View Source VintageNetMobile.CellMonitor (vintage_net_mobile v0.11.5)

Monitor cell network information

This monitor queries the modem for cell network information and posts it to VintageNet properties.

The following properties are reported:

lac0-65533The Location Area Code (lac) for the current cell
cid0-268435455The Cell ID (cid) for the current cell
mcc0-999Mobile Country Code for the network
mnc0-999Mobile Network Code for the network
networkstringThe network operator's name
access_technologystringThe technology currently in use to connect to the network
bandstringThe frequency band in use
channelintegerAn integer that indicates the channel that's in use



Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

@spec start_link([keyword()]) :: GenServer.on_start()