
Telephonist has 3 important parts:


A Telephonist.State looks like this:

  name: "introduction",
  machine: IntroductionMachine,
  options: %{
    language: "en"
  twiml: "<?xml ..."

Each of these fields has the following meaning:

State Machines

State machines are easy to define using the Telephonist.StateMachine module.

defmodule CustomCallFlow do
  use Telephonist.StateMachine, initial_state: :choose_language

  state :choose_language, twilio, options do
    say "#{options[:error]}" # say any error, if present
    gather timeout: 10 do
      say "For English, press 1"
      say "Para español, presione 2"

  state :english, twilio, options do
    say "Proceeding in English..."

  state :spanish, twilio, options do
    say "Procediendo en español..."

  # If the user pressed "1" on their keypad, transition to English state
  def transition(:choose_language, %{Digits: "1"} = twilio, options) do
    state :english, twilio, options

  # If the user pressed "2" on their keypad, transition to Spanish state
  def transition(:choose_language, %{Digits: "2"} = twilio, options) do
    state :spanish, twilio, options

  # If neither of the above are true, append an error to the options and
  # remain on the current state
  def transition(:choose_language, twilio, options) do
    options = Map.put(options, :error, "You pressed an invalid digit. Please try again.")
    state :choose_language, twilio, options

See the Telephonist.StateMachine documentation for more details on how to define state machines.

Call Processing

Once you've defined a state machine, it's extremely easy to process calls using it.

new_state = Telephonist.CallProcessor.process(CustomCallFlow, twilio, options)

CustomCallFlow is the name of the state machine you want to use to handle the call, twilio, is a map of parameters from Twilio, and options is a map of custom options that you want to initialize the call with.

This process/3 function will perform the following tasks:

Other Topics

Event Broadcasting

Telephonist broadcasts events through Telephonist.Event. It's possible to implement custom subscribers, exactly how Telephonist.Logger is implemented.

Lookup Table

Telephonist's lookup table is managed by Telephonist.OngoingCall. If you need to inspect its contents, see that module's documentation.