Supabase.GoTrue.User (supabase_gotrue v0.3.10)

This schema is used to validate and parse the parameters for a user.


  • id - The user's ID.
  • app_metadata - The metadata to associate with the user.
  • user_metadata - The user's metadata.
  • aud - The user's audience.
  • confirmation_sent_at - The time the confirmation was sent.
  • recovery_sent_at - The time the recovery was sent.
  • email_change_sent_at - The time the email change was sent.
  • new_email - The new email.
  • new_phone - The new phone.
  • invited_at - The time the user was invited.
  • action_link - The action link.
  • email - The user's email.
  • phone - The user's phone.
  • created_at - The time the user was created.
  • confirmed_at - The time the user was confirmed.
  • email_confirmed_at - The time the email was confirmed.
  • phone_confirmed_at - The time the phone was confirmed.
  • last_sign_in_at - The time the user last signed in.
  • last_sign_in_ip - The user's last sign-in IP.
  • current_sign_in_at - The time the user last signed in.
  • current_sign_in_ip - The user's current sign-in IP.
  • sign_in_count - The number of times the user has signed in.
  • factors - The user's factors. Check the Supabase.GoTrue.User.Factor schema for more information.
  • identities - The user's identities. Check the Supabase.GoTrue.User.Identity schema for more information.



@type t() :: %Supabase.GoTrue.User{
  action_link: String.t() | nil,
  app_metadata: map(),
  aud: String.t(),
  confirmation_sent_at: NaiveDateTime.t() | nil,
  confirmed_at: NaiveDateTime.t() | nil,
  created_at: NaiveDateTime.t(),
  email: String.t() | nil,
  email_change_sent_at: NaiveDateTime.t() | nil,
  email_confirmed_at: NaiveDateTime.t() | nil,
  encrypted_password: term(),
  factors: [Supabase.GoTrue.User.Factor] | nil,
  id: Ecto.UUID.t(),
  identities: [Supabase.GoTrue.User.Identity] | nil,
  invited_at: NaiveDateTime.t() | nil,
  last_sign_in_at: NaiveDateTime.t() | nil,
  new_email: String.t() | nil,
  new_phone: String.t() | nil,
  phone: String.t() | nil,
  phone_confirmed_at: NaiveDateTime.t() | nil,
  recovery_sent_at: NaiveDateTime.t() | nil,
  role: String.t() | nil,
  updated_at: NaiveDateTime.t() | nil,
  user_metadata: map()


Link to this function

changeset(user \\ %__MODULE__{}, attrs)

Link to this function

multiple_changeset(user \\ %__MODULE__{}, attrs)

Link to this function
