Get Started with Splode
View SourceSplode helps you deal with errors and exceptions in your application that are aggregatable and consistent. The general pattern is that you use the Splode
module as a top level aggregator of error classes, and whenever you return errors, you return one of your Splode.Error
structs, or a string, or a keyword list. Then, if you want to group errors together, you can use your Splode
module to do so. You can also use that module to turn any arbitrary value into a splode error.
More documentation for Splode
will come in the future. This was extracted from Ash Framework so that it could be standardized across multiple packages. If you use Ash, you can use Ash.Errors
to get the benefits of Splode
For now, here is an example:
defmodule MyApp.Errors do
use Splode, error_classes: [
invalid: MyApp.Errors.Invalid,
unknown: MyApp.Errors.Unknown
unknown_error: MyApp.Errors.Unknown.Unknown
# Error classes are splode errors with an `errors` key.
defmodule MyApp.Errors.Invalid do
use Splode.ErrorClass, class: :invalid
# You will want to define an unknown error class,
# otherwise splode will use its own
defmodule MyApp.Errors.Unknown do
use Splode.ErrorClass, class: :unknown
# This fallback exception will be used for unknown errors
defmodule MyApp.Errors.Unknown.Unknown do
use Splode.Error, class: :unknown
# your unknown message should have an `error` key
def message(%{error: error}) do
if is_binary(error) do
# Finally, you can create your own error classes
defmodule MyApp.Errors.InvalidArgument do
use Splode.Error, fields: [:name, :message], class: :invalid
def message(%{name: name, message: message}) do
"Invalid argument #{name}: #{message}"
To use these exceptions in your application, the general pattern is to return errors in :ok | :error
tuples, like so:
def do_something(argument) do
if is_valid?(argument) do
{:ok, do_stuff()}
name: :argument,
message: "is invalid"
Then, you can use to_class
, and to_error
tools to ensure that you have consistent error structures.
def do_multiple_things(argument) do
results = [do(), multiple(), things()]
{results, errors} =
Enum.reduce(results, {[], []}, fn
{:ok, result}, {results, errors} ->
{[result | results], errors}
{:error, error} ->
# ensure each error is a splode error
# technically, `to_class` does this for you,
# this is just an example
{results, [MyApp.Errors.to_error(error) | errors]}
case {results, errors} do
{results, []} ->
{:ok, results}
{_results, errors} ->
{:error, MyApp.Errors.to_class(errors)}
Error classes
When we combine errors into error classes, we choose the first error class for which there are any errors as the "class" of the combined error. For example, in Ash Framework, we have:
use Splode,
error_classes: [
forbidden: Ash.Error.Forbidden,
invalid: Ash.Error.Invalid,
framework: Ash.Error.Framework,
unknown: Ash.Error.Unknown
unknown_error: Ash.Error.Unknown.UnknownError
What this means is that if there are any Forbidden
errors, then the class is Forbidden
. A Forbidden
error can contain any of the lower classed errors. This allows people to match on and/or rescue on "the general type of failure" that occurred. Given that you have many varied kinds of errors, you can use this to your advantage to have both detailed errors, but simple to match on errors. Here is an example:
def get(conn, %{"user_id" => user_id}) do
user = MyApp.Accounts.get_user!()
render_user(conn, user)
e in Ash.Error.Forbidden ->
render_error(conn, %{error: "You can't do this"})
e in Ash.Error.Invalid ->
render_error(conn, %{error: "You did something wrong"})
e in [Ash.Error.Framework, Ash.Error.Unknown] ->
render_error(conn, %{error: "Something went wrong"})
Or, alternatively, you can pattern match on them given a non-raised error class
def get(conn, %{"user_id" => user_id}) do
case MyApp.Accounts.get_user() do
{:ok, user} ->
render_user(conn, user)
{:error, %Ash.Error.Forbidden{}} ->
render_error(conn, %{error: "You can't do this"})
{:error, %Ash.Error.Invalid{}} ->
render_error(conn, %{error: "You did something wrong"})
{:error, %error{}} when error in [Ash.Error.Framework, Ash.Error.Unknown] ->
render_error(conn, %{error: "Something went wrong"})
Raising Exceptions
To make a !
version of a function, use .unwrap!/2
on your splode module.
def get_user!(user_id) do
|> get_user()
|> MyApp.Errors.unwrap!()
def get_user(user_id) do
case Repo.get(user_id) do
nil ->
{:error, MyApp.Error.NotFound.exception(resource: User, key: user_id)}
user ->
{:ok, user}
def deps do
{:splode, "~> 0.1.0"}