Get the current temperature at a position

This example uses the Forecast API. For more information, check the sunny/api/forecast module !

Here, the function send corresponds to a function that makes a HTTP request. For that, you can use HTTP clients such as gleam_httpc or gleam_fetch.

import gleam/dict
import gleam/io
import gleam/option

import sunny
import sunny/api/forecast
import sunny/api/forecast/data
import sunny/api/forecast/instant
import sunny/measurement
import sunny/position

pub fn current_temperature_test() {
  // Use `new_commercial("<your_api_key>")` if you have a commercial Open-meteo
  // API access.
  let sunny =

  // You can get the coordinates of a place using the Geocoding API. See the
  // `sunny/api/geocoding` module, or the `city_info` example.
  // Once you have a `Location`, use `geocoding.location_to_position()` to
  // convert it to a position.
  let position = position.Position(43.0, 5.0)

  let assert Ok(forecast_result) =
    |> forecast.get_request(
      // All available variables are listed in the `sunny/api/forecast/instant` module.
      // Daily variables are in `sunny/api/forecast/daily`.
      |> forecast.set_current([instant.Temperature2m]),
    // Make a HTTP request.
    |> send
    |> forecast.get_result

  let assert option.Some(data.CurrentData(data: data, ..)) =

  let assert Ok(current_temperature) =
    |> dict.get(instant.Temperature2m)

    "Current temperature : " <> measurement.to_string(current_temperature),
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