View Source Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

v2.3.4 (2023-09-02)


  • Add set_cursor_close_on_commit connection parameter
  • Support per connection execution_mode settings
  • Support Table.Reader protocol

v2.3.3 (2023-05-03)


  • Add support for image parameter and column type

v2.3.2 (2022-10-04)


  • Fix error on redirect request from the server #140 (Thanks @zerobatu)

v2.3.1 (2022-07-08)


  • Add :ssl to extra_applications
  • Fix message handling for TCP / SSL errors
  • Don't redact password before login handshake is done

v2.3.0 (2021-12-08)

  • No changes since v2.3.0-rc.1

v2.3.0-rc.1 (2021-11-24)


  • Add :crypto to extra_applications
  • Fix missing UCS.from_string for list inputs

v2.3.0-rc.0 (2021-11-24)


  • Add initial support for SSL / TLS connections

v2.2.0 - 2021-10-12


  • Update tds_encoding to work with Erlang/OTP >= 24


  • Add support for decimal 2.0 (minimal version is now 1.9)

v2.1.3 - 2020-12-03


  • Values in datetimeoffset(n) columns were failing to decode on match error due to offset unit mismatch (seconds != minutes).
  • Values in datetimeoffset(n) columns of non-UTC timezones were not encoded/decoded correctly.

v2.1.2 - 2020-12-03


v2.1.1 - 2020-06-14


  • As per discussion here exposed Tds.query_multi/4 that should return complete resultset rather than single %Tds.Result{} so one can run multiple batches in single statement

v2.1.0 - 2020-03-21


  • ColMetadata token that contains XML schema_info now is parsed correctly.


  • Improved compatibility with ecto_sql TDS adapter
  • Removed Tds.Types.VarChar. From now ecto_sql implements Tds.Ecto.VarChar that should be used in fields if schema requires it.
  • Tds.Type.UUID is moved to ecto_sql please use Tds.Ecto.UUID instead if you are using ecto.
  • Tds.generate_uuid/0 is added so users can generate valid binary MS UUIDS, there is also Tds.decode_uuid/1 that should help parsing MS UUID binary to its string representation
  • sp_execute is now using PROCID in protocol so message size is reduced for few bytes
  • In explicit transactions (Tds.transaction/2) now you can tell transaction manager what isolation level you need. You are encouraged to use this instead of SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL ... due:
    • Less round trips to database (saving 3 RPC calls)
    • Less bytes are sent over wire since all is in single transaction manager call
    • snapshot isolation level works in combination with connection settings set_allow_snapshot_isolation: :on
  • Elixir calendar types are supported if connection is configured with use_elixir_calendar_types: true, columns that are of SQL types SmallDateTime, DateTime, DateTime2, DateTimeOffset, Time and Date will be decoded into elixir NaiveDateTime, DateTime, Time and Date. If this flag is not set to connection tuples will be used.
  • Rustler dependency is not mandatory anymore. Requirements are moved to tds_encoding library. If you need non latin1 encoding for your varchars please add this library to your dependency and add in configuration config :tds, :text_encoder, Tds.Encoding

v2.0.1-rc1 - 2020-02-03

Breaking changes

In order to improve compatibility with ecto_sql, following breaking changes are introduced in this release:

  • Since tds_ecto package is deprecated and adapter is moving to ecto_sql, use Tds.Types.UUID for column types binary_id (uuid).
  • For same reason as above Tds.VarChar is now Tds.Types.VarChar
  • If you are using collation other than Latin1 please add dependency to :tds_encoding package and following instructions in readme on how to configure tds to use this encoder.

v2.0.0 - 2018-11-18


  • Implements DBConnection v2.0 to support ecto_sql. Please note that starting from this version tds_ecto is not improved anymore and will not use tds version 2.0.0+, instead use ecto_sql where tds_ecto will become part of it starting from version 3.1.0.

v1.2.0 - 2019-07-31


  • char, nchar, text, ntext, varchar and nvarchar encoding improvements for most of the SQL collations. More will be supported.

v1.1.7 - 2019-05-26


  • Fix for "Error with set_transaction_isolation_level: :read_uncommited" issue #72

v1.1.5 - 2018-11-17


  • Allow users to choose between :prepare_execute and :executesql style (PR #71) default is :prepare_execute
  • Fix unnecessary append of possibly large binaries #70


  • Unexpected Environment Change message kills the connection #72

v1.1.4 - 2018-07-10


  • Adding sp_unprepare after SQL statement is executed.

v1.1.3 - 2018-06-11


  • Improving traceability. Adding hostname and application/program name to login7 tds package so one could easier trace rpc calls in SQL Server. Program name is equal to FQ erlang node name, while hostname is what ever :inet.gethostname() returns. May fail to connect if :inet is unable to read hostname.

v1.1.2 - 2018-05-04


  • Float loses precision. Fix will force floats to be encoded as 64bit floats and param type as float(53) in order to keep all bits
  • Fix for: Rollback is called twice on failure in explicit transaction. (DBConnection [mode: :savepoint] support)

v1.1.0 - 2018-04-30

Breaking Changes

UUID/UNIQUEIDENTIFER column is now stored AS IS in database, meaning that compatibility with Ecto.UUID is broken, if you are using tds_ecto please use Tds.UUID to encode/decode value to its sting representation. MSSQL has its way of parsing binary UUID value into string representation as following string illustration:

Ecto.UUID string representation: f72f71ce-ee18-4db3-74d9-f5662a7691b8

MSSQL string representation: ce712ff7-18ee-b34d-74d9-f5662a7691b8

To allow other platforms to interpret correctly uuids we had to introduce Tds.UUID in tds_ecto library and Tds.Types.UUID in tds both are trying to keep binary storage in valid byte order so each platform can correctly decode it into string. So far unique identifiers were and will be returned in resultset as binary, if you need to convert it into formatted string, use Tds.Types.UUID.parse(<<_::128>>=uuid) to get that string. It is safe to call this function several times since it will not fail if value is valid uuid string, it will just return same value. But if value do not match <<_::128>> or <<a::32, ?-, b::16, ?-, c::16, ?- d::16, ?-, e::48>> it will throw runtime error.

If you are using tds_ecto :uuid, :binary_id, and Tds.UUID are types you want to use in your models. For any of those 3 types auto encode/decode will be performed.

Since there was a bug where in some cases old version of tds_ecto library could not determine if binary is of uuid type, it interpreted such values as raw binary which caused some issues when non elixir apps interpreted that binary in wrong string format. This was ok as long as parsed string values were not shared between elixir and other platforms trough e.g. JSON messages, but if they did, this could be a problem where other app is not capable to find object which miss parsed uuid value.

v1.0.18 - 2018-04-15


  • Fixing missing case when string/varchar length is between 2_000 and 4_000 characters long.

v1.0.17 - 2018-04-11



v1.0.16 - 2018-03-27


  • exposing connection options such as:
    • set_language - check stored procedure sp_helplanguage name column value should be used here
    • set_datefirst - number in range 1..7
    • set_dateformat - atom :mdy | :dmy | :ymd | :ydm | :myd | :dym

    • set_deadlock_priority - one of :low | :high | :normal | -10..10

    • set_lock_timeout - number in milliseconds > 0
    • set_remote_proc_transactions - atom :on | :off

    • set_implicit_transactions - atom :on | :off

    • set_transaction_isolation_level - atom :read_uncommited | :read_commited | :repeatable_read | :snapshot | :serializable

    • set_allow_snapshot_isolation - atom :on | :off

v1.0.15 - 2018-03-15


  • Handle Azure redirecting to new host after env_change token on login #61

v1.0.14 - 2018-02-27


  • Parameters :string, :varchar and :binary are encoded as nvarchar(max), varchar(max) and varbinary(max) when string or binary length is greater than 2000, otherwise nvarchar(2000), varchar(2000) and varbinary(2000). This change is added to avoid aggressive execution plan caching on SQL Server since parameters may often vary in length, so SQL server will makes execution plan for each parameter length case.

v1.0.13 - 2018-02-15


  • issue #62 fixing info message token parsing

v1.0.12 - 2018-01-26


  • issue #59 fixing login error when database name contains special characters like "-"

v1.0.11 - 2017-12-08


  • fixing issue with done in proc token when stored pcedure is executed

v1.0.10 - 2017-12-03


  • fixing negative integer/bigint encoding

v1.0.9 - 2017-12-02


  • Removing obsolete reply function which causing error when connection can not be established to server

v1.0.8 - 2017-12-01


  • Fixing handle 0 error

v1.0.7 - 2017-11-25


  • Ping timout caused process to crash

v1.0.6 - 2017-11-24


  • Double precision floats fix

v1.0.5 - 2017-11-22


  • StaleEntity error fix when row is inserted into table and done token is incorrectly parsed
  • fixing resultset order

v1.0.3 - 2017-10-06


  • When insert is performed with output incorrect row count is calculated. Causing tds_ecto and ecto to think it is StaleEntity

v0.5.4 - 2016-01-15


  • Cleaned up code style for Elixir 1.2.0 warnings

v0.5.3 - 2015-10-23


  • Loosen Elixir dependency

v0.5.2 - 2015-09-24

Bug Fixes

  • If server outputs warning result rows are missing.

v0.5.1 - 2015-07-22

Bug Fixes

  • Added token decoder for return status of RPC

v0.5.0 - 2015-07-10

  • Backwards Incompatible Changes
    • Rows now return as list instead of tuple

v0.4.0 - 2015-07-07

  • Backwards Incompatible Changes
    • datetime tuples are now {{year,month,day},{hour,min,sec,usec}}

v0.3.0 - 2015-06-26


  • Added parameter encoding support for datetime2
  • Removed dependency on Timex

v0.2.8 - 2015-06-25

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where tail would time out queries randomly

v0.2.7 - 2015-06-04


  • Added ability to pass socket options to connect.
  • Set internal socket buffer.

v0.2.6 - 2015-04-25

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where messages spanning multiple packets might not finish

v0.2.5 - 2015-04-08

Bug Fixes

  • Enum error when calling ATTN on server

v0.2.4 - 2015-03-26

Bug Fixes

  • Added support for DateTimeOffset
  • Updated Deps

v0.2.3 - 2015-03-20

Bug Fixes

  • Added Long Length decoder support for text, ntext and image
  • Fixed PLP decode / Encode for sending and receiving large test
  • Fixed issue where selecting from NTEXT, TEXT, NVARCHAR(MAX), VARCHAR(MAX) would trunc to 4kb

v0.2.2 - 2015-03-09

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed udp port scope for instances

v0.2.1 - 2015-03-09

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed: Packets sent to the server which exceed the negotiated packet size would cause the connection to close


  • Added support for decoding Time(n) and DateTime2
  • Added support for SQL Named Instances, pass instance: "instance_name" in connection options

v0.2.0 - 2015-03-04



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with empty strings and binaries being converted to nil


  • datetime2 with 0 usec's will be transmitted as datetime

  • Backwards incompatable changes

    • Changed datetime to be passed back as {{year, month, day} ,{hour, min, sec, microsec}}

v0.1.6 - 2015-02-25

Bug Fixes

  • Changed default connection timeout to 5000 from :infinity
  • Added caller pid monitoring to cancel query if caller dies
  • Call ATTN if the caller who dies is the currently executing query


  • Added API for ATTN call

<<<<<<< HEAD


v0.1.5 - 2015-02-19

1007dc1 (Misc doc changes)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where driver would not call when setting the state to :ready
  • Fixed UCS2 Encoding

v0.1.4 - 2015-02-16

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed encoding for integers

v0.1.3 - 2015-02-12

Bug Fixes

  • Removed Timer from queued commands.
  • Changed error handling to error func

v0.1.2 - 2015-02-12

Bug Fixes

  • Adding missing date time decoders
  • Compatibility updates for ecto

v0.1.1 - 2015-02-02

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with Bitn always returning true
  • Fixed missing data return for char data decoding
  • Added float encoders


  • Cleaned up logger functions

v0.1.0 - 2015-02-02

  • First Release