Splode behaviour (splode v0.2.9)
View SourceUse this module to create your error aggregator and handler.
For example:
defmodule MyApp.Errors do
use Splode, error_classes: [
invalid: MyApp.Errors.Invalid,
unknown: MyApp.Errors.Unknown
unknown_error: MyApp.Errors.Unknown.Unknown
Converts a combination of a module and json input into an Splode exception.
Sets the path on the error or errors
Returns true if the given value is a splode error.
Combine errors into an error class
Turns any value into a splode error
@callback from_json(module(), map()) :: Splode.Error.t()
Converts a combination of a module and json input into an Splode exception.
This allows for errors to be serialized and deserialized
@callback set_path(Splode.Error.t() | [Splode.Error.t()], term() | [term()]) :: Splode.Error.t() | [Splode.Error.t()]
Sets the path on the error or errors
Returns true if the given value is a splode error.
@callback to_class(any()) :: Splode.Error.t()
Combine errors into an error class
@callback to_error(any()) :: Splode.Error.t()
Turns any value into a splode error