
This module publishes any events that Telephonist broadcasts. These events include things like state transitions and errors. See Telephonist.Logger for an example of how to implement a subscriber.

How to Subscribe

Just use the standard GenEvent interface:

defmodule MyHandler do
  use GenEvent

  def start_link do
    handler = GenEvent.start_link(name: __MODULE__)
    GenEvent.add_handler(Telephonist.Event, __MODULE__, [])

  # Define callbacks:

  def handle_event({:processing, {machine, twilio, options}}, _state) do
    # ...

And be sure to start your handler in your supervisor:

children = [
  worker(MyHandler, [])


Telephonist publishes the following events:

In your subscriber, add a handle_event/2 callback for any of the above events. You should also add a fallback definition to catch those events you don't care about:

def handle_event(_event, _state), do: {:ok, :not_handled}


notify(event, data)

Broadcast an event to all subscribers to Telephonist.Event, using GenServer.notify/2


notify(event, data)

Broadcast an event to all subscribers to Telephonist.Event, using GenServer.notify/2.

  • event: The atom name of the event to broadcast.
  • data: Any term representing the data you want to broadcast.

When sent through GenEvent, the event and data will be wrapped in a tuple, meaning that if you use notify/2 like this:

notify(:my_event, {:some, :data})

You will need to implement a handle_event/2 function in your subscriber that looks like this:

def handle_event({:my_event, {first, second}})