View Source Swoosh.ApiClient.Finch (Swoosh v1.8.1)
Finch-based ApiClient for Swoosh.
config :swoosh, :api_client, Swoosh.ApiClient.Finch
In order to use Finch
API client, you must start Finch
and provide a :name.
Often in your supervision tree:
children = [
{Finch, name: Swoosh.Finch}
Or, in rare cases, dynamically:
Finch.start_link(name: Swoosh.Finch)
If a name different from Swoosh.Finch
is used, or you want to use an existing Finch instance,
you can provide the name via the config.
config :swoosh,
api_client: Swoosh.ApiClient.Finch,
finch_name: My.Custom.Name