Supabase GoTrue

Auth implementation for the Supabase Potion SDK in Elixir.


def deps do
    {:supabase_potion, "~> 0.5"},
    {:supabase_gotrue, "~> 0.3"}


Firstly you need to initialize your Supabase client(s) as can be found on the Supabase Potion documentation.

Now you can pass the Client to the Supabase.GoTrue functions:

iex> Supabase.GoTrue.sign_in_with_password(client, %{} = params)

Note that this example consider that you already have a client variable with the Supabase client.

Note that this example consider that you al already configured the Supabase.GoTrue module in your configuration file. As mentioned in the next section.

This implementation also exposes an Supabase.GoTrue.Admin function to interact with users with super powers:

iex> Supabase.GoTrue.Admin.create_user(client, %{} = params)


There are sample apps in the examples directory that demonstrate how to use the Supabase.GoTrue module in your application.

Check the Supabase Potion examples showcase!


You can configure the Supabase.GoTrue module in your config.exs file:

import Config

config :supabase_gotrue, auth_module: MyAppWeb.Auth

Available authentication methods

Plug based applications (or Phoenix "dead views")

Supabase.GoTrue.Plug provides Plug-based authentication support for the Supabase GoTrue authentication in Elixir applications.

The module offers a series of functions to manage user authentication through HTTP requests in Phoenix applications with "dead views" or plain Plug based application. It facilitates operations like signing-in, signing-out, fetch the current user, and more.

To use the Supabase.GoTrue.Plug module, you need first to define a module that will handle the authentication in your application:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Auth do
  use Supabase.GoTrue.Plug,
    client: MyApp.Supabase.Client,
    endpoint: MyAppWeb.Endpoint, # required if using Phoenix based applications
    signed_in_path: "/app", # required
    not_authenticated_path: "/login", # required
    session_cookie: "my_app_session", # optional
    # optional
    session_cookie_options: [
      http_only: true,
      secure: true,
      same_site: :lax,
      max_age: 86_400

[!WARNING] The client options must be a module that implements the Supabase.Client.Behaviour behaviour. It should be a Self Managed Client but it can be a One off Client if you correctly manage the client state on your application.

So, considering that you have something like this on your config.exs:

config :my_app, MyApp.Supabase.Client,
  base_url: "",
  api_key: "myapp-api-key"

And you have already defined your self managed client module:

# lib/my_app/supabase/client.ex
defmodule MyApp.Supabase.Client do
  use Supabase.Client, otp_app: :my_app

Then you can use the Supabase.GoTrue.Plug module! The module define a series of plugs that you can use in your router:

import MyAppWeb.Auth

plug :fetch_current_user # this plug will fetch the current user and assign it to the `conn.assigns[:current_user]`
plug :redirect_if_user_is_authenticated # this plug will redirect to the `signed_in_path` if the user is authenticated
plug :require_authenticated_user # this plug will redirect to the `not_authenticated_path` if the user is not authenticated

For example, in your Phoenix router you can use your defined authentication handler module like this:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
  use MyAppWeb, :router

  import MyAppWeb.Auth

  pipeline :browser do
    # rest of plugs
    plug :fetch_current_user

  # if a user is already authenticted, redirect to the signed_in_path
  # already authenticated users will not be able to access this scope
  scope "/", MyAppWeb do
    pipe_through [:browser, :redirect_if_user_is_authenticated]

    get "/login", LoginController, :show
    post "/login", LoginController, :create

  # if a user is not authenticated, redirect to the not_authenticated_path
  # not authenticated users will not be able to access this scope
  scope "/app", MyAppWeb do
    pipe_through [:browser, :require_authenticated_user]

    get "/", AppController, :index

Also, Supabase.GoTrue.Plug provides a series of helper functions that you can use in your login/auth controllers, so with your defined module you can use like this:

defmodule MyApp.LoginController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller

  import MyAppWeb.Auth

  def show(conn, _params) do
    render(conn, "login.html")

  def create(conn, %{"email" => email, "password" => password}) do
    case log_in_with_password(conn, %{"email" => email, "password" => password}) do
      {:ok, updated_conn} ->
        # here the `updated_conn` will contain the access token
        # and also will redirect to the `signed_in_path`
        put_flash(updated_conn, :info, "You have successfully signed in!")

      # this clause means that the user provided invalid credentials
      # so we will render the login form again with an error message
      {:error, _reason} ->
        |> put_flash(:error, "Invalid email or password")
        |> render("login.html")

The log_in_with_password/2 exposed by the Supabase.GoTrue.Plug module is one of the various ways that you can start a session with the Supabase GoTrue authentication service.

For more ways to authenticate users, please refer to the Supabase.GoTrue module documentation and the official Supabase documentation.

If you're new to the Plug library, you can learn more about it in the official documentation.

Also if you're new to the Phoenix framework, you can learn more about it in the official getting started section.

Phoenix LiveView applications

Similar to the Supabase.GoTrue.Plug module, the Supabase.GoTrue.LiveView module provides LiveView-based authentication support for the Supabase GoTrue authentication in Elixir applications.

Supabase.GoTrue.LiveView defines Server Hooks that you can use in your LiveView modules to manage user authentication through WebSocket connections in Phoenix LiveView applications. These hooks are meant to be used as on-mount callbacks in your LiveView modules or live_session/3 definitions on your router.

To use the Supabase.GoTrue.LiveView module, you need first to define a module that will handle the authentication in your application:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Auth do
  use Supabase.GoTrue.LiveView,
    client: MyApp.Supabase.Client, # required
    endpoint: MyAppWeb.Endpoint, # required
    signed_in_path: "/app", # required
    not_authenticated_path: "/login" # required

[!WARNING] The client options must be a module that implements the Supabase.Client.Behaviour behaviour. It should be a Self Managed Client but it can be a One off Client if you correctly manage the client state on your application.

So, considering that you have something like this on your config.exs:

config :my_app, MyApp.Supabase.Client,
  base_url: "",
  api_key: "myapp-api-key"

And you have already defined your self managed client module:

# lib/my_app/supabase/client.ex
defmodule MyApp.Supabase.Client do
  use Supabase.Client, otp_app: :my_app

Then in your LiveView module, you can use the module that you defined like this:

defmodule MyAppWeb.UserLive do
  use MyAppWeb, :live_view

  on_mount {MyAppWeb.Auth, :mount_current_user}
  on_mount {MyAppWeb.Auth, :ensure_authenticated}

  def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
    # here you will have the `socket.assigns[:current_user]` available
    # and if the user is not authenticated, the user will be redirected to the `not_authenticated_path`
    {:ok, socket}

The usage with the live_session/3 definition is similar. In your router:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
  use MyAppWeb, :router

  scope "/app", MyAppWeb do
    live_session :authenticated,
      on_mount: [
        {MyAppWeb.Auth, :mount_current_user},
        {MyAppWeb.Auth, :ensure_authenticated}
      ] do
      live "/user", UserLive

If you're new to Phoenix LiveView, you can learn more about it in the official documentation.