Supabase.Fetcher (supabase_potion v0.5.1)

A fundamental HTTP client for interfacing directly with Supabase services.

Supabase.Fetcher provides the groundwork for sending HTTP requests to the Supabase infrastructure. This includes utilities for various HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and functions to simplify the process of streaming data or uploading files.

Key Features

  • Low-level HTTP Interactions: This module allows for raw HTTP requests to any URL, simplifying interactions with web resources.
  • Data Streaming: Efficiently stream large data payloads, such as downloading files.
  • Request Customization: Extensive header customization and utility functions for constructing requests tailored to your requirements.
  • Response Parsing: Automatically converts JSON responses into Elixir maps and handles various response scenarios.

While Supabase.Fetcher is versatile and comprehensive, it operates at a very granular level. For most applications and needs, leveraging higher-level APIs that correspond to specific Supabase services is advisable:

  • Supabase.Storage - API to interact directly with buckets and objects in Supabase Storage.


If your aim is to directly harness this module as a low-level HTTP client, due to missing features in other packages or a desire to craft a unique Supabase integration, you can certainly do so. However, always keep in mind that Supabase.Storage and other Supabase-oriented packages might offer better abstractions and ease-of-use.

Use Supabase.Fetcher with a clear understanding of its features and operations.



Convenience function that given a apikey and a optional token, it will return the headers to be used in a request to your Supabase API.

Simple DELETE request that format the response to a map or retrieve the error reason as String.t().

Simple GET request that format the response to a map or retrieve the error reason as String.t().

Simple HEAD request that format the response to a map or retrieve the error as String.t()

Simple PATCH request that format the response to a map or retrieve the error as String.t()

Simple POST request that format the response to a map or retrieve the error reason as String.t().

Simple PUT request that format the response to a map or retrieve the error reason as String.t().

Makes a HTTP request to the desired URL, with default headers and stream back the response. Good to stream large files downlaods.

Upload a binary to the desired URL.


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apply_client_headers(client, token \\ nil, headers \\ [])

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apply_headers(api_key, token \\ nil, headers \\ [])

Convenience function that given a apikey and a optional token, it will return the headers to be used in a request to your Supabase API.


 iex> Supabase.Fetcher.apply_conn_headers("apikey-value")
 [{"apikey", "apikey-value"}, {"authorization", "Bearer apikey-value"}]

 iex> Supabase.Fetcher.apply_conn_headers("apikey-value", "token-value")
 [{"apikey", "apikey-value"}, {"authorization", "Bearer token-value"}]
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delete(url, body \\ nil, headers \\ [], opts \\ [])

Simple DELETE request that format the response to a map or retrieve the error reason as String.t().


 iex> Supabase.Fetcher.delete("", %{key: "value"})
 {:ok, %{"key" => "value"}}

 iex> Supabase.Fetcher.delete("", %{key: "value"})
 {:error, :not_found}
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Simple GET request that format the response to a map or retrieve the error reason as String.t().


 iex> Supabase.Fetcher.get("")
 {:ok, %{"key" => "value"}}
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get(url, body, headers)

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get_full_url(base_url, path)

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get_header(response, header)

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get_header(resp, header, default)

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head(url, body, headers \\ [], opts \\ [])

Simple HEAD request that format the response to a map or retrieve the error as String.t()

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new_connection(method, url, body, headers)

@spec new_connection(atom(), url, body, headers) :: Finch.Request.t()
when url: String.t() | URI.t(),
     body: binary() | nil | {:stream, Enumerable.t()},
     headers: [tuple()]
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patch(url, body, headers \\ [], opts \\ [])

Simple PATCH request that format the response to a map or retrieve the error as String.t()

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post(url, body \\ nil, headers \\ [], opts \\ [])

Simple POST request that format the response to a map or retrieve the error reason as String.t().


 iex>"", %{key: "value"})
 {:ok, %{"key" => "value"}}
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put(url, body, headers \\ [], opts \\ [])

Simple PUT request that format the response to a map or retrieve the error reason as String.t().


 iex> Supabase.Fetcher.put("", %{key: "value"})
 {:ok, %{"key" => "value"}}
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stream(url, headers \\ [], opts \\ [])

Makes a HTTP request to the desired URL, with default headers and stream back the response. Good to stream large files downlaods.

You can also pass custom Finch options directly to the underlying function. Those options can be seen on the Finch documentation.


 iex> {status, stream} ="")
 iex> file =!("path/to/file", [], 4096) Stream.into(stream, file)
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upload(method, url, file, headers \\ [])

Upload a binary to the desired URL.


  • method: :put or :post
  • url: the URL to upload the file
  • file: the path to the file to upload
  • headers: list of additional headers to append to the request


 iex> Supabase.Fetcher.upload(:post, "", "path/to/file")
 {:ok, %{"key" => "value"}}
@spec version() :: String.t()