View Source VintageNetMobile.SignalMonitor (vintage_net_mobile v0.11.5)

Monitor the cell signal levels

This monitor queries the modem for cell signal level information and posts it to VintageNet properties.

The following properties are reported:

signal_asu0-31,99This is the raw Arbitrary Strength Unit (ASU) reported. It's interpretation depends on the modem and possibly the connection technology.
signal_4bars0-4The signal level in "bars" for presentation to a user.
signal_dbm-144 - -44The signal level in dBm. Interpretation depends on the connection technology.



The options for the monitor are


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.


@type opt() ::
  {:signal_check_interval, non_neg_integer()}
  | {:ifname, String.t()}
  | {:tty, String.t()}

The options for the monitor are:

  • :signal_check_interval - the number of milliseconds to wait before asking the modem for the signal quality (default 5 seconds)
  • :ifname - the interface name the mobile connection is using
  • :tty - the tty name that is used to send AT commands


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

@spec start_link([opt()]) :: GenServer.on_start()