View Source Spear.User (Spear v1.4.0)

A struct representing an EventStoreDB user

These are returned from Spear.user_details/3.

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A struct representing an EventStoreDB user

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@type t() :: %Spear.User{
  enabled?: boolean(),
  full_name: String.t(),
  groups: [String.t()],
  last_updated: DateTime.t(),
  login_name: String.t()

A struct representing an EventStoreDB user

The :enabled? flag controls whether or not a user may execute requests, even with valid login information. This can be used to temporarily disable a user as an alternative to deleting the user altogether.



iex> Spear.create_user(conn, "Aladdin", "aladdin", "open sesame", ["$ops"])
iex> Spear.user_details(conn, "aladdin")
   enabled?: true,
   full_name: "Aladdin",
   groups: ["$ops"],
   last_updated: ~U[2021-04-18 16:48:38.583313Z],
   login_name: "aladdin"

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