View Source Vtc.SMPTETimecode.Sections (vtc v0.17.5)

Holds the individual sections of a SMPTE timecode for formatting / manipulation.


Struct Fields

  • negative: Whether the timecode is less than 0.
  • hours: Hours place value.
  • minutes: Minutes place value. This is not the total minutes, but the minutes added to hours to get a final time.
  • seconds: Seconds place value. As minutes, remainder value rather than total value.
  • frames: Frames place value. As seconds, remainder value rather than total value.

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Struct type.

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %Vtc.SMPTETimecode.Sections{
  frames: integer(),
  hours: integer(),
  minutes: integer(),
  negative?: boolean(),
  seconds: integer()

Struct type.