spotify_ex v2.2.1 API Reference


Functions for retrieving information about albums

Functions for retrieving information about artists and for managing a user’s followed artists

Authenticates the Spotify user

Authorizes your app with Spotify

Functions for retrieving information about categories on Spotify

Convenience setters and getters for auth cookies

Provides a struct to hold token credentials from Spotify

Follow users or artists

Functions for retrieving information about, and managing, tracks that the current user has saved in their "Your Music" library. If you are looking for functions for retrieving the current user's saved albums, see Spotify.Album

Spotify wraps collections in a paging object in order to handle pagination. Requesting a collection will send the collection back in the items key, along with the paging links

Endpoints for retrieving information about the user’s listening habits

Provides functions for retrieving and manipulating user's current playback

Functions for retrieving information about a user’s playlists and for managing a user’s playlists

Requesting track info from a specific playlist

Endpoints for retrieving information about a user’s profile

Spotify can make recommendations for you by providing seed data. The recommendation comes with tracks and the seed object

Receives http responses from the client and handles them accordingly

Spotify search endpoints. Spotify allows querying for artists, albums, playlists, and tracks

Spotify can make recommendations by providing seed data. The response contains a seed object

Functions for retrieving information about one or more tracks
