API Reference vtc v0.17.5




Global, top level utilities for Vtc.

Top-level migrations for creating all Vtc ecto types.

Defines a composite type for storing rational values as a PgRational + list of tags. These values are cast to Framerate structs for use in application code.

Migrations for adding framerate types, functions and constraints to a Postgres database.

Defines a composite type for storing rational values as a PgRational real-world playback seconds, PgFramerate pair.

Framestamp_fastrange use floats for faster comparison operations and are defined as follows

Migrations for adding framestamp types, functions and constraints to a Postgres database.

Defines a custom Range type for dealing with Framestamp ranges.

Migrations for adding framestamp range types, functions and constraints to a Postgres database.

Defines a composite type for storing rational values as dual int64s. These values are cast to %Ratio{} structs for use in application code, provided by the Ratio library.

Migrations for adding rational types, casts, functions and constraints to a Postgres database.

Functions and types for working with physical film data.

The rate at which a video file frames are played back, measured in frames-per-second (24/1 = 24 frames-per-second). For more on framerate and why Vtc chooses to represent it as a rational number, see NTSC: Framerate vs timebase and The Rational Rationale

Exception returned when a function expects a valid SMPTE framerate.

Exception returned when a framerate cannot be parsed.

Identifies a particular frame in a media stream.

Exception returned when mixed-rate arithmetic was attempted without specifying which side of the operation's rate should be inherited.

Exception returned when there is an error parsing a Timecode value.

Holds a framestamp range.

Exception returned when mixed-out-type arithmetic was attempted without specifying which side of the operation's out type should be inherited.

Pre-defined framerates commonly found in the wild.

Holds the individual sections of a SMPTE timecode for formatting / manipulation.

Protocol which types can implement to be passed as the main value of Framestamp.with_frames/2.

Holds Feet+Frames information.

Implementation of Frames for timecode string. See Vtc.Framestamp.smpte_timecode/2 for more information on this format.

Protocol which types can implement to be passed as the main value of Framestamp.with_seconds/3.

Implements Seconds protocol for Premiere ticks. See Vtc.Framestamp.premiere_ticks/2 for more information on this unit.

Implementation of Seconds for runtime strings. See Vtc.Framestamp.runtime/2 for more information on this format.

StreamData generators for use in tests that involve custom Ecto types. For use in property tests.