View Source The Rational Rationale

Vtc uses rational (fraction) values to represent both timecode and framerate. Why? Rational values are not oft used in computer science, and less efficient than finding a way to represent your value as either a float or an integer scalar.

Video media programs have employed a variety of strategies to numerically representing framerate and timecode -- that is to say frame identifiers -- with varying success.

In this document, we will lay out some of the historical approaches, and then examine the reasoning behind Vtc's solution.



First, a brief distillation of Vtc's goals:

  • Lossless casting in and out of timecode strings
  • No rounding errors when adding or subtracting, or multiplying timecode values
  • Math and comparisons must be frame-accurate in mixed rate contexts
  • Comparisons between timecodes should be based on the real-world time a frame was recorded assuming jam-sync.


NTSC and Digital Computing

23.98 NTSC timecode is specified as running at 24000/1001 frames per second, with timecode calculated AS IF it were running at 24fps.

24000/1001 has the unfortunate property of being an irrational number. It's digits ride off into the sunset, never terminating:

iex> 24_000 / 1001

This unfortunate mathematical reality has a number of unfortunate knock-on effects when attempting to model frame-accurate timecode calculations.


But wait...

If you look up the NTSC spec, you may notice that it ACTUALLY defines 23.98 NTSC with floats: 24000.0/1001.0. So what gives? Why do we need more accuracy than the way video equipment represents its frame identifiers internally?

When a camera or single-rate video editor is is producing frame timecodes, it is doing so from a frame number. Because those frame numbers are being generated sequentially, and ALWAYS in the context of a uniform frame rate, we can essentially ignore the small amount of real-world jitter that a video stream contains, and there will never be enough precision loss that rounding to the nearest frame will be wrong.

But when trying to do theoretical calculation between in-and-out points, like when manipulating and EDL that dense data becomes sparse data, and we need to make sure we are doing our math in a way that does not lose a frame to precision issues, that can't misplace a frame when doing math between frames as points.


Historical Approaches

Let's review how programs have historically attempted to grapple with timecode, and how they fail to meet the requirements above.

Frame integer: One common approach to tacking timecode is to represent it as a frame number with 0 standing for 00:00:00:00 and 24 standing for 00:00:01:00 (at 23.98).

The problem with this approach is that in mixed-rate scenarios, these values cannot be easily sorted by the real-world time that the frame was captured, and therefore are not suited to tasks like syncing multicams, or audio where cameras were recording at multiple framerates. For instance, 00:00:00:23 @ 23.98 and 00:00:00:46 @ 47.95 both represent the same real-world time, but would be represented as 23 and 46 respectively.

Seconds float: Another common technique is to do all arithmetic in floating point, and represent the timecode as a seconds value. So 00:00:02:00 would be represented as 48.0 frames / (24000.0/1001.0) fps = 2.002 seconds. Most cameras calculate a their Timecode values this way, and the official NTSC specification uses floats to define 24000.0/1001.0 as the 23.98 NTSC framerate.

This works great when you are calculating each timecode frame-by-frame. You take each frame number and after 23.976023976023978 seconds, you record the frame buffer and generate a new Timecode for that frame's index. No frames are skipped. Likewise, when casting in and out of timecode strings, there isn't enough precision loss for errors to occur.

But when you start adding timecodes together... errors can happen. Let's take a timecode of 00:00:00:23. If we convert it to seconds, we get:

iex> seconds = 23 / (24_000 / 1001)

Now let's say we have five events that we want to get the total length of, each is 23 seconds long. At the end we cast back to frames so we can construct the timecode:

iex> (seconds + seconds + seconds + seconds + seconds) * (24_000.0 / 1001.0)

We are just a little bit off. For this particular calculation, rounding gets us back to the correct answer, but over the course of thousands of operations, say for summing the duration of all events in an EDL, it adds up. We cannot cast back to frames to make this correction after every operation in mixed frame contexts either.

Floats can also cause comparison errors in mixed framerate contexts. Let's imagine we have one camera on set recording at 119.88 NTSC, and one camera recording at 23.98 NTSC.

For both cameras, 23:13:13:00 should equal the same real-world time. But if we convert the timecode stamps to real-world seconds as a float by calculating the frame number and dividing by the frame rate:

iex> # 23.98 NTSC
iex> 2_006_232 / (24_000 / 1001)
iex> # 23.98 NTSC
iex> 10_031_160 / (120_000 / 1001)

Although these values SHOULD be equivalent, they are not. For applications that require frame-accurate timecode comparisons, this approach will not work, something video editors have historically struggled with. Avid, for instance, disallowed mixed-rate timelines for years, forcing users to transcode their media to a uniform rate before they could edit it together.

Quantized time

Some programs attempt to define a minimum discreet time unit, such as a millisecond, nanosecond, etc, and capture timecode as a scalar value of that unit. Premiere, for instance, represents timecode as a "tick", which it defines as a 254_016_000_000th of a second. Video clip in, out, and duration values are all converted to a tick integer value.

This approach can cause rounding issues when generating EDLs, FCP7 XMLs, AAFs and others. Although in recent times the program has gotten much better, Premiere originally had a number of off-by-one errors when it first started supporting professional video workflows via interchange formats, ESPECIALLY when the framerate of the media did not match the framerate of the edit sequence.

Again, 1 frame in 23.98 is equal to 0.04170833333333333 seconds. The digits value is not easily representable as a discreet time value, and choosing an arbitrary quanta for time means that the true frame time of a video clip of an arbitrary framerate may not always neatly line up with the boundaries of your unit, causing gradual drift when you start doing math.


On Efficiency

Lastly, it is important to note that Vtc does NOT strive to be as efficient as possible. Timecode manipulation -- when needed -- is not an operation that most programs needs to be done on the scale of millions of times per second, and will certainly not account for the majority of calculations that a program will be doing at any given step.

Therefore, we believe that the loss in efficiency is worth the gain in accuracy and ease of use that Rational values provide. However, it is good to keep in mind that each time a rational value is produces the operation will involve multiple sub-operations. In the case of addition: three multiplication, then recursive division to simplify the fraction.



Vtc chose rational representation of timecode as a frame-accurate way to deal with timecode values in mixed rate contexts. In short, we PUT OFF the step of casting to a discreet value like a float, tick, millisecond, etc until AFTER we are done making calculations, conserving -- as accurately as possible -- a true, frame-accurate time.