usps v0.1.0 Usps.Shipment View Source

Get tracking information about a shipment

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Passing a list of tracking numbers to track/1 to track multiple shipments.

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event() :: %{
  name: nil | binary(),
  time: nil | binary(),
  date: nil | binary(),
  city: nil | binary(),
  state: nil | binary(),
  zip: nil | binary()
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shipment() :: %{
  number: nil | binary(),
  status: nil | binary(),
  category: nil | binary(),
  class: nil | binary(),
  destination_city: nil | binary(),
  origin_city: nil | binary(),
  origin_state: nil | binary(),
  origin_zip: nil | binary(),
  destination_state: nil | binary(),
  destination_zip: nil | binary(),
  on_time: nil | binary(),
  estimated_delivery_date: nil | binary(),
  summary: nil | binary(),
  events: [event()]

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track(number :: binary()) :: Usps.Operation.t()
track(numbers :: [binary()]) :: Usps.Operation.t()

Passing a list of tracking numbers to track/1 to track multiple shipments.