View Source Vtc.Ecto.Postgres.PgFramestamp (vtc v0.17.5)

Defines a composite type for storing rational values as a PgRational real-world playback seconds, PgFramerate pair.

These values are cast to Framestamp structs for use in application code.

The composite types is defined as follows:

CREATE TYPE framestamp AS (
  __seconds_n bigint,
  __seconds_d bigint,
  __rate_n bigint,
  __rate_d bigint,
  __rate_tags framerate_tags[]

Field Access

framestamp's inner fields are considered semi-private to end-users. For working with the seconds / rate values, see create_func_seconds/0, create_func_rate/0, which create Postgres functions to act as getter functions for working with inner framestamp data.

SELECT (18018, 5, 24000, 1001, '{non_drop}')::framestamp


Field migrations

You can create framerate fields during a migration like so:

alias Vtc.Framestamp

create table("events") do
  add(:in, Framestamp.type())
  add(:out, Framestamp.type())

Framestamp re-exports the Ecto.Type implementation of this module, and can be used any place this module would be used.


Schema fields

Then in your schema module:

defmodule MyApp.Event do
@moduledoc false
use Ecto.Schema

alias Vtc.Framestamp

@type t() :: %__MODULE__{
        in: Framestamp.t(),
        out: Framestamp.t()

schema "events" do
  field(:in, Framestamp)
  field(:out, Framestamp)



With the above setup, changesets should just work:

def changeset(schema, attrs) do
  |> Changeset.cast(attrs, [:in, :out])
  |> Changeset.validate_required([:in, :out])

Framerate values can be cast from the following values in changesets:

  • Framestamp structs.

  • Maps with the following format:

      "smpte_timecode": "01:00:00:00",
      "rate": {
        "playback": [24000, 1001],
        "ntsc": "non_drop"

    Where smpte_timecode is properly formatted SMPTE timecode string and playback is a map value supported by PgFramerate changeset casts.



Framestamp values must be explicitly cast using type/2:

framestamp = Framestamp.with_frames!("01:00:00:00", Rates.f23_98())
query = Query.from(f in fragment("SELECT ? as r", type(^framestamp, Framestamp)), select: f.r)

Link to this section Summary


Type of the raw composite value that will be sent to / received from the database.

Ecto Migrations

The database type for PgFramestamp.


The database type for PgFramerate.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Type.embed_as/1.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Type.equal?/2.

Link to this section Types

@type db_record() ::
  {non_neg_integer(), pos_integer(), non_neg_integer(), pos_integer(),

Type of the raw composite value that will be sent to / received from the database.

Link to this section Ecto Migrations

@spec type() :: atom()

The database type for PgFramestamp.

Can be used in migrations as the fields type.

Link to this section Changeset Validations

Link to this function

validate_constraints(changeset, field, opts \\ [])

View Source
@spec validate_constraints(Ecto.Changeset.t(data), atom(), [
]) :: Ecto.Changeset.t(data)
when data: any()

Adds all constraints created by PgFramestamp.Migrations.create_constraints/3 to changeset.



  • changeset: The changeset being validated.

  • field: The field who's constraints are being checked.



Pass the same options that were passed to PgFramestamp.Migrations.create_constraints/3

Link to this section Functions

@spec cast(
  | %{required(String.t()) => any()}
  | %{required(atom()) => any()}
) ::
  {:ok, Vtc.Framerate.t()} | :error

The database type for PgFramerate.

Can be used in migrations as the fields type.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Type.embed_as/1.

Callback implementation for Ecto.Type.equal?/2.