoreDB with to_proposed_message/2.

Spear.Event.t/0s typically look different between events which are written to- and events which are read from the EventStoreDB. Read events contain more metadata which pertains to EventStoreDB specifics like the creation timestamp of the event.

The :link field of a Spear.Event.t/0 can contain another Spear.Event.t/0 struct. Link events are pointers to other events and are used by the EventStoreDB to provide the projections feature without having to duplicate events across streams. Links do not usually contain any information useful to consumers, but clients must keep track of links in order to keep an accurate position in a projected stream, or in order to Spear.ack/3/Spear.nack/4 the projected events in a persistent subscription.

The :from option in functions like Spear.read_stream/3,!/3 or Spear.subscribe/4 will use the link event's .metadata.stream_revision when reading projected streams. Spear.ack/3 and Spear.nack/4 take the link's :id field when passed a Spear.Event.t/0. When not passing Spear.Event.t/0s (for example, if curating the stream revisions or IDs in a database), the revision/1 and id/1 functions may be used to return the proper metadata for standard subscriptions and persistent subscriptions, respectively.


iex>!(conn, "es_supported_clients") |> Enum.take(1)
    body: %{"languages" => ["typescript", "javascript"], "runtime" => "NodeJS"},
    id: "1fc908c1-af32-4d06-a9bd-3bf86a833fdf",
    metadata: %{
      commit_position: 18446744073709551615,
      content_type: "application/json",
      created: ~U[2021-04-01 21:11:38.196799Z],
      custom_metadata: "",
      prepare_position: 18446744073709551615,
      stream_name: "es_supported_clients",
      stream_revision: 0
    type: "grpc-client",
    link: nil
iex>"grpc-client", %{"languages" => ["typescript", "javascript"], "runtime" => "NodeJS"},
  body: %{"languages" => ["typescript", "javascript"], "runtime" => "NodeJS"},
  id: "b952575a-1014-404d-ba20-f0904df7954e",
  metadata: %{content_type: "application/json", custom_metadata: ""},
  type: "grpc-client",
  link: nil


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from_read_response(read_response, opts \\ [])

View Source (since 0.1.0)
@spec from_read_response(tuple(), Keyword.t()) :: t()

Converts a read-response message to a Spear.Event

This function is applied by onto streams returned by reading operations such as!/3, Spear.read_stream/3, etc. by default. This can be turned off by passing the raw?: true opt to a reading function.

This function follows links. For example, if an read event belongs to a projected stream such as an event type stream, this function will give the event body of the source event, not the link. Forcing the return of the link body can be accomplished with the :link? option set to true (it is false by default).


  • :link? - (default: false) forces returning the body of the link event for events read from projected streams. Has no effect on events from non- projected streams.
  • :json_decoder - (default: Jason.decode!/2) a 2-arity function to use for events with a "content-type" of "application/json".

All remaining options passed as opts other than :link? and :json_decoder are passed to the second argument of the :json_decoder 2-arity function.

JSON decoding

Event bodies are commonly written to the EventStoreDB in JSON format as the format is a human-readable and supported in nearly any language. Events carry a small piece of metadata in the ReadResp.ReadEvent.RecordedEvent's :metadata map field which declares the content-type of the event body: "content-type". This function will automatically attempt to decode any events which declare an "application/json" content-type as JSON using the :json_decoder 2-arity function option. Other content-types will not trigger any automatic behavior.

Spear takes an optional dependency on the Jason library as it is currently the most popular JSON (en/de)coding library. If you add this project to the deps/0 in a mix.exs file and wish to take advantage of the automatic JSON decoding functionality, you may also need to include :jason. As an optional dependency, :jason is not included in your dependencies just by dependending on :spear.

# mix.exs
def deps do
    {:spear, ">= 0.0.0"},
    {:jason, ">= 0.0.0"},

Other JSON (en/de)coding libraries may be swapped in, such as with Poison

iex>!(conn, "es_supported_clients", raw?: true)
...> |>, json_decoder: &Poison.decode!/2, keys: :atoms))

Examples!(conn, "es_supported_clients", raw?: true)
|> Enum.to_list()
# => [%Spear.Event{}, %Spear.Event{}, ..]
@spec id(t()) :: String.t()

Returns the ID of the event, following the event's link if provided


iex>{link: nil, id: "817cf20b-6791-4979-afdd-da4b03e02007", ..)
...>   %Spear.Event{
...>     link: %Spear.Event{id: "976601b0-3775-442e-b98c-5f56af809402", ..},
...>     id: "817cf20b-6791-4979-afdd-da4b03e02007",
...>     ..
...>   }
...> )
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new(type, body, opts \\ [])

View Source (since 0.1.0)
@spec new(String.t(), term(), Keyword.t()) :: t()

Creates an event struct

This function does not append the event to a stream on its own, but can provide events to Spear.append/4 which will append events to a stream.

type is any string used to declare how the event is typed. This is very arbitrary and may coincide with struct names or may be hard-coded per event.


  • :id - (default: Spear.Event.uuid_v4()) the event's ID. See the section on event IDs below.
  • :content_type - (default: "application/json") the encoding used to turn the event's body into binary data. If the content-type is "application/json", the EventStoreDB and Spear (in Spear.Event.from_read_response/2)
  • :custom_metadata - (default: "") an event field outside the body meant as a bag for storing custom attributes about an event. Usage of this field is not obligatory: leaving it blank is perfectly normal.

Event IDs

EventStoreDB uses event IDs to provide an idempotency feature. Any event written to the EventStoreDB with an already existing ID will be not be duplicated.

iex> event ="grpc-client", %{"languages" => ["typescript", "javascript"], "runtime" => "NodeJS"})
  body: %{"languages" => ["typescript", "javascript"], "runtime" => "NodeJS"},
  id: "1e654b2a-ff04-4af8-887f-052442edcd83",
  metadata: %{content_type: "application/json", custom_metadata: ""},
  type: "grpc-client"
iex> [event] |> Spear.append(conn, "idempotency_test")
iex> [event] |> Spear.append(conn, "idempotency_test")
iex>!(conn, "idempotency_test") |> Enum.to_list()
    body: %{"languages" => ["typescript", "javascript"], "runtime" => "NodeJS"},
    id: "1e654b2a-ff04-4af8-887f-052442edcd83",
    metadata: %{
      commit_position: 18446744073709551615,
      content_type: "application/json",
      created: ~U[2021-04-07 21:53:40.395681Z],
      custom_metadata: "",
      prepare_position: 18446744073709551615,
      stream_name: "idempotency_test",
      stream_revision: 0
    type: "grpc-client"

Event Store DB Event Metadata

All names starting with $ are reserved space for internal use, the most commonly used are the following:

  • $correlationId: The application level correlation ID associated with this message.
  • $causationId: The application level causation ID associated with this message.

In order to use these fields, you must pass them as custom metadata:

iex> custom_metadata =  Jason.encode!(%{"$correlationId" => "...", "$causationId" => "..."})
...>"my_event", %{"id" => 1}, custom_metadata: custom_metadata)
  id: "d77c1abc-0200-4804-81cd-eca726911166",
  type: "my_event",
  body: %{"id" => 1},
  link: nil,
  metadata: %{
    content_type: "application/json",
    custom_metadata: "{"$causationId":"...","$correlationId":"..."}"

Custom Metadata Format

In order to leverage the EventStoreDB System Projections such as $by_correlation_id or JS Projections; you must pass the custom metadata as JSON.

|> MyCsvParser.parse_stream()
|> [id, type, amount] ->"ChargeDeclared",
    %{id: id, type: type, amount: amount}
|> Spear.append(conn, "ChargesFromCsvs", batch_size: 20)
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View Source (since 0.9.0)
@spec revision(t()) :: non_neg_integer()

Returns the revision of the event, following the event's link if provided


iex> Spear.Event.revision(%Spear.Event{link: nil, metadata: %{stream_revision: 1, ..}, ..})
iex> Spear.Event.revision(
...>   %Spear.Event{
...>     link: %Spear.Event{metadata: %{stream_revision: 1, ..}, ..},
...>     metadata: %{stream_revision: 0, ..},
...>     ..
...>   }
...> )
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View Source (since 0.1.0)
@spec to_checkpoint(t()) :: Spear.Filter.Checkpoint.t()

Converts an event into a checkpoint

This is useful when storing stream positions in Spear.subscribe/4 subscriptions to the :all stream.

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to_proposed_message(event, encoder_mapping \\ %{"application/json" => &Jason.encode!/1}, type \\ :append)

View Source (since 0.1.0)
@spec to_proposed_message(
  encoder_mapping :: %{},
  type :: :append | :batch_append
) :: tuple()

Converts a Spear.Event into an append-request record which proposes a new message

Note that each event must be individually structured as an AppendReq record in order to be written to an EventStoreDB. The RPC definition for writing events specifies a stream input, though, so all AppendReq events passed to Spear.append/4 will be batched into a single write operation. This write operation appears to be transactional: any events in a single call to Spear.append/4 will only be appended if all events can be appended.

rpc Append (stream AppendReq) returns (AppendResp);

These messages are serialized to wire data before being sent to the EventStoreDB when using Spear.append/4 to write events via protobuf encoding.

encoder_mapping is a mapping of content-types to 1-arity encode functions. The default is

%{"application/json" => &Jason.encode!/1}

The Spear.Event.t/0's .metadata.content_type value will be searched in this map. If an encoder is found for that content-type, the event body will be encoded with the encoding function. If no encoder is found, the event body will be passed as-is.

To set up an encoder for something like Erlang term format, an encoding map like the following could be used

%{"application/vnd.erlang-term-format" => &:erlang.term_to_binary/1}

In order to disable JSON encoding, pass an empty map %{} as the encoder_mapping


iex> events
[%Spear.Event{}, %Spear.Event{}, ..]
iex> events |>
[{:"event_store.client.streams.AppendReq", ..}, ..]
@spec uuid_v4() :: binary()

Produces a random UUID v4 in human-readable format


iex> Spear.Event.uuid_v4
iex> Spear.Event.uuid_v4
Link to this function


View Source (since 0.1.0)

Produces a consistent UUID v4 in human-readable format given any input data structure

This function can be used to generate a consistent UUID for a data structure of any shape. Under the hood it uses :erlang.phash2/1 to hash the data structure, which should be portable across many environments.

This function can be taken advantage of to generate consistent event IDs for the sake of idempotency (see the Event ID section in new/3 for more information). Pass the :id option to new/3 to override the default random UUID generation.

Note that it this implementation is naive and not easily portable across programming languages because of the reliance on :erlang.phash2/1. A v5 UUID can be used instead to the same effect with more portability, however a v5 UUID generator is not included in this library.


iex> Spear.Event.uuid_v4 %{"foo" => "bar"}
iex> Spear.Event.uuid_v4 %{"foo" => "bar"}