View Source SSHSubsystemFwup

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This library provides an ssh subsystem that applies Nerves "over-the-air" firmware updates. It is an alternative to nerves_firmware_ssh that extracts the update service to a :ssh.daemon/1 spec. This trims down the responsibilities of the library and makes it possible to:

  1. Customize ssh authentication (for example, password-based auth is possible)
  2. Handle host keys differently and more securely
  3. Run firmware updates on port 22 with other ssh services

In addition, the protocol for sending updates over ssh has been simplified. If you're coming from nerves_firmware_ssh, you'll have used the script or mix upload. This library provides the same interface. If using, you will need to rerun mix firmware.gen.script since the script has changed.


The easiest installation is to use nerves_ssh and have it bring in this library as a dependency. See that project for details.

However, if you do not want to use nerves_ssh, here's what do do. First, add the dependency:

def deps do
  [{:ssh_subsystem_fwup, "~> 0.6.0"}]

Then add ssh subsystem spec to the call that starts the ssh daemon. This code will look something like:

    {:ok, ref} =
        {:subsystems, [SSHSubsystemFwup.subsystem_spec()]}

You will likely have many more options passed to the ssh.daemon.

Uploading firmware

There are two ways of uploading firmware. The first is to run:

mix upload

That doesn't work for everyone due to ssh authentication preferences. The alternative is to use commandline ssh. For convenience, ssh_subsystem_fwup can generate a script that makes this easier. Go to your Nerves project directory and run:

mix firmware.gen.script

This should create an script. Frequently when starting out, you can run ./ without arguments since it will guess that it's supposed to upload to nerves.local. To specify a device to upload to, pass the device's hostname as the first argument. For example:

$ ./ nerves-1234.local
fwup: Upgrading partition B
|====================================| 100% (32.34 / 32.34) MB
Elapsed time: 4.720 s
Disconnected from port 22

Note that the .local address assumes that mDNS has been configured on the device and that mDNS works on your network and OS. That's not always the case and a frequent source of frustration when it fails. When in doubt, check that you can upload to the device's IP address. You can get the IP address from your router or by connecting to the device's IEx prompt and running ifconfig.

Upload protocol

It's not necessary to use the script. The following line is equivalent:

cat $firmware | ssh -s $nerves_device fwup


The default options should satisfy most use cases, but it's possible to alter how updates are applied by passing options when creating the SSH subsystem spec (see SSHSubsystemFwup.subsystem_spec/1) or by setting the application environment.

Here's an example of what the code looks like when setting options via a subsystem spec:

      :ssh.daemon(@port, [
        {:subsystems, [SSHSubsystemFwup.subsystem_spec(task: "my_upgrade_task")]}

If another library starts the SSH deamon for you, like nerves_ssh, it might be more convenient to set options via the application environment. ssh_subsystem_fwup uses its defaults first, then those from the application environment and finally those in the subsystem spec, so as long as the options you specify in the application environment aren't overridden, you'll be fine. Here's an example:

config :ssh_subsystem_fwup, precheck_callback: {MyProject, :precheck, []}

The following options are available:

  • :devpath - path for fwup to upgrade (Required)
  • :fwup_path - path to the fwup firmware update utility
  • :fwup_env - a list of name,value tuples to be passed to the OS environment for fwup
  • :fwup_extra_options - additional options to pass to fwup like for setting public keys
  • :precheck_callback - an MFArgs to call when there's a connection. If specified, the callback will be passed the username and the current set of options. If allowed, it should return {:ok, new_options}. Any other return value closes the connection.
  • :success_callback - an MFArgs to call when a firmware update completes successfully. Defaults to {Nerves.Runtime, :reboot, []}.
  • :task - the task to run in the firmware update. Defaults to "upgrade"


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