Uncharted.DataProvider behaviour (uncharted v0.2.0) View Source

Uncharted.DataProvider is a callback module for use in client applications. Implement the callbacks defined here in your application to provide the data that drives a chart's underlying Uncharted.dataset.

Let's say we have a list of data we want to render in an Uncharted.BarChart. We will need to populate the Uncharted.BarChart's dataset with a list of data, where each data element is an Uncharted.BaseDatum.

Given data that looks like this:

  %MyApp.Vehicle{id: "supersonic plane ABC", current_velocity: 12000},
  %MyApp.Vehicle{id: "scooter XYZ", current_velocity: 17},
  %MyApp.Vehicle{id: "super car 123", current_velocity: 220}

We will need to transform this data in a way that an Uncharted.BarChart can understand. We can manage this by defining our own module that implements the Uncharted.DataProvider behaviour. Here is an example of how that might look.

defmodule MyApp.Vehicles.DataProvider do
  @behaviour Uncharted.DataProvider
  alias Uncharted.BaseDatum

  # The `get/0` will be used to bootstrap a dataset from scratch.
  @impl true
  def get do
    |> Enum.map(&vehicle_to_datum/1)

  # `update/2` can be used to react to real-time changes in your dataset
  @impl true
  def update_chart(chart, updates) do
      chart |
      dataset: %Uncharted.ColumnChart.Dataset{
        chart.dataset |
          data: Enum.map(updates, &vehicle_to_datum/1)

  defp vehicle_to_datum(%MyApp.Vehicle{} = vehicle) do
        name: vehicle.id,
        values: [vehicle.current_velocity],
        fill_color: MyAppWeb.ChartStyles.colors().blue_gradient

For further examples, take a look at the Demo application examples in Uncharted's Github Repo, here. Relevant examples can be found in Demo.SystemData.MemoryChart and Demo.Examples.Cincy here.

You can also look at DemoWeb.PageLive where chart's are created and data is piped into them in realtime using PubSub and Erlang :timer.send_interval/3 to update the charts on the fly.

Link to this section Summary


Returns data that can be used in a Uncharted.chart() dataset.

Updates a Uncharted.chart's dataset.

Link to this section Callbacks


get() :: term()

Returns data that can be used in a Uncharted.chart() dataset.

Link to this callback

update_chart(arg1, term)

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update_chart(Uncharted.chart(), term()) :: Uncharted.chart()

Updates a Uncharted.chart's dataset.