Uncharted.Chart protocol (uncharted v0.2.0) View Source

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Returns a map where the keys are atoms representing color names and the values are either Strings representing hex values or Uncharted.Gradient structs that can be used to style data points in your chart with a gradient.

Returns a map containing only Uncharted.Gradient colors. This can be used in views to draw and configure gradients in different contexts.

Takes an Uncharted.chart data structure and returns a title for the chart. The title can be used for display purposes, and will also be used for accessibility in contexts such as web-based SVG charts.

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colors(Uncharted.chart()) :: %{
  required(Uncharted.color_name()) => String.t() | Uncharted.Gradient.t()

Returns a map where the keys are atoms representing color names and the values are either Strings representing hex values or Uncharted.Gradient structs that can be used to style data points in your chart with a gradient.


  blue: "#6bdee4",
  rose_gradient: %Uncharted.Gradient{
    start_color: "#642B73",
    stop_color: "#C6426E"


gradient_colors(Uncharted.chart()) :: %{
  required(Uncharted.color_name()) => Uncharted.Gradient.t()

Returns a map containing only Uncharted.Gradient colors. This can be used in views to draw and configure gradients in different contexts.


    rose_gradient: %Uncharted.Gradient{
      start_color: "#642B73",
      stop_color: "#C6426E"
    blue_gradient: %Uncharted.Gradient{
      start_color: "#36D1DC",
      stop_color: "#5B86E5"


title(Uncharted.chart()) :: String.t()

Takes an Uncharted.chart data structure and returns a title for the chart. The title can be used for display purposes, and will also be used for accessibility in contexts such as web-based SVG charts.